Influx of Spas on the forum

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlimChance
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Yes and a **** on here will always be called a ****. Try that on Twitter, oh the outrage.
Get a grip if I call someone a Muppet does it mean I am insulting Kermit the Frog or am I just taking arise out of the person I am talking to?

You'd have to be either a self righteous prick or very touchy to be offended by that. Any sensible person would not make an issue out it unless they thought Slim was being directly offensive to some such person who is disabled.

You're the one who's being a tad childish 'relax ffs and enjoy the show
While I assumed the original title was a typo [for 'spam'] I'd have to say the term referred to is offensive if deliberate. It isn't like calling anyone a muppet. It's like calling someone a n*g**r. It would only be acceptable if used by a disabled person towards another one in the same way that black use the 'n' word jokingly towards each other. [Which I don't agree with, by the way.]

I was once pulled up by a student because the textbook I used contained a cartoon with the word 'cretin' (in French). He was a social worker and apparently cretinism is a specific physical disability.

I really don't like any name-calling on forums. It isn't necessary.
While I assumed the original title was a typo [for 'spam'] I'd have to say the term referred to is offensive if deliberate. It isn't like calling anyone a muppet. It's like calling someone a n*g**r. It would only be acceptable if used by a disabled person towards another one in the same way that black use the 'n' word jokingly towards each other. [Which I don't agree with, by the way.]

I was once pulled up by a student because the textbook I used contained a cartoon with the word 'cretin' (in French). He was a social worker and apparently cretinism is a specific physical disability.

I really don't like any name-calling on forums. It isn't necessary.

I agree with you in principal.
While I assumed the original title was a typo [for 'spam'] I'd have to say the term referred to is offensive if deliberate. It isn't like calling anyone a muppet. It's like calling someone a n*g**r. It would only be acceptable if used by a disabled person towards another one in the same way that black use the 'n' word jokingly towards each other. [Which I don't agree with, by the way.]

I was once pulled up by a student because the textbook I used contained a cartoon with the word 'cretin' (in French). He was a social worker and apparently cretinism is a specific physical disability.

I really don't like any name-calling on forums. It isn't necessary.

A nagger?.... Someone who nags?
I took it as Spa's. as in sparring/fighting

If anyone had told me when I started the free forum we would still be here 13 years later I would have laughed.
If anyone had had told me I would be paying for forum software, paying for hosting I would have thought you were mad.

Considering the competition out there now (mainly facebook/twitter) it is surprising we are still as busy as we are, in fact we are busier now than we have been for some years.

Plenty of other forums have fell by the wayside, especially over the past 5 years or so, and others have died a death (not just racing forums).

Hows Atacanta doing now, I've never been on there for years?
I took it as Spa's. as in sparring/fighting

If anyone had told me when I started the free forum we would still be here 13 years later I would have laughed.
If anyone had had told me I would be paying for forum software, paying for hosting I would have thought you were mad.

Considering the competition out there now (mainly facebook/twitter) it is surprising we are still as busy as we are, in fact we are busier now than we have been for some years.

Plenty of other forums have fell by the wayside, especially over the past 5 years or so, and others have died a death (not just racing forums).

Hows Atacanta doing now, I've never been on there for years?

Atacanta was a retirement home for yes men who thought they were better than the people on here. They setup their own forum and soon realised they had nothing to say yes to. This place is different, it has an edge about it. If you post something it's fair game that you'll be called out in it.
I don't know what has and has not been said here, but agree the 'S' term linked to disabled people is offensive. I had to get someone in a university setting given a talk to for using the term, even though strictly speaking they used the term to try and alude to the discrimination disabled people face. They were still wrong.

To illustrate the point albeit quite crudely, if you wanted to make a point about discrimination against Pakistani people you wouldn't start off by saying don't address them as 'p**i's etc'.

