Kentucky Derby

According to CD website Dirt Track is Fast, Turf is Good and i agree Gal it does look wide open, i ve got several that have run 120+ .

It's going to be a cracking race, but probably one to play small if you play

I think he'll run a big un, but with the question marks over Big Browns stamina and him being in post 20 he's lay of race imo . It wouldn't surprise me to see him go well, but I've cooled on Colonel John, Pyro has looked useful (ignore Bluegrass run imo) but posted slowish times doing it , however this does not mean he can't cut it here , but i'll let him go at his odds

Of those that interest from the 120+ performances i have, are Adriano, who won Lanes End and Big Truck who won Tampa Bay derby

Adriano has been well beaten on Dirt, but i'm going to give him benefit of doubt as i find it very interesting that connections are trying Dirt again and Edgar has chosen him over others, so small interest on him

Big Truck ran a stormer in Tamba Bay Derby according to my numbers and although like Pyro he ran carp at Keenland and Atoned has run shockers since i'm having a small interest on him too at price, Barclay Tagg ain't no mug imo

I must wear my specs, i was on Bloodhorse other day watching Jeoff Siegel videos and did see that link Luis
Big Brown wins impressively.

Eight Belles came second but broke both front ankles and was euthanised.

Denis Of Cork third.
Convinced myself he wouldn't get 10, but he got ten easy :cry: but pleased in way as he was my top rated on 127

Dunno what you can say about Eight Belles, storming run ends in worst way it can
I believe there had been a lot of rain at Churchill Downs as when George Washington died at Monmouth. When will these US courses get a safe surface but in ffs!

I spent about half an hour trying to download software onto the mac to get the live video for the race, with no success - as in George's case, I'm very pleased I didn't. There doesn't seem to be one big dirt meeting in the US without some horrible fatality - goodness only knows how many they have on smaller tracks.

Don't be so quick to blame surface, dunno what happened as i didn't see it, but Eight Belles was being pulled up by her jockey after running the race of her life to finsh second to Big Brown
The track was riding good; the rain from yesterday had dried up. Feel free to recognise that this just goes to show that this can happen regardless of the weather, and that those who went on and on about the surface at Monmouth were spouting uninformed bullshit.

When will these US courses get a safe surface but in ffs!

Many of them have (FFS, etc.).

There doesn't seem to be one big dirt meeting in the US without some horrible fatality - goodness only knows how many they have on smaller tracks.

There doesn't seem to be one big jumps meeting in the UK without some horrible fatality - goodness knows how many they have on smaller tracks...
Originally posted by Charlie D@May 4 2008, 12:06 AM
Don't be so quick to blame surface, dunno what happened as i didn't see it, but Eight Belles was being pulled up by her jockey after running the race of her life to finsh second to Big Brown
Happened like you said Charlie. She finished second, and collapsed way past the line just as she was being pulled up.
I know nowt about these things, but breaking both front legs while being let down seems a very strange incident to me
For heavens sake, there has been plenty of informed comment by people who know a lot more about it than we do for YEARS about the danger of dirt surfaces in the US especially after rain - that's why they ARE being phased out. I just wish they'd get a move on, as there is in most informed people's opinion an unacceptable rate of attrition.

Rain makes a dirt surface 'sloppy' and means the horses run essentially through mud, on a sort of concrete or hardcore. It's very hard o their joints - as is a firm dirt surface
I know many will slate me for saying this, but it'll be a sad day for me when the Kentucky Derby is run on a synthetic surface.
Getting back to the race itself, the winner was absolutely awesome (to say the least). Phenomenal looking colt as well.
Kentucky Derby winners always seem to be impressive to the eye. No doubt a build up to the clash with Curlin will be hyped up now.
Going by my Calcs, yesterdays KD win is a little below Big Browns Florida Derby effort, but i think he won with a little in hand

The Curlin, Big Brown head to head will be very interesting imo
Fair point Galileo, but the sustained acceleration that Big Brown produced yesterday was special IMO.

Neither Pyro nor Colonel John had the best trip, but it's still hard to see anything getting near him in the Preakness. Whether he'll stay a mile and a half in the Belmont is another matter; his pedigree seems to suggest that he won't.

They went harder through the first three quarters of a mile in the Florida Derby than they did yesterday if I recall, Charlie?
RUK were mentioning a horse of Todd Pletcher's that might be a serious challenge next escapes me.
Originally posted by trackside528@May 4 2008, 04:48 PM

They went harder through the first three quarters of a mile in the Florida Derby than they did yesterday if I recall, Charlie?
Sure did trackside

Big Brown looks to be at a similar stage of developement to what Curlin was as this time last year and just like there was with him, there is probably more to come from Big Brown