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ISIS...Islamic State Victims

On the first post. Again why has aq become becalmed? Well before isis

if saddam was still in power there would ve no isis. Or kurds. If not restrained the whole region would have gone. That was his aim

The point about south africa is neither left or right. Its a general one and valid. I would also not be too keen to stick opinions on thatcher that were not recorded anywhere that I can recall
"if saddam was still in power there would ve no isis. Or kurds. If not restrained the whole region would have gone. That was his aim"

No it wouldn't. That's just a hopeless piece of Blair apology blindly parroting one of his lines, and shame on you for falling for it. Saddam's primary objective was the defence his opulent lifestyle of luxury and ensure his dynasty - which I don't doubt would have been crueller than him. Saddam was quite prepared to act violently against anything that threatened this, and that includes radical islam. He was, lets not forget, the first country to attack the Islamic revolution in Iran. he knew it wasa threat to him.

"I would also not be too keen to stick opinions on thatcher that were not recorded anywhere that I can recall"

Sorry - i hadn't realised that your personal recollection had become the arbitor of whether something was permissible, but she did call Mandela a "terrorist" and its recorded in Hansard somewhere. It was at the same time as the conservative party was selling 'hang Mandela t-shirts' for profit at party conference (William Waldegrave)

20 years later David Cameron apologised for it, earning the rebuke from Bernard Ingham "I sometimes wonder if he's a conservative".
Madela was a terrorist. But Thatcher did oppose apartheid .

Saddam gassed kurds and would have continued doing so
Obviously its the silly season then, and the Pimms has been flowing at the Oval perhaps, alhtough not normally a ground I associate with Pimms

Right .... there is just a chance you might start to get a little bit nearer to understanding some of the dynamics involved soon. I'd be curious on what grounds you have Mandela bracketed as a terrorist, but be careful that variants on this definition can be assigned to all sorts of other 'statesmen' including those who grant tax relief charitable status to those who raise funds etc

Or are you still holding onto this position that funding terrorism is OK, but the committing of the act isn't?
I said WAS a terrorist. He was involved with that wing of the ANC. I don't think he denied any of this himself.

Thatcher's belief was that the dismantling apartheid would be difficult and possily violent. Hardly an unusual view? Maybe they needed a "strongman" to keep the factions under control????

She was wrong
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No I don't think funding terroirism is ok. I never said that. Every state has done it at some stage though but I believe that Qatar shod be hammered for doing so.

And I don't drink at the cricket :)
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OK so you're not going to walk into that one having correctly recognised I had a nice long list of democratic countries, presidents, and prime ministers lined up who have funded a whole list of questionable activities. Also of course you start to enter the realms of one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. The most obvious paralell I see with this is the international brigade volunteers who went to Spain to fight Franco and fascism in the 1930's. What exactly are the British Jihadists doing differently? It's all about picking your side really and from that comes the value judgement. Had German and Italian ambitions been checked in Spain WWII might never have happened. So yes, I do think this is a dangerous and fluid situation, but in the 1930's the UK and to a lesser extent French government's kept out of the fray, relying on funding disorganised and disorientated proxies instead. The nationalists were the lesser in number, but ultimately won.

It's also pleasing to see a little bit of a movement on the issue of funding too. You simply can't blindly keep granting a selective pass out to every state America happens to temporarily be allied with if you hope to strike at this problem. You need to develop some critical faculties, and similarly the western world needs to look beyond the interests of some its corporations. Carving off the hydras head in one country is of little value if the likes of Saudi Arabia or Qatar are funding it reappearance elsewhere. Ironically, we are seemingly prepared to make this sacrifice against Russia (who country whose assistance we might well need in X number of years) over a relatively smaller issue like Ukraine. It's a shame we aren't brave enough to stand up to the behmoth of Qatar

I read David Cameron's narrative on the subject today (narrative is all I could call it) with a mixture sadness and despair. All it served to underline is just how impotent the UK is in all this, and that it isn't necessarily learning the lessons of the little old lady who swallowed the fly

I tend to agree with Grasshopper that at some point in the future we are on a collision albeit I think his timescales are wrong. I suspect the organised caliphate will wait until they have many more radicalised sleepers in western Europe. Indeed, this has been the tactics that ISIS has adopted which they then dovetail with a blitzkreig type advance. It basically involves opening two fronts simultaneously