Anyway, as I say, I don't know whats going on here. The internet is increasingly a dangerous place. I know that. Narcisism will one day be a world epidemic.
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Influx of wankers would be more precise....Spa over here is more colloquial term for twat, tosser, knobhead in the UK. Political correctness is gone a little mad for my money . Del Boy is a c@nt and I can call him that openly, he actually turns his head and responds most times now but I cannot call him a black, yellow, ginger, fat, skinny, short, tall etc c@nt because that might not be politically correct....
Of course it has, but in many peoples pursuit to smash politcal correctness some often are overstepping the mark. Orchestrating ones remarks to have a politcal tone when really they are just slander is a form of political correctness anyway if you ask me, or a form of political/social engineering (if that what is intended), which it often does these days.

And hence to use terms like the 'S' term just to make a political point is weird at best and totally disingenuine at worst. If I want to make a political point or have a view on politics I join a political party, or say my piece outright, like most people with a sense of purpose, not snide from the sidelines and pretend I could have been prime minister cos' I know a bit about political correctness, which is how some people go on these days.
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I was somewhat surprised to see the title but On The Bridle post "Spa over here is more colloquial term for twat, tosser, knobhead in the UK" explains things. The term was widely used here in the second half of the 60's and would be generally considered unacceptable nowadays.
Influx of wankerswould be more precise....Spa over here is more colloquial term for twat, tosser, knobhead in the UK. Political correctness is gone a little mad for my money . Del Boy is a c@nt and I can call him that openly, he actually turns his head and responds most times now but I cannot call him a black, yellow, ginger, fat, skinny, short, tall etc c@nt because that might not be politically correct....

Glad someone used the plural...
What is the correct term for a group of Wankers , a school, or a gaggle, what about a 'plethora of wankers' !
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Given there's only two weeks to the Festival, Final Furlong is dead as a dodo. I think Ted may be close to chucking it in from various posts he has made in the last twelve months. I have tried to kickstart discussions on various races at the Festival and no one has offered any response.

Neigh, apart from the odd thread here and there, seems to be mostly about competitions, although two or three of the old faces have reappeared lately.

Atacanta seems to be mostly about retirements and departures.

I hasten to add I still contribute to all three forums but it's getting harder to find any worthwhile debates.

I also think TRF is not the forum it was, maybe it's me :ninja:

A lot of forumites on here are also members on the sites above and others but seem to reserve their best postings for here which in turn will both generate newbies but also make it the main port of call for regular surfers of racing forums , I know it does for me.
I've been a member on here for about 7 years,I don't post as much during the flat as I don't knw/care as much about it.mainly keep it for pre Cheltenham and the rugby section on other sports however this is the first site I visit when I stick the computer,well now ipad on and that can be 15 times a day.Places like The Betfair forum is full of egos which need to be massaged while other forums are like a ghost towns compared to here.Ten years ago this was the first forum I stumbled upon and have never really needed to look elsewhere.I don't pretend to know a percentage of some on here but in the main 90% are good eggs.Probably the friendliest/knowledgable/banterish(is that a word) but if you're a fool you won't get suffered gladly.Long may it continue.
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What is the correct term for a group of Wankers

According to Eric Partridge's 'A Dictionary of Slang' (First Edition 1937) the colloquial term is Fistful of Wankers, but in polite society the terms Assemblage of Onanists or Murmuring of Masturbators are preferred

Our local Conclave of Murmerers meets in the undercroft (beneath the choir stalls) of St Benedict's Catholic Church on the first Monday of every month at 0300 hrs sharp, so do please cum along it would be nice to see a new member. The March meeting is always well attended as it's when we plan our Easter trip to The Vatican

Sorry, I'm a Spas who likes Spam, or should that be a Scope who likes Ham:confused:

Seriously, this seems a refreshingly vibrant racing message-board and I'm enjoying the banter.
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Influx of wankers would be more precise....Spa over here is more colloquial term for twat, tosser, knobhead in the UK. Political correctness is gone a little mad for my money . Del Boy is a c@nt and I can call him that openly, he actually turns his head and responds most times now but I cannot call him a skinny c@nt because that might not be politically correct and it is also demonstratedly untrue...