Independence Votes

Democracy is only as good as the laws that accompany it and are actually adhered to.
In this case justice according to German law was served.
Suny's wet dream of Puigdemont's 30 year vacation turns into a premature shower.

You can be sure he will be here in less than 2 months for his lonnnnnng holidays.

Not very popular in this age of fake news and disinformation but it's actually better to know and understand something of the subject matter before making uninformed predictions. :ninja:
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The Puigdemont case demonstrates two things; Members states can provide a welcome check-and-balance, against some of the more authoritarian inclinations of another member-state, and that national (in this case German) law, has primacy over wider EU political considerations.

The core of the Brexit lie is that we will "take back control" over our laws, when this is something that we already control - as the above case demonstrates.
Even if he were extradited, which most likely won't happen as he will be free to leave sometime today, he can only be tried for misappropriation of public funds. Something members of the Rajoy party PP have a lot of experience with as defendants.

Just on the news now that the Spanish government is not happy with the decision accusing the German justice system of interfering in Spanish affairs. This position alone shows that Spain as a young democracy is still far from a mature democracy.

I remain very optimistic though as the majority of Spaniards do not support the current government.
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Even if he were extradited, which most likely won't happen as he will be free to leave sometime today, he can only be tried for misappropriation of public funds. Something members of the Rajoy party PP have a lot of experience with as defendants.

Just on the news now that the Spanish government is not happy with the decision accusing the German justice system of interfering in Spanish affairs. This position alone shows that Spain as a young democracy is still far from a mature democracy.

I remain very optimistic though as the majority of Spaniards do not support the current government.

You dont have a f** idea of what happens here

you should be the typical hippie who has had a catalan boyfriend to smoke cannabis

German judge decision is a blow for UE, common sense and a disgrace for Germany

The only wish I have now is that Baviera knows what they should do to f** a racist country like Germany
German judge decision is a blow for UE, common sense and a disgrace for Germany

It's nothing of the sort.

It's the proper application of national law, by an EU Member State. You may not agree with the decision, but it's in accordance with their laws, and it's therefore neither a blow to the UE, nor a "disgrace".

An attitude which hopes that Spain can find a way to "fu*ck a racist country like Germany" - just because you don't like this particular verdict - deals much more of a blow to the EU, than the verdict itself does.

I am not close enough to pass judgement on things, but from afar, there does seem to be a degree of 'political vendetta' about how these people are being pursued. In my view, it's more pragmatic to acknowledge the verdict, accept the fact that they become political non-entities (in real terms), and move on. Blaming the Germans, betrays a lack of perspective, imo.
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You dont have a f** idea of what happens here

you should be the typical hippie who has had a catalan boyfriend to smoke cannabis

German judge decision is a blow for UE, common sense and a disgrace for Germany

The only wish I have now is that Baviera knows what they should do to f** a racist country like Germany

Wow this is getting personal now.

You do realize that Franco has been dead now for more than 40 years. Nothing Rajoy, Larena and all their cronies can do to influence the German process in any way, thank god (if he existed), or as you so eloquently and rationally stated "fcuk a racist country like Germany". My word it does show the shallowness of your arguments. Maybe they can enact some sanctions. :lol:

I'm not going to get into a tit for tat dialogue with someone who is seriously lacking in facts and context in this matter.
Like trying to convince the pope to become an atheist, a complete waste of my time.

Next time I'm in Spain I'll have a good laugh with all my friends and acquaintances. We live life and we all celebrate Nov. 20 in the spirit it deserves. :<3:
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About Francos spirit

what you have is the sense of superiority of Hitlers era

About the spirit of 20N, it is same Castro had when took power in Cuba
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You need to have somebody check your medication schedule. You are going completely off the rails now.
A young lady I work with from Northern Spain argued over coffee today that one day Mr Carles Puigdemont would stand on a plinth along with the gentlemen below. I disagreed profusely, obvioulsy.

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Who would have thought it. Rajoy ousted and Puigdemont still on free footing.
The endemic corruption within the PP comes home to roost, maybe now there can be a more civil discussion about the Catalonian issue.