King George VI Chase

FPTP surely has huge stamina questions to answer (forgive me Luke)? I agree that he's game, but he's hard enough to win with under his ideal conditions, and he is going in against either confirmed stayers or horses with much more progressive profiles.

I can't see him placing in this kind of company, and the entry here smacks a little of them not really knowing where else to go with the horse.
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Don't think there is much wrong with his attitude truth be told rory. He does seem very ground dependant and possibly a bit one paced but don't think he is gutless
I would have fairly serious question about Forpadydeplasterer's attitude after last year's Melling. He was given every chance under what seem to be his ideal conditions (sound surface, sound gallop) of winning that race and simply couldn't/wouldn't do it. He certainly wasn't rallying near the line in the manner of a horse crying out for further either.

In order for him to you're banking on him not only staying the trip, but improving considerably on all known form for it. Can't see it happening myself.
I agree with you about him not finishing the melling like a horse who wanted further. In terms of the race itself, maybe he was just beaten by a horse in the form of its life
This really does look a poor renewal - for me looking at the race again Long Run is the only horse that I could put forward as the horse most likely to trouble Kauto Star. While he has question marks, he has at least got room for improvement (especially back on a track like this) while the likes of Naracat etc have stones to find with KS and I do not see where their improvement is going to come from.
That's pretty much how I see it.

However, there is one stand out bet in the race and must be one of the bets of the season. Albertas Run, comfortably (at the moment) the second best horse in the race, Ryanair and Melling Chase winnner, previous 2nd in this race, and I'd stake a lot of money he is a better horse now than the Nightingale will ever be (who is a quarter of his price).

I really don't understand it - he was giving Master Minded a race before falling lto, and is 8/1 to place. Absolutely massive.
That's pretty much how I see it.

However, there is one stand out bet in the race and must be one of the bets of the season. Albertas Run, comfortably (at the moment) the second best horse in the race, Ryanair and Melling Chase winnner, previous 2nd in this race, and I'd stake a lot of money he is a better horse now than the Nightingale will ever be (who is a quarter of his price).

I really don't understand it - he was giving Master Minded a race before falling lto, and is 8/1 to place. Absolutely massive.

He is the forgotten horse here and definitely the most likely to finish second to Kauto. Good call.
That's pretty much how I see it.

However, there is one stand out bet in the race and must be one of the bets of the season. Albertas Run, comfortably (at the moment) the second best horse in the race, Ryanair and Melling Chase winnner, previous 2nd in this race, and I'd stake a lot of money he is a better horse now than the Nightingale will ever be (who is a quarter of his price).

I really don't understand it - he was giving Master Minded a race before falling lto, and is 8/1 to place. Absolutely massive.

Agree with all this bar one very very important point which you haven't mentioned - The ground.

Alberta's must be around 10lb worse on going with the word soft in it.. G/S he might just abuot get away with but I think the ground is against him now.. I've made that mistake with AR before and he just does not go on soft ground.
I think its a dangerous game bacing anything for a place in these races. the second best horse will not necessarily finish second and if kauto destroys them one by one as he did last year its very difficult to determine which will be picked off when and where

A race with one of the greatest chasers of all time is never a poor renewal in my opinion
No rain last night according to the Post. Looks like the ground wont be nearly as bad as was thought.

No rain at Kempton last night??????? Who are they kidding?????? Who did they ask - Stevie Wonder, sat inside the panoramic restaurant????? I was there last night and it was hacking down all bloody evening.
A friend of mine is a 4th division on course bookmaker in Ireland -he reckons one of the tricks of the trade is bookies shouting out to their workers that a price is under pressure and just about to go.The idea being to attract a few unsuspecting mugs.
I suspect the PR hype in relation to The Nightingale is a slightly more sophisticated version of this.
It was smashing down at Lingfield to the point that the roadside overflow ditches filled up again. Owners coming in from far afield reported sodden conditions everywhere. How the heck they came up with GS this morning, God knows. Perhaps the carpark?
Luke - one of Simon Nott's tales from the betting ring is remarkably similar to what you describe, only using a make believe character placing big bets to attract business.
I’ve had to back Riverside Theatre now that he is running. The 16s looked just too big. Hope Kauto can do it though!