Kieren Fallon

It is of a jockey who is always in the Sundays hanging around with some tinpot gangster or thick south london scrap metal dealer. That is the image that the wider public have.

And why can't a south London scap dealer have a bet,
It's more honest than being a banker,

I,m from South London and have delt in second hand googs all my life everything from cars to car boots you try it if you think it's easy.

Fallon came very close at Kempton, and IMO will win on Sunday'
I don't like the man I like the way he rides':cool:
He just doesn't seem to have the same repor with the horses any more, a lot look very unsettled under his handling and not picking up for him.

I'll give him a week to proove me wrong.
did anyone really think he would be at the top of his game?

he will need time

regards the public perception re him being attila the hun or summat similar..I doubt it will make any difference.....

politicians shown to be corrupt - people still vote
banks ripping us off - people still use banks
athletics surrounded by drug claims - people still watch athletics
Michael Jackson surrounded by controversy - folk still fall over themselves buying his stuff
Sun newspaper - over the years has branded most sections of the british working class as scum..lazy...etc...working class folk still buy it

it doesn't tarnish the game anymore than the above has...because people are creatures of habit

re the RP..I hope you folk outraged at their coverage of Fallon returning aren't actually lining the pockets of the rag still are you???

you see the real response to these things is to actually have some principles and boycott them..but most folk are like sheep and just carry on doing what they have always done..after they have had a rant of course:rolleyes:
did anyone really think he would be at the top of his game?

he will need time

regards the public perception re him being attila the hun or summat similar..I doubt it will make any difference.....

politicians shown to be corrupt - people still vote
banks ripping us off - people still use banks
athletics surrounded by drug claims - people still watch athletics
Michael Jackson surrounded by controversy - folk still fall over themselves buying his stuff
Sun newspaper - over the years has branded most sections of the british working class as scum..lazy...etc...working class folk still buy it

it doesn't tarnish the game anymore than the above has...because people are creatures of habit

re the RP..I hope you folk outraged at their coverage of Fallon returning aren't actually lining the pockets of the rag still are you???

you see the real response to these things is to actually have some principles and boycott them..but most folk are like sheep and just carry on doing what they have always done..after they have had a rant of course:rolleyes:

Some good points EC1. I've almost fleshed out my letter to Raceform detailing why (Fallon overkill) I'm seriously thinking of not subscribing to them any more and I can't honestly remember the last time I bought The RP.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if we learn a few years down the line that a certain comeback jockey made a fair bit of money when his comeback rides failed to win.
His 13th ride and he gets a win, therefore I'd say the number 13 sticks in his head for many a reason.

If flat racing is happy to continue its slide out of the publics conciousness and be increasingly ignored by punters of all hues, then yes, then outsiders perception of it, doesnt matter at all
DO , as a racing medium I am now actually looking on this site for a more objective and broard view on the story briefs !!!! I previously as a matter of routine always checked RP first. I now have more of a propensity to cut out that middleman!!!
I hope that even the RP editors will get it into their heads that the tragedy in Malton and the brilliance of STS deserve prominence over Fallon winning a rubbish race on the AW.
I've read nothing in the acres of coverage (not that I've read all that much of it!) nor heard it mentioned on atr where he has personal 'connections', about how his now stable and happy private life might have contributed to his reform.

He and Kirsty M went to America for the winter and both worked very hard riding out, working on their timing and their fitness, out of the limelight. I know they keep their p-lives fiercely private, but my suspicion is that this stability has done a great deal for Fallon's improved state of mind. He comes across very differently now on air too - much more clean-cut, more open; he's lost that part-furtive, part-persecuted air he used to emanate

I think the public's support is partly the love of a prodigal who really has returned reformed - they hare giving him the chance. Their disillusion will be total if he does revert - but I don't think he will (and I've never been a really big fan, whilst admiring his skills).

Having said all that, yes I agree the pre-return coverage has been ludicrously ott and must have been quite hard for him to handle esp on Friday. Not that I imagine he chose the overblown music for Matt Chapman's intervierws! (which were very good imo). The reporting in the RP of most things lacks any perspective recently - too many young reporters and too little gravitas! Everything has to hyped to the max.

Wolverhampton was just the place for Fallon to break the duck!
Can you imagine if it had been first race back, or in a G1?!!
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Milczarek isn't bringing home many winners by the looks of things recently and certainly not as well as before she lost her claim, which may have something to do with it or, too many wedding ideas going on in her young head possibly!!!!

I doubt KF's skills as a jockey are in doubt and his private life would be his own affair. However, I note their private lives seem to drop in the press now and then conveniently. i.e the latest on whether their relationship is on or, off a week or so prior to his return. I haven't heard him specifically mention their relationship though which I find a bit odd to be true.

I will imagine there are plenty of things other than private life that KF keeps to himself until he is after some form of sympathy vote through his PR machine that is, well at the very least it can come across like that sometimes I guess.
He and Kirsty M went to America for the winter and both worked very hard riding out, working on their timing and their fitness, out of the limelight. I know they keep their p-lives fiercely private, but my suspicion is that this stability has done a great deal for Fallon's improved state of mind.

It's not done much for Kirsty's riding that's for sure. I thought she'd make it once she lost her claim, but this year's performances have got me reevaluating that opinion.
254-1 treble for Fallon today - all for Cumani. Looks like he's getting back into the swing of things!
Aw sh*te!!! The papers are going to full of the little sh*tebag in the morning. :mad:

Exactly - and he has a long way to go - Lester rode a Breeders Cup winner days after his comeback.

With Moore, Hughes and Spencer suspended he could not have had a better opportunity. Fascinating how few rides he has had for Stoute though.