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Are you part Scottish, by any chance, Barjon?

I recall as a child chanting:

Yer mammy cannae knit
Yer daddy cannae go tae bed
Wi'oot a dummy tit!

(It seems the weighing room is living in the late 1950s.)

No, a dreaded southerner. Mind you, when I was on Shetland for a time the Soothmoothers were those in Aberdeen!
Ryan Moore makes his first visit to Cork tomorrow after riding at Naas, Navan and Leopardstown .
Any chance he is trying to be Irish Champion jockey this year ?
Any price available for him anyone ?
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Ryan Moore makes his first visit to Cork tomorrow after riding at Naas, Navan and Leopardstown .
Any chance he is trying to be Irish Champion jockey this year ?
Any price available for him anyone ?

And Jamie Spencer goes for 1 ride.
Ryan Moore makes his first visit to Cork tomorrow after riding at Naas, Navan and Leopardstown .
Any chance he is trying to be Irish Champion jockey this year ?
Any price available for him anyone ?

Come on now :lol:
Ryan Moore makes his first visit to Cork tomorrow after riding at Naas, Navan and Leopardstown .
Any chance he is trying to be Irish Champion jockey this year ?
Any price available for him anyone ?
I'd doubt it,Ed.He's usually very selective what he rides, and unlikely to bust a gut riding around the gaffs. He's maybe there to give feedback on Coolmore horse, possibly Shark Bay, which holds a Dante entry?
Ryan Moore makes his first visit to Cork tomorrow after riding at Naas, Navan and Leopardstown .
Any chance he is trying to be Irish Champion jockey this year ?
Any price available for him anyone ?

Very interesting edgy -at this stage of his life chasing the Irish title is realistic -it might even freshen him up.
I can remember Eddery going for the double back in the day.
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You must live a very sheltered life, LM. :)

No. I live a life firmly entrenched in the 21st century, though. You can’t pull stuff like that at work these days, even if you think you should. You lot sticking up for Dunne clearly see no issue with a bigger bloke calling a smaller woman a fukcin whore, just because his entitlement has been challenged.

Oh, and he exposed himself to her, and he told her he would hurt her. Is that ok, acceptable? Just the way of the weighing room? You think that that’s an acceptable work practice, and happy to defend it?
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I was brought up in one of the roughest parts of Liverpool and behaviour such as Dunne`s, and people excusing it or defending it, would not be tolerated for one minute. I really think some of the comments on here defending him are bordering on the shameful.
No, we are specifically discussing how a jockey has bullied and intimidated a fellow female jockey at their place of work, and how guys like yourself think that’s acceptable. You’re broadening your argument into an area that has no bearing on this specific case.
Well, if you cant call someone a ******* whore or a silly **** in a workplace, what has the world come to at all.
My response was about the general thrust of this thread is that it's, somehow modern not to countenance bad language, whereas I was pointing out that is the polar opposite is probably a lot nearer the truth.
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My response was about the general thrust of this thread is that it's, somehow modern not to countenance bad language, whereas I was pointing out that is the polar opposite is probably a lot nearer the truth.

Ok, fair point. But, again, nothing to do with Dunne’s abuse of Frost and your own defence of his actions. There is probably much more sweary stuff in society these days, egged on by social media, but despite that you still can’t call a fellow worker a fukcin whore. Who would have thought, eh?
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My take 'The workplace' is probably academic to this discussion,and that Dunne was incandescent about percieved dangerous tactics,which must happen often in race-riding.
I'd suggest the 'whore' part was the piece that Bryony took umbrage to, the rest being fairly common language in today's society, but it appears a spur of the moment reaction, which could easily have been sorted by an apology, rather than the way it progressed.
It remains my view that it was a storm in a teacup magnified by the feeding frenzy of Hislop and others, and it'll be forgotten not long after Dunne's return
Bullying only makes any sense in the context of the workplace and abuse can only be called bullying if its is persistent/pattern of behaviour, and not a once off event.
My take 'The workplace' is probably academic to this discussion,and that Dunne was incandescent about percieved dangerous tactics,which must happen often in race-riding.
I'd suggest the 'whore' part was the piece that Bryony took umbrage to, the rest being fairly common language in today's society, but it appears a spur of the moment reaction, which could easily have been sorted by an apology, rather than the way it progressed.
It remains my view that it was a storm in a teacup magnified by the feeding frenzy of Hislop and others, and it'll be forgotten not long after Dunne's return

Reet, you do seem to keep ignoring the fact that it was not just that heat of the moment abuse (which was bad enough),but the unrelenting campaign of abuse that Dunne mounted against her. Far from a storm in a tea cup in my belief and something that would have merited straight dismissal as has been pointed out. A friend of my son’s was given a preremptory sacking for far less.
Calling a woman a fukcin whore; flashing your bits at her; threatening to hurt her “etc”, is NOT a spur of the moment reaction. It is a series of abusive episodes designed to frighten the fukc out of her. He’s lucky - racing is lucky - that the police aren’t involved.
Then it' a pity I don't. Walk through any town nowadays and you'll hear young kids using teminology that would make any trooper blush, but that's acceptable, no? :lol:

That's actually against the law. If police wanted to could arrest them, but aside from that where do they pick that kind of language up from? We have neighbours whose every word to their 7 year old is f***. It's outrageous that it is deemed acceptable to use language like that. The kid has started using it back and he clearly has issues as it is.
If someone in my work place called me a whore never mind an effing whore, they'd be sacked on the spot and I work for a local authority who get rid of no one who is incompetent and/or lazy, but that kind of behaviour would not be tolerated.
If a colleague exposed his genitals in the work place he'd be sacked. In the street , he'd be arrested.
Dunne did those and other things. As previously surmised being charged with 7 counts, bet there was at least twice that number and B only picked the 'worst'.
It's appalling that no one stepped in and tried to pull him back in line. Again if someone in the street was 'attacking' someone verbally or physically, you'd hope someone would stop and try and help. I have in the past. I'd do it again and hope that if I was on the receiving end someone would step in and help me.

Will Smith: if he did that in the street, he'd be arrested for assault. No excuse at all for that kind of behaviour. He also thought about it so wasn't spontaneous. He always strikes me as thinking he is above mere mortals. Only have to look at the expression on his face as he walks back to his seat. Not sure if the law is the same over here but even if Rock doesn't want to pursue it, the police have the evidence to charge Smith with something and he wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Only thing that puzzled me was a woman would slap, a man surely would punch? Perhaps he thought about it for too long.
So he "flashed his bits" - in a changing room for Chris'sake!
Can't be bothered to trail through it all again, but Byrony was far from the innocent party in all of this, but that's not news. is it?
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Yeah, sorry, a bloke flashing his bits in a woman’s face is perfectly acceptable behaviour - my mistake. Add in that the flashing wasn’t asked for, and I bet Bryony wouldn’t have been able to contain her excitement.

So what do you reckon, Reet? Dunne may as well throw in a bit of harmless name-calling and an idle threat to hurt her, yeah? All that spur of the moment stuff shouldn’t be taken that seriously, should it?