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Kauto Star RIP

I feel really sorry for her - she's probably the most innocent party in this whole story - and she's had little but grief from the moment it was announced that he was going there.
I don't know if I feel sorry for her. As far as I'm aware she had no connection to Clive Smith or Kauto before the horse retired so one assumes she took him on for publicity reasons (at the behest, I think, of Yogi Breisner) - and presumably she didn't understand that publicity is a double-edged sword. As far as the shenanigans of the last few days are concerned, I don't quite understand why they weren't more a bit more open about it all in the first place. Instead, the conspiracy theories have almost been allowed to develop and the subsequent piecemeal explanations now don't quite hang together, quite possibly because of some not great reporting along the way. The whole thing, in the end, is just bloody sad.

(edit: Although I say I don't know if I feel sorry for her, there isn't any excuse for the trolling)
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I think I remember seeing that CS went to Yogi and asked him and he suggested they send the horse up to her, with the speed that he had to leave the yard it wouldn't be the biggest surprise if that was the first place they tried and if they had room then they were hardly going to turn him down :) she's a young rider - of course the publicity could have been a good thing for her, as it is had she have had a crystal ball I expect she wouldn't have been so keen - he certainly wasn't the poster boy that the ROR were hoping!! She hasn't deserved the lambasting she's had though ( not all of it!) that's all I mean. She wasn't even there when it all happened - yet she was still getting blamed?!
Agree with your comments about last week - the rumours were floating almost immediately, and you'd have thought they would have nipped them in the bud straight away. When their own vet made his statement it made perfect sense for the injuries to have happened and the timescale from first found to his euthanasia certainly when someone first mentioned the wall to me ( and was adamant they had been told by someone who works there) the injuries just didn't make sense in my head and I said to them (and to warbler on here!) that it sounded more to me like a somersault on hard ground.
You have to be very careful what you say where - as I said earlier in this thread, I heard more than one rumour flying about (though the wall one was by far and away the most common.) I find it fascinating from the outside how these things happen so fast and now we have social media (and the Internet generally) they grow and grow. Some of the "debates" going on were getting crazier than some of the fights in here !!

Totally agree - the whole thing is just very sad.
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He fell in a paddock she told the press..........now he jumped the gate and was found walking into the yard?

If that was the case why didn't she tell the press that when the news broke?

Personally I don't believe Kauto took a dicky fit and tried to jump a gate. I was around horses a long time and never once have I known one to try and jump out of a paddock without being spooked or ridden to do so.

Maybe you guys have seen it happen I know I have not.
when you think about the number of conspiracy theories the Kennedy killing developed..without social media..then i would imagine any incident today..could have a thousand conspiracy..guesses..slantings

i blame social media for a lot of this speculating....its like you used to get gossip, false rumour ..go through a workplace or pub about something/someone..now its a nationwide rumour mill

its not healthy imo
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In cold blood, I would tend to agree with Tanlic. However, i can well believe he was kahooning about, missed the turn, had no choice but to jump and got it completely wrong - giving himself a rotational fall in the process.

The fact is, we aren't ever going to know for sure. I didn't and still don't see how he could have "run into a wall" and not damaged his head in some way - hi tech ran into a telegraph pole ( in an open field - God knows how he managed to not miss it!) and smashed his face in multiple places - how you could run into a wall and do the damage he had just doesn't compute in my head.

Social media is getting to be a really bad thing EC1 - really seeing some bad happen
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I have to be honest Trudi..i hate the social media thing altogether..it really is out of hand now. As with all things internet..we have a vehicle that has so much potential for good..but also the same potential for bad. It is at the point now where every incident every day has the potential to be blown out of all proportion.
In cold blood, I would tend to agree with Tanlic. However, i can well believe he was kahooning about, missed the turn, had no choice but to jump and got it completely wrong - giving himself a rotational fall in the process.

Doesn't look as if my suicide theory has quite gained traction just yet
With regards to telling people that he'd been injured, I'm sure no one knew that Denman had been seriously ill until he was in the clear [at least, I didn't know about it].
And Brindisi Breeze jumped out of his paddock and was fatally injured without conspiracy theories floating around, so horses do do that sort of thing.