It's reasonably obvious to me that we're going to have to go back in and fight this if we're to put this down. ISIS can hold station as they are the moment, and foreign fighters from Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, the Caucasus will make their way to this new state (that's what it is). With their numbers flushed they'll push again. As they gain ground others will flock to them, and they'll gather up support as they go. Dispossed people with little to lose can start to support extreme solutions and especially those that look successful. Withness the collapse of the Weimar Republic

We either have to sort this ourselves through NATO and Turkey, or we have to do dangerous deals with Assad and the Iranians. In the meantimes we should tell the Qatari royal family to abdicate. I suspect a US threat could achieve if the sixth fleet turned up on their doorstep.

I've just got a dismal feeling about the whole thing.
It would please me no end to see the USA thermal bomb ISIS and melt them into martyrdom. Then we can all discuss with essays the rights and wrongs....Allahu Akbar!!
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Nice to see the latest Beheading of an American journalist was carried out by an ISIS maggot with a South London Accent.

Check it out on Liveleak
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I am all for World peace and more car parking space.

Being as civilised as we are, eventually when the weapons are at our disposal that can obliterate mass human life and not leave everything radiated we'll turn the entire middle east into a car park.

We will then have some semblance of world peace and plenty room to park the new cars we can all buy when we steal their oil.
Nice to see the latest Beheading of an American journalist was carried out by an ISIS maggot with a South London Accent.

Check it out on Liveleak

I hope he is identified quickly and dispatched slowly in great pain

Every Brit Muslim who has gone to fight for isis must be killed.
I hope he is identified quickly and dispatched slowly in great pain

Every Brit Muslim who has gone to fight for isis must be killed.

Hopefully before they bring the fight "home"?

What would happen if the next development is these acting in pairs randomly grabbing people and beheading them in broad daylight in our streets............oh hang on :blink:
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I sense that there will be plenty of security checks preventing them getting home. The key is to kill them somehow before they have the chance to return and maybe despatch quietly if they do get here

Sadly this will reflect on Muslims in general in the uk. The disgusting Luther Rahman case is entirely different but another issue at a different level.
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This poor man dying a horrific death displayed far more bravery at the end than the knife-wielding cowardly murdering scumbag hiding behind a mask ever will.

Where are all the human-rights lawyers and politico's who were bleating about Palestine? How come no protestors outside Qatar embassy? Where are the Muslim clerics who are so quick off the button with condemnations of everything else?
with all the technology they have these days..surely they can use face recognition from even the small amount they have..and if the piece of **** ever tries getting back here they can just take him round the back somewhere and dispatch him

thats not religion..thats just a murderer hiding behind it

i hope each time this happens they step up attacks

i don't understand why you keep wanting people to demonstrate against it..what for?..its not religion...its murder...its like expecting us to go in the streets when Ripper were killing folk..we all know its murder..so not much point doing anything except hope to hell they kill him..and pray he never gets back in this country.
Ec no one us asking for demos but surely you can see that certain sections will always demo against the jews and americans but when its not a grouping they instinctively hate remain resolutely silent
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Ec no one us asking for demos but surely you can see that certain sections will always demo against the jews and americans but remain silent elsewhere

but this is just a small section of murdering scum..we don't demonstrate when we have mass murderers like the ripper roaming the streets...they don't represent our society any more than these represent anything bar a sub human mentality hiding behind false religious believes to fuel their hunger for killing people

its not anyone's fault bar theirs..lets hope they get massacred
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The jihadist is a dead man walking but I would rather he was captured. Extensive information gathering would be the order of the day.
Where are all the human-rights lawyers and politico's who were bleating about Palestine? How come no protestors outside Qatar embassy? Where are the Muslim clerics who are so quick off the button with condemnations of everything else?

But Muslim Imam's in the UK have condemned ISIS (see my earlier post in response to Grassy). I don't think you will find many human rights lawyers who support ISIS either.

Apart from being inaccurate, this thing of trying to turn anything that happens in the Middle East round to a lack of support for Israel (or even implied acceptance of ISIS) and blind opposition to the US is getting a bit tiresome.
Since when did he say that lawyers were supporting isis? Or anything about "lack of support" for Israel?

And accusing of twisting comments when that is inferred...

The point about protests is entirely valid. And never answered