Turkey has demanded that Assad is toppled before taking on ISIS. As if that is the priority right now. What a two bob crap little state they are
Wasn't that Cameron's position of 12 months ago? He (like Turkey) then proceeded to try and support favoured paramilitaries to achieve it. As ever though, the more vicious and capable fighters were the militants. They beat the moderates and hey presto
I recall saying way back that IS had all the hallmarks of a black op gone wrong (mind you, I also said that Turkey would be used as a flag of convenience to invoke a NATO response outside of any UN obligation)
The wests response should be to work with Assad now if they want to defeat IS and don't want to invade themselves. They don't have any paltable choices left. If Assad falls the only thing thats stopping an advance on Israel is Hezbollah who have so far proven to be the only group on the ground who have checked IS when they alligned with Assad in western and north west Syria
It beggars belief what they're up to really. They don't want to work with Iran, they don't want to work with Syria, so there's your two biggest and most naturally aligned allies dismissed. They seemingly haven't got an leverage with Turkey, so NATO looks diminished. They don't want to reinvade themselves, and this week have pretty well admitted that their own aerobatics displays aren't going to turn the tide. That being so, these gulf states who've joined in are going to have no effect either. So the question really is just who do they think is going to throw IS back? They've made no attempt to reach out to the military capable countries of the world and say let's get on top of this. Indeed, the last 3-4 months of international relations has been soured
I'd say IS are sitting reasonably pretty at the moment, to consolidate and push again, which seems to be their MO. What we don't know of course is how many sleepers they've been able to immerse in somewhere like Baghdad capable of coming onto the streets from a Trojan horse