Irish Hennessy Gold Cup

Humility when wrong is great. measure of the person, some would say.

The ground didnt affect The Listener as much as the others.

Well done Sunybay, and well done the Alners.
Much better effort from The Listener today and all credit to him doing it on better ground- the significantly increased gap between him and Beefy suggests that the beat Denman for speed tactics of the Lexus were not in his favour .

A pretty desperate day for Irish staying chasing though.
these are the type of races that BOS used to get the highest chasing RPR of the season in...did make me laugh... when you see how they are run.

pleased for the connections anyway
Beef or Salmon beat this years winner in last years race. After seeming to have given him too much rope.
is that connected to today's race though?

races like this bear no relation to true championship races

I'm happy with the run i got by the if your humility crack was aimed at was way off beam
Originally posted by Garney@Feb 10 2008, 04:16 PM
I dont see how today changes anything about the state of Irish racing. Doesnt make sense.
Well Snowy Morning appeared to be the only unexposed staying chaser and now looks seriously exposed .
Snowy Morning is 40/1 for the Gold Cup, but it 33/1 bar the Denman, kauto Star, exotic dancer and the Irish trained Kicking King. Think there is two superstar staying chasers in England, with Exotic Dancer being capable of bustling them up at his best.

Colin, Snowy Morning made a bad mistake 3 out, which knocked him out of the race for me. Surprised that he was back threatening for second before the last. Good run from him I thought. But no Gold cup horse. Mister Top Notch is the horse is the one that caught my eye. travelled well, and missed work on the run up to the race. Type to run into a place in an ordinary gold cup, but this is no ordinary gold cup.
"................Snowy Morning made a bad mistake 3 out, which knocked him out of the race for me........"

I'll accept that, Garney, but he was far enough back at the time and to me Ruby didn't seem to be making a great effort to close. I thought it a very strange ride, has Snowy Morning shown a blistering turn of foot before?
EC is right about this race

Florida Pearl
Dorans Pride
Rule Supreme
Imperial Call
Rule Supreme
Beef Or Salmon
The Listener

all of them are 140 to 150 horses.............
About today
The Listener is a little bit better with more give.

Snowy Morning was well ridden, if asked for more he would have ended on the floor.

Turko looks improving this year.

Beef Or Salmon, retirement beckons, what agreat horse he has been over the years.
"Snowy Morning was well ridden, if asked for more he would have ended on the floor."

So, suny, you think the instructions might have been, give him a nice school round and if he is still on his feet with two to go start riding him!? :D
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Feb 10 2008, 06:47 PM
"Snowy Morning was well ridden, if asked for more he would have ended on the floor."

So, suny, you think the instructions might have been, give him a nice school round and if he is still on his feet with two to go start riding him!? :D
Originally posted by LUKE@Feb 9 2008, 12:24 AM
.For me the worst case scenario on Sunday is The Listener getting an uncontested lead.
Which he did - but would it have made any difference? I doubt it
Does he always jump so much to the right? - I don't remember seeing that before

Well done to the Alners, great for Sally and their Head Lad keeping things going,
and a great boost for Alner himself I would think
EC is right about this race

Florida Pearl
Dorans Pride
Rule Supreme
Imperial Call
Rule Supreme
Beef Or Salmon
The Listener

all of them are 140 to 150 horses.............

mmm...there seems to be a few sarcastic comments headed my way on this thread...even though i only post about 3 times a week it don't take long for the smart comments to fly out...the problem is that both people making them here are showing themselves up...not me.

lets get one thing straight...cheltenham trials held in Ireland...are NOT championship races

these races attract horses with high ratings...that aren't really aimed at winning these races...then one of these high rated placed horses is used to rate the winner to a ridiculously high rating...which happenmed a few years ago with BOS

after that horse displayed what a plodder he was in the GC that year...a few people on forums were quoting his RPR in the lexus as the best RPR of the season..proclaiming him champion of the season...then i get ridiculed on threads like this for suggesting that these high rated chasers don't really try too hard in these races.

who are the mugs here?

well you are displaying signs of being one of them Suny...with a silly response like the above...thought you might know better

I never said these races didn't involve high rated horses...they just aren't really bothered about winning egg and spooners with Cheltenham on the horizon.

keep the sarcy comments make sure you know what you are on about though...or you may be the one the joke is on.

keep em coming anyway...i love folk making fools of themselves when they have exactly the opposite intent
EC1, I'm not trying to knock what you are saying in terms of the quality of the race being not always top class, but to call today's an "egg and spoon race" with the prize money on offer is a little perverse surely? Anyone would want to win a prize like that :eek:

I wasn't meaning you

I've got someone suggesting i can't lose with dignity (Garney) was that all about?...and Suny suggesting i'm some sort clueless newby that don't really understand horses and ratings...when in fact we are talking about strengths of a particular race at a particular point in the season....b.ugger all to do with what ratings half trying horses hold in a race.

I've held the view that these races in Ireland are egg and spoon races for a good while...particularly the rating of BOS as the best chaser of the season a few years ago in the egg and spoon lexus...when he patently wasn't....he just beat horses that were practising for cheltenham....when they were all fit and ready to run to their actual ratings...they buried said "champion".

I don't really care about the prize money of these races...only cheltenham matters to most trainers...which is reflected in the many strange under par performances in these snowy mornings...which i didn't back...i'll just point that out in case someone gets the crazy idea i can't stand losing again.

I have to be careful now...because what usually happens is that i reply to smart ass comments then get accused of causing trouble..when in fact i just defend my view...usually against less than informed or polite responses...seen it all thing i get pm's from moderators then bans.