Jockey News

I have never come across so much garbage in one post. You ever spoke like that in front of a jockey or a trainer you'd be laughed at, ignored or told to fckk off out if it. You are clueless mate best stick to what you know like how many grade ones HF won

He is a new-age Peter Niven - get over it.
It is not sanctimony - it is fact.

If Dunne had lost his temper once, it would perhaps be forgivable, but it has been proven that there has been a campaign of bullying and intimidation over many months. As I said, in any other industry, this would result in the perpetrator losing his job.

GH sums up this whole situation perfectly.

The appeal process as highlighted by Lydia Hislop, was a disgrace.
He is a new-age Peter Niven - get over it.
Get over it? you condescending plonker

You're full of shite and as I said clueless. Ayr is on one of the best ever Davy Russell is here...How many rides has he commanded outside of those yards he rides for on a regular basis?....what about Paul Townsend, Nico or any other Southern based jockey you care to mention has come up and a trainer has jocked off their stable jockey to give them the ride? Brian Hughes rides mainly for Donald McCain how many runners did he have at Cheltenham 1 I believe or perhaps 2 no hopers......If Brian Hughes was riding for WPM he'd have won on everything PT did...he didn't because he's a northern based Jockey and one of the best we have seen in a very long time.........get over it
GH sums up this whole situation perfectly.

The appeal process as highlighted by Lydia Hislop, was a disgrace.
And why should Lydia Hislop be regarded as the oracle on anything? Well remember the hatchet job she attempted on Keiran Fallon,which was ultimately laughed out of court.
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Yes, I almost subconsciously note what STD rides as I think he is a quiet job jockey. I think certain trainers like to use him when they've lined one up. I have no strong opinion on his ability as a jockey but it looks to me like those trainers are keen to have him onside when it matters.

Whaaat??? Quiet???? He's the last one in the world to ride quietly! He's utterly appalling. Watch him coming to last couple of fences when in contention. His arms are all the place, he's bouncing all over the place, sending so many confusing messages to his poor rides. He's a really nice guy but he is a terrible jockey. Possibly thought of as better since leaving Nicholls as not under so much pressure and less likely to be noticed.
Whaaat??? Quiet???? He's the last one in the world to ride quietly! He's utterly appalling. Watch him coming to last couple of fences when in contention. His arms are all the place, he's bouncing all over the place, sending so many confusing messages to his poor rides. He's a really nice guy but he is a terrible jockey. Possibly thought of as better since leaving Nicholls as not under so much pressure and less likely to be noticed.

I don't mean quiet in the sense of his riding style. More quiet in the sense that he rides jobs for trainers that don't have the highest profiles. I suppose if he's landing a gamble it isn't really going to matter to the punters how tidy he looks.
I think STD is brilliant to watch and he gives everything in a finish.i just dont believe he confuses a horse.the horse probably thinks if hes trying that hard I'd better try as well.
And I cant believe there are so many against Tom Scu.i love to see him booked for anything I've backed and zSzTD and Bryony.

Too many armchair jockeys on here.
One of my biggest bugbears is they way they crash down on the horses back in a finish...STD one of the worst. It simply cannot be good for the horses. Makes me wonder about all these horses having back issues especially kissing spines, these days.
One of my biggest bugbears is they way they crash down on the horses back in a finish...STD one of the worst. It simply cannot be good for the horses. Makes me wonder about all these horses having back issues especially kissing spines, these days.

I don't get to kiss enough spines these days... :lol:
And why should Lydia Hislop be regarded as the oracle on anything? Well remember the hatchet job she attempted on Keiran Fallon,which was ultimately laughed out of court.

Jack Keene in the Sun came to pretty much the same conclusions as Lydia Hislop if that suits you better.

How anyone could read the matey banter between the chairman of the panel and Dunne's lead counsel and not find it unseemly is beyond me.
If I called a woman a fukcin whore in the work place, in a fit of pique or not, I would deserve the sack. What’s the craic with racing? Welcome to the 21st century.
Jack Keene in the Sun came to pretty much the same conclusions as Lydia Hislop if that suits you better.

How anyone could read the matey banter between the chairman of the panel and Dunne's lead counsel and not find it unseemly is beyond me.

Reading the article by Lydia Hislop my reaction was if that’s actually what went on then it’s nothing short of disgusting behaviour. If her comments have been backed up elsewhere then disgusting is not really strong enough

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It's shocking for me to say but I think Sam Twiston Davies is a miles better jockey than when riding for Nicholls and one of the best in the UK at the moment. Never thought I'd think that.

He's better than Harry Cobden....
Provide me with some context, please Luke.

The context is the workplace is the racecourse where people have died and been paralysed in recent times.
Jason Weaver has often recalled Mick Kinane and Johnny Murtagh going toe to toe in the jockeys room at The Curragh -two trained boxers -that's how much it matters. This isn't unusual in the international context.
Maybe they should wait until the following day and make a formal complaint to the H.R. department but when your neck is on the line it's hard not to be emotional.
He said it to intimidate a woman. It’s very, very doubtful he would have said similar to a bloke, and I’m pretty sure he could have taken up his gripe with the PJA. That language is not excusable in the work place ever. If you say something like that to anyone within any other industry, you should expect the sack.
He said it to intimidate a woman. It’s very, very doubtful he would have said similar to a bloke, and I’m pretty sure he could have taken up his gripe with the PJA. That language is not excusable in the work place ever. If you say something like that to anyone within any other industry, you should expect the sack.

He couldn't have said similar to a bloke because the language was misogynistic. He would probably have thought twice about saying an equivalent - if there is such a thing (do you call a bloke a rent-boy?) to a bloke - because he might have got his teeth knocked out for it.

The Orchid household discussed the Will Smith incident at some length the other day. Mrs O was on his side and said, "I know [from experience, I should add] that you would have put his lights out if he'd said that about me."

It's very depressing that none of the males in the weighing room put his lights out there and then.
I think ye are missing the point. The bullying of Bryony WAS the policing of the weigh room. It's how things were done. It's why Dunne believes he did nothing wrong. It was Bryony who decided that it wasn't the right way of doing things.
The big thing bullies have had going for them for donkey’s years is that their victims have laid down to it all for fear of being ostracised as a cry baby or a tell-tale-tit. Indeed, victims were so ostracised. In the modern world there is, quite properly, understanding and sympathy for the victims instead - except in racing’s weighing room it seems. And, if Lydia Hislop is to be believed, the appeals panel. They are an absolute disgrace.
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The big thing bullies have had going for them for donkey’s years is that their victims have laid down to it all for fear of being ostracised as a cry baby or a tell-tale-tit.

Are you part Scottish, by any chance, Barjon?

I recall as a child chanting:

Yer mammy cannae knit
Yer daddy cannae go tae bed
Wi'oot a dummy tit!

(It seems the weighing room is living in the late 1950s.)