Independence Votes

His real name is Seamus Guevara Lynch with a strong Irish background. And in case you haven't noticed, we do like a good revolutionary. One man's assassin is another's freedom fighter.
The French have confirmed that they will not recognise an independent Catalonia, and that the act of secession would see them excluded from the EU.
It's got nowhere to go in the short/ medium term as a declaration, but to some extent the seed has been further planted by the way the Spanish authorities mishandled the whole thing

Ironically, one of the bigger losers might yet be Scotland, as it throws the Spanish government a bit of a curve ball as regards any further application they might or might not make in the future. How does it play out in Barcelona if the Spanish recognise Scotland but not Catalunya? Nothing to gain and anything to lose. If I were the Spanish government I'd be inclined to veto Scotland for fear of spreading any independent movement, and quite probably ask Italy for their support and bring what pressure I could on Portugal too
I'm not convinced the Spain-veto-over-EU card would necessarily be played, if Scotland was already a wholly-independent State, but can see that it's a risk.
Scotland will never be in the EU

spain will not allow it for sure

about Cataluña
things going well
tomorrow they are declaring the independence
all big comings are now out
and the chief of the coup detat will be in prision very soon
The catalonian script working
they declared an Independent Republic, it was a country that worked very well in their short history (3 hours)

Spanish prime minister applied the constitition and they have lost the autonomy
the former authorities that made the coup detat will be in prision this Friday and will last there more than 20 years

the independentist have made a great work, more than 2000 companies have left the zone (including all the big ones and banks) and they have destroyed the economy there for a generation
Almost all the principals of the coup detat already in prison since today.

Great to see these clawns Will stay 30 years in jail.
As I understand it the Constitution of Spain prevents it being broken up. The way for Catalan independence and a referendum therefore is to campaign for the amendment of the Constitution to allow a referendum to take place not to hold a referendum in breach of a ruling from the Supreme Court . What the Catalan Parliament did was in fact anti-democratic and ignored the rule of law .

The Catalonian independence parties took a high risk strategy and have lost big time . Whether the criminal charges are wise or oppressive is another matter altogether. I can see charging them for wasting public money in arranging and paying for an illegal referendum but the other charges appear somewhat over the top.
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Shocking scenes for democracy in Spain. They should be ashamed.

Spain proving democracy working

Delincuents going to jail, we are not allowed to make coup detats

A pity they have destroyed Cataluña, but thats what nationalism and left do to the countries
The Catalonian independence parties took a high risk strategy and have lost big time . Whether the criminal charges are wise or oppressive is another matter altogether. I can see charging them for wasting public money in arranging and paying for an illegal referendum but the other charges appear somewhat over the top.

30 years in jail is not enough for these people for what they have done
Saddens me deeply to see that freedom of speech in Spain is coming under increasing attack by the government. Under the guise of an anti terror law, article 578 they are broadening the scope of people they prosecute and /or throw in jail.

In depth article in the Guardian highlights the increased fervor with which the government is pursuing such cases. Not quite sure I consider that democracy working.

Reminds me of Pussy Riot in the Gulag state who were given 3 year jail terms because they ridiculed the orthodox church and the don of the vory v zakone himself Putin. I'm surprised they are still alive.
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We have had too much patience with this band of criminals and the stupid people voting them

thank god I dont have a company or properties there

Happy to see them going to stay in jail for 30 years, and that will not be enough for them to pay for what they have done
And today
the leader of the band caught in Germany by the german police

Looking forward to see him in Spain very soon, he will be very wellcome, we have a great place for his long holidays...
We have had too much patience with this band of criminals and the stupid people voting them

thank god I dont have a company or properties there

Happy to see them going to stay in jail for 30 years, and that will not be enough for them to pay for what they have done

This is guaranteed to come back and bite you in the arse. You can't get away long term with jailing elected leaders for their political beliefs.
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This is guaranteed to come back and bite you in the arse. You can't get away long term with jailing elected leaders for their political beliefs.

Franco managed it for 36 years. I believe sunybay has previously stated his admiration for this period. Which probably explains a lot.
This is guaranteed to come back and bite you in the arse. You can't get away long term with jailing elected leaders for their political beliefs.

they will be in jail 30 years, but not because of their political beliefs,
Franco managed it for 36 years. I believe sunybay has previously stated his admiration for this period. Which probably explains a lot.

I dont mind what you believe, you dont have a f* idea of what happens or happened here.
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And today
the leader of the band caught in Germany by the german police

Looking forward to see him in Spain very soon, he will be very wellcome, we have a great place for his long holidays...

You might be looking forward to nothing.
Sedition that which he is accused of is not a crime in Germany. Been out of the criminal statutes since the early 70's
High treason is still on the books but that is a big hurdle to cross as it must prove use of force.
Public sentiment while not relevant is heavily against extradition.

Thankfully the German justice system is one of the fairest and least politicized in the western world.
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You might be looking forward to nothing.
Sedition that which he is accused of is not a crime in Germany. Been out of the criminal statutes since the early 70's
High treason is still on the books but that is a big hurdle to cross as it must prove use of force.
Public sentiment while not relevant is heavily against extradition.

Thankfully the German justice system is one of the fairest and least politicized in the western world.

Embezzlement of public funds will be though I imagine.
True. But the punishment if proven for embezzlement is of a rather different quality than the 30 years Suny prays for every night.

The case has now been referred to the highest court in the state he was arrested in.
The judge reviewing the case in her statement to the media declared that the arrest warrant offers points of content which after close scrutiny of the judicial subjects could lead to the conclusion that extradition is inadmissable.
Pretty sure that is not what Madrid wanted to hear.