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Lexus sunday dec. 28 @ leopardstown 2.55pm

Albeit I had a small bet on RTR I'm surprised no one mentioned the ride Bryan Copper gave the winner. When Sam Winner headed him and he was relegated he never flinched and allowed the two in front to get on with it.................what surprised me most is despite appearing to still be going well within himself he started drifting like a barge on the machine.........I was sitting there thinking why the drift? he is still going better than those in front and in with every chance.....not that I did anything about it...:mad:

Anyway I thought he showed a lot of patience and gave the horse an exceptionally good ride.
Tanlic, I can confirm your comment about the machine. I put up a tenner asking for 5's as I thought he was not done for and afterwards found that I had got 15/1 instead of not being taken as I expected. I had not bet on the race earlier as I have RTR insingles and multiples for the Gold Cup although my other selections in the multiples are not looking that good.
Tanlic, I can confirm your comment about the machine. I put up a tenner asking for 5's as I thought he was not done for and afterwards found that I had got 15/1 instead of not being taken as I expected. I had not bet on the race earlier as I have RTR insingles and multiples for the Gold Cup although my other selections in the multiples are not looking that good.

I don't like it when Grade 1 3 mile chasers run like sprint handicappers waiting their turn . Kauto and Denman would have lapped this lot . A very disappointing bunch all including Silviniaco Conti with question marks over them . Frankly , since See More Business won the GC we have been very spoiled in the staying chase department .
Unfortunately we don't have a Kauto or a Denman which is a bummer...I am in your camp on the disappointment stakes and before TS posted (well done on the 15/1 btw) I was thinking the Lexus winner might well go on to win the Gold Cup........That just goes to show how poor the staying division of chasers is at the moment. Mind you talk about being spoiled...Frankel Sprinter Sacre Kauto Star Denman all within a very short time in racing terms...........and now we have your fav horse Faugheen..unbeaten and looking like he could win the next 4 Champion Hurdles :lol:...most won't understand the jibe Adross....you had to be there :cool:
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So you won't engage with people who do want to speak to you about it and cry like a baby about people who won't speak to you about it.

What a ******* bell-end.

now then..where is the forum police officer Hamm when you need him????..come on comment on the above post...seems to have a lot to say about me being rude..so it seems its quite acceptable giving abuse on here..if you are in the clique

fair enough

Simmo..firstly look at your post initially to me..you are telling me what i can or can't post..well i'm very sorry but i won't have you telling me what to post..who exactly do you think you are?

as for your abusive post above going uncommented on..then the whole lot of you should be ashamed for not commenting.

what a shower

don't bother replying Simmo..i won't be bothering again....thats bang out of order..and so is the lack of response..i don't need the hassle..and see no point in posting on a forum that lets unprovoked insults as strong as that go uncommented on

its not worth it on here...too many point scorers and within the board a nasty little group of cliquey bullies that try and hide it behind what they think are clever posts..but the snide is there.
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I think its time some members reign back a little bit, I've noticed over the past couple of weeks, some posts are getting a little personal, or threads are turning into name calling exercises.
Can people not disagree about things without name calling?
EC, exactly WhoTF is meant to respond to anything between the hours of 23:00 and 08:00 the next day?

Your performance on this thread over the last few pages doesn't do you any credit, imo.
EC, exactly WhoTF is meant to respond to anything between the hours of 23:00 and 08:00 the next day?

Your performance on this thread over the last few pages doesn't do you any credit, imo.

and there we are..you post and tell me my performance doesn't do me any credit..not a word about Simmmo's post though:whistle:

my performance..i've posted figures up i spent time on..but you criticise me but not an abusive post ..unreal

proves my point entirely

let the forum bullies pick another target on here..i've eventually had enough..totally had enough
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Simmo..firstly look at your post initially to me..you are telling me what i can or can't post..well i'm very sorry but i won't have you telling me what to post..who exactly do you think you are?

If you think that then I would seriously suggest that you obtain psychiatric/psychological treatment. That isn't meant to be snide, it is meant in all seriousness. You clearly have a problem that you need to deal with.

Now that its clear that it's a medical issue rather than just general prickery, I will retract my bell-end comment.

get help mate.
Just ignore Simmo EC. I have done ever since he sent me an abusive and threatening pm a couple of years ago. He clearly has anger management issues.

A forum is like a pub. There will be people you like and people you don't. You can't expect to like everyone in a public place.

Just talk to your mates, ignore the others and concentrate on finding those winners.

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Well said Benny and EC1. There are, unfortunately, a small group of sneering bullies here who seem to delight in abusing and insulting fellow members. I have tried PM`ing them but all I got was further sneering childish abuse. The only option seems to be not to engage with them at all. Just ignore them.
I think EC1 is entirely justified in his comments and it is a sad indictment (and not for the first time) of this forum that one of the most thoroughly-considered posters feels the need to step aside for a while.

