In Memoriam (Racing People)

That’s awful, at such a young age as well. Do we know the cause? It doesn’t say on the article I’ve read.

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I think I read the family are asking the media to respect their privacy at this time.
Absolutely shell shocked to read this. I knew him quite well from the pointing world. In fact I first met him way before he even started riding when I used to buy hay from him. A really lovely guy who couldn't do enough for you and hugely popular too. He will be massively missed (and I really don't use that term lightly) in the West Country and my thoughts are very much with his family.
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In a statement, Devon & Cornwall Police reported: "Police were notified at around 10.30pm yesterday [Monday] to reports of a concern of welfare for a man at a property in Rose Ash, South Molton. A man in his 40s was discovered deceased at the scene.
That's terrible news. He always seemed to be a nice unassuming guy, and as a trainer he definitely punched above his weight. 40 is no age, and his family must be distraught.
A terrible tragedy. I felt physically sick when I read this news today. Such a young man with his whole life ahead. God console his family at this time.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.

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What awful news, can't get the picture of him on TV after Beer Goggles' win out of my head - it's just tragic to think he has gone.

Thoughts with all his family and friends, they must be absolutely devastated.
Am in tears reading this; years ago he was interviewed about Dato Star; can't remember the question but the answer was 'because I love him'. Have adored the man ever since.
RIP Malcolm

I've never met him but he always seemed like a real gentleman who really cared about his horses.

Thoughts with his family and friends.