King George VI And QE Stakes

but not sure he is up to winning an Arc despite his run in it last time. He is unlikely to have things so strongly in his favour this time. But as I said, time will tell.

It depends who shows up. If Montmartre and New Approach miss the race (pure nightmare scenario both for my pocket and the race) he is well up to beating whatever is left - he`s better than SoF and Zarkava has yet to face the colts.
I am of the opinion SOF will be a different horse in the Autumn, trained to the minute but for me (yes I know he has won on fast ground) a soft ground Arc is made for him. But I know others do not rate him highly enough.

There are a couple of Japanese horse's coming over this year also.
as you say Youmzain needs a lot in are gambling on many factors coming into place for an Arc win...not my idea of an Arc winner until I see the race make up/ground conditions.. on the morning of the race
as you say Youmzain needs a lot in are gambling on many factors coming into place for an Arc win...not my idea of an Arc winner until I see the race make up/ground conditions.. on the morning of the race

Well, I `ve a three figure position on Monmartre and New Approach so if they don`t run at least i have insurance on Youmzain. He shouldn`t be 12s if SoF is 8s - that`s just wrong. The race currently has a nice punting shape to it albeit for a contest that is two months away. Zarkava is unbelievably bad value at around 5s.
He shouldn`t be 12s if SoF is 8s

if there is a small field..slow ground...or combination of won't matter what price SOF is..Youmzain won't be winning
I am of the opinion SOF will be a different horse in the Autumn, trained to the minute but for me (yes I know he has won on fast ground) a soft ground Arc is made for him. But I know others do not rate him highly enough.

I backed SOF in the Arc last year and I'd be tempted again. I really rate the horse.
He was over the top in last years Arc. Connections were not happy with him going there...he did not come out of his Niel win as well as hoped.
He was over the top in last years Arc. Connections were not happy with him going there...he did not come out of his Niel win as well as hoped.

You'd be fecked too if you'd just run like SoF did in Niel :D

He had a hard race there and Arc came a tad too quick, still ran very well mind and i reckon he'd have held third if DT hadn't chopped him off
Perhaps DO, but again his form held up well earlier in his 3 year old career.

What I think is more likely is in the Niel he found the ground much too fast, and it was a big effort to run so well on his comeback run. I think a similar scenario happened in Saint Cloud where the times (as they did in his Niel run) suggested the ground was good to firm if not faster.

Horses that post a 123 speedfigure are not finding ground too fast, they are loving it, i reckon

At Saint Cloud, he didn't seem to travel as well as mormal to me, so that race i'm forgiving him

Youmzain and SoF to beat the wannabe's imo
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Please forgive me Gal, it wasn''t 123 he ran

Thought i'd post these as i find P Bary's comments on Mordins website and Gareth comments interesting, plus some may knock the Neil because of Sagara's finishing position

raw figure

Soldier of Fortune - Neil 126


Rail Link - Arc 123
Hurricane Run - Arc 123

Interesting that the numbers say the first three in this years Neil have run as good or better than the previous two Arc winners
Zambezi Sun was too close up in that Niel for it to be much good. And check out the placed horses in those two Arcs - rock solid form both.
That Neil produced 3rd and 5th in Arc in 2007, that how good it is

Zambezie Sun got mullered in Arc and ain't been same horse since, asnd Sagara is now kapput for some reason
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comments like that are easy to pen, they mean nothing and don't make anyone look smart, informed or fact to me...they give off exactly the opposite impression of those three things.

Why don't you contribute something more positive?...are you a naturally negative bod in life?

You know..agreeing with someone..or posting something positive about a person who appears to be one of the boards kicking dogs...which ew ceratinly seems to be treated...although his knowledge is way beyond most on here...isn't against the rules...even giving that person a respectful answer isn't..would it hurt?

I think sometimes messageboards really imitate the schoolyard..there was always one or two at school who the rest used as kicking dogs. To try and earn "respect"... Those just below the worthies... Had to kick the dog to earn respect from the can be so similar on similar.

I don't care how clever anyone thinks they are...respecting someone else's view should always be important...if you don't agree..then say why..any fool can post throwaway one liners.

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comments like that are easy to pen, they mean nothing and don't make anyone look smart, informed or fact to me...they give off exactly the opposite impression of those three things.

why don't you contribute something more positive?...are you a naturally negative bod in life?

you know..agreeing with someone..or posting something positive about a person who appears to be one of the boards kicking dogs...which EW ceratinly seems to be treated...although his knowledge is way beyond most on here...isn't against the rules...even giving that person a respectful answer isn't..would it hurt?

I think sometimes messageboards really imitate the schoolyard..there was always one or two at school who the rest used as kicking dogs. To try and earn "respect"... those just below the worthies... had to kick the dog to earn respect from the can be so similar on similar.

I don't care how clever anyone thinks they are...respecting someone else's view should always be important...if you don't agree..then say why..any fool can post throwaway one liners.

EC1 -are you still sore about your ridiculous Paddy Power theory.
How can you say no-one has watched the race objectively at all when you yourself appear to be claiming that Youmazin was unlucky not to have won the race, due to the interference? I'd suggest that those who are claiming such are not watching the race objectively. For whatever reason, Youmzain didn't look at any point like he was going to win this race. ....

but I didn't say that did I??!! - in fact I said, on the contrary, in the post immediately above yours:

<< Granted DOM would all but certainly have won the race anyway, all of them being given a clear run ... >>

We are not discussing whether or not Youmzain 'would have run the race given a clear run' - but whether his innate ability should or could be judged on *this run* as some on here have been attempting to do. It's a re-run of the KS / Denman scenario.....

Btw, it didn't come out in the media til the following day, disgracefully, but Peslier apparently put up 2lbs overweight on Papal Bull
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Anybody watching the BBC coverage knew that Peslier had been overweight on all his rides that day on account of him having just come back off holiday.