I have no idea how much time the snipers put into studying the game instead of just watching and punting on it and of course they are entitled to their opinion. The big difference is that EC1 consistently tries to back up his opinions with empirical data while others, as far as I can see (and apologies if I am wrong), appear to cherrypick the evidence that supports their opinion, if they offer any evidence at all, that is.

I fully understand his frustration. As I suggested in the CH thread, I don't fully understand his perseverance with his critics. I'd have given up ages ago. It just isn't worth sharing all your hard work with people who have agenda.

Certain members would never resort to name-calling. That's how it should be. I just could never imagine Tout Seul or SteveM, for example, degrading themselves or this forum by abusing another member. They may well engage in disagreement with them but they would always keep their dignity.

I reckon 50% of the times I come on here it's to read what EC1 is saying, keen especially to see what sectional/pace gems he is offering us. Anything that helps clear up the muddy waters of confusing races is to be welcomed.
The problem here is that EC1 (and DO for that matter) appear to believe that disagreeing with them is abuse. It's not. Other people are as entitled to their views as well - EC1's view is not the only one. But everytime someone disagrees with him it gets turned into some big drama about how he is being abused and victimised and traumatised and oh it's just too much!

I enjoy reading EC1's stuff about time etc. I cringe when I read some of the arguments against his. But I cringe a lot more when I see his reactions to those poor arguments against him. I genuinely think he needs medical help. Idiotic arguments against your case are not personal attacks.

As for BennyB - the pm in question was sent after he was abusive to me online (I chose to take it offline). It was not threatening in any way. I've never received a pm from Desperate Dan except in response to a tax question I asked him, so I hope he's not including me in the sneering bullies camp.
EC1 jacking it would be a bad loss, and I hope he reconsiders.......but he does interpret disagreement with his theories as a personal attack on him, and it's these misrepresentations that tend to cause things to escalate. In that respect, he is as guilty as anyone else for the direction the thread has taken, so I reject entirely any pontification about "bullying" on the forum.
disagreeing isn't abuse in itself, but sometimes the way a disagreement can be put across can be. Surely people can be civil when sharing their views on horse racing?

What a ******* bell-end. You can't seriously say thats not abusive? I get things are said in the heat of the moment, but come on, thats hardly acceptable is it? Nor is, in my opinion, saying someone needs medical help, in fact I think thats going too far. EC obviously spends a lot of time on his figures, and I would say it is normal to be defensive of anything anyone puts a lot of time into, some people will disagree with his figures but honestly, is there any need for the stick he seems to be getting at the moment?
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As I remember Simmo I called you a nasty little man in response to you saying you hope Derek Thompson dies of cancer. Fair comment I'd say.

Anyway the point is we can all disagree with each other but can we try to do it in a civilised manner?

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Agree that simmo probably pushed it too far.......though equally EC1 is far too sensitive. I confess I have used similar language in the past myself, and generally consider abuse to be fair-game - or at least I find that responding in-kind usually brings things to an agreed halt (either via truce or silent-hostilities). It is usually a better end-game than playing the "bullying" card, and hollering-copper to the Mods.

One final thing to add, and I'm only pointing this out in the interests of balance.

EC1 talks about "snide comments", yet his "Time only matters in jail" refrain, was clearly intended to troll/wind-up non-believers. What's good for the goose, is generally good for the gander, and I'd say that there's culpability (to varying degrees) all-round. The quicker that fact is accepted, the quicker we can all move on.
What a ******* bell-end. You can't seriously say thats not abusive? I get things are said in the heat of the moment, but come on, thats hardly acceptable is it? Nor is, in my opinion, saying someone needs medical help, in fact I think thats going too far. EC obviously spends a lot of time on his figures, and I would say it is normal to be defensive of anything anyone puts a lot of time into, some people will disagree with his figures but honestly, is there any need for the stick he seems to be getting at the moment?

That wasn't a disagreement over his figures - that was an insult, which I have now retracted - I don't recall seeing anything that was actually an insult in the disagreement over his figures. I get that you think that saying someone needs medical help is too far, and I would agree if it had been said in a flippant "you're mental you are" style - but it was a genuine appeal to EC1, which no one else is saying.

Not saying something to a person when it is needed can be just as damaging as acting against them.

That said, you're the owner so your dad's obviously bigger than mine.
As I remember Simmo I called you a nasty little man in response to you saying you hope Derek Thompson dies of cancer. Fair comment I'd say.

Anyway the point is we can all disagree with each other but can we try to do it in a civilised manner?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't recall what it was - but I don't believe that was it. I don't send pm's to folk without significant justification and half the forum was abusing me that day, so I'd have been a busy boy.

I am, however, all for civilised disagreement.
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Morning lads, I thought the Lexus was a really goo...


*raises hands in the air, tiptoes backwards and slowly closes the door*
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