Life sucks ...

It is sad - but I had to laugh! :lol:

The cat is scared of ....... TOAST!

Funny enough ours hate any kind of bell or siren too. They scamper when the phone rings and will knock you down as you try to get to it and they are going the other way, blindly running.

I do not know why. Even on tv they hate.

I asked a vet friend who says their hearing, same as dogs is most acute and that it is painful for them to hear high pitched sounds.

An old cat we had used to love Pink Floyd, would walk into the room and sit down. As soon as Floyd finished she would then stand up, stretch and walk out. She especially loved Dark Side Of The Moon! :rolleyes:
Just as so many people are either under threat of losing their jobs or having salaries cut.

Even worse are those little idiots in shorts who kick footballs around for obscene amounts of money.
Something not right with my whippet. Drinking a lot and having accidents in the kitchen. An [expensive] trip to the vets showed nothing on the urine or blood test, but I've been told that they can have renal problems, usually as pups but it can sometimes show itself as they get older [and doesn't always show up on the usual blood test]. She has lost quite a bit of weight as well,although she was getting a bit podgy for a whippet so we had cut her food back. May be drinking water cause she's hungry! Got to try an adaptil collar in case she's suffering from stress [probably due to living with me].
Tricky one, Moe. Hope the whippety dog is okay and it is just down to having her feeds cut back.

Trudi, would renal problems make a dog thirsty?
Dougal is in disgrace.

During the week I normally go to bed at around 10.00pm and both cats are used to this routine.

Sometimes Dougal will be getting a bit tired just before 10.00 and has a really sweet way of letting me know that he is "ready-for bed-and-please-clear-off-switch-off-the-talky-box-and-put-the-ruddy-lights-out".

He gets behind me on the chair, sliding down between me and the back of the chair as far as he can go, then pushes me with his hind feet to get me to move. If the programme I am watching at this point is near its end I usually ignore him until it is done. He just keeps kicking until I move. I'm sure he thinks that he is actually moving me.

Anyhow, he started asking me to push off at 9.30 the other night. A little bit early for a Saturday, so I sat my ground. For the next 20 minutes he continued to push, getting grumpier by the minute. Towards the end he actually started to kick me (didn't hurt) and then started growling.

As 10.00 drew closer he got crosser and crosser with me until, in total red-haired temper he ...

... bit my bum! :blink: :lol:
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An old cat we had used to love Pink Floyd, would walk into the room and sit down. As soon as Floyd finished she would then stand up, stretch and walk out. She especially loved Dark Side Of The Moon! :rolleyes:

Mum's cat Maxine loved music. She especially loved Mona Lisa by Nat (Cat?) King Cole and used to sit and listen with big, syrupy eyes (cat lovers will know what I mean by that).

Oscar, on the other hand, hated music. Oscar-Heaven was to sit quietly on someone's lap all day.

Tilly is quite indifferent to music, but Dougal likes female voices singing. He was especially struck by an advert that used Julie Andrews singing the lullaby from Mary Poppins.

I had already discovered that he liked to hear singing when he first moved in with me, so to settle him down at night I used to sing to him - not a patch on Julie Andrews, though.
Just caught up with posts missed by being off PC for a few days.

Moe, how is your whippet? Sounds scary.

Dougal biting your bum Red was the highlight of my week! Sorry!

As for so many being on a massive salaries ..... it is very depressing in these times. I'm really not sure that anybody is truly worth that much. When you think about how talent comes out of nowhere, music form the worst neighborhoods, poetry and books form those who had little chances with education. I'm pretty sure that there are many people who could do the job Jonathan Ross (and all the other huge salary boffins) are doing. I actually like Jonathan, or at least i did until he fel from grace with a great thud. I thought his judgement was better than that and was very disappointed. He has talent, but as I said, so do many many kids who will never get the chance.

And now, how is it that cancer patients are not KNOWN to be ill? Crikey, what next?? When I had cancer I had some private insurance from our employers. But once the initial consultation and op were over I was told that my condition would be considered chronic after that, or if there were any complications (there were) and if it came back I had no cover. So what is the point in private cover?

The world really has gone mad.
Heck, also missed the bum-biting bit! Incredibly naughty - he must be feeling so good these days, as he's really got his SOH back!
Thanks for the sympathy, ladies!! :lol:

Colin, that article was so depressing and made me very angry. I used to work in the Oncology Centre here in Cheltenham and patients were usually distressed enough without some idiot calling them to an interview to make them prove themselves ill enough for benefit.

The whole point of the higher rate of ESA being provided automatically was to reduce (if only slightly) the mental and emotional stress by ensuring some degree of financial security whilst undergoing what is often a harrowing course of treatment.

The insensitivity displayed is appalling - just for the sake of cutting a few costs.

Heartless bastards.
Poor Dougal has had a lousy week!

First, the sparkly things went up all around the sitting room and hall. That always means - visitors! He spent the whole Saturday before Christmas in a flap, Sunday too, because it just wasn't routine.

Monday 19th - okay, Redhead went to work as normal. Dougal slept all day, as normal.

Tuesday 20th - Redhead stayed at home. Not normal. Busy cooking - on a Tuesday, not normal, definitely strangers coming to invade his peace. At 11.00 am Dougal gets scooped up and imprisoned in Redhead's bedroom. Yes. IMPRISONED - the indignity of it. The doorhandle was tied to the airing cupboard handle so that he could not force the door open. 11.30 voices - lots of children - aaagh!. Didn't leave until after dark. Very distressing and hid behind bedroom curtains, gazing out at garden and freedom.

Wednesday - Dougal still very stressed. Rotten old Redhead abandoned him to go to work, instead of staying at home and cuddling him. Still very on edge all through Wednesday night.

Thursday - Dougal still stressed but Redhead stayed home. Just in the middle of a cuddle when "thump thump" at the front door - and she lets a man in! Dougal bravely runs past the stranger and out through catflap into safety of hedge. 1 hour later, man departs. Dougal gives it 5 minutes and lets himself back into the warm. Just settling into comfort of radiator hammock when "thump thump" again at door. Another man! What will the neighbours think?! Man departs 30 minutes later, Dougal reappears in a thorough stew by now. Desperately in need of a cuddle. Just falling into a deep doze when: "knock knock" at door. He's not quick enough this time and Redhead's hairdresser finally gets to meet him (he's been too quick the last 3 years). After 5 minutes of cringeing and trembling, Dougal makes it to catflap and out.

Friday - Redhead goes to work as normal. Back at 2.00pm with Grandma - not normal. Lots of shopping also not normal.

Saturday - Grandma has stayed the night - not normal but very enjoyable as a choice of two laps to sit on, although a bit tiring as he has to spread his favours in case they get jealous.

Sunday - very worrying. Grandma still here - not normal. Lots of cooking - not more ruddy visitors! Very interesting though, Grandma has caught the biggest sparrow he's ever seen. Dougal very stressed and spends most of day in garden because of the unaccustomed activity which he associates with lots of strangers invading his home.

Monday - that's better. Grandma went home, but not before giving Dougal and Tilly big pieces of turkey (which Dougal begged off her lunch plate). Redhead and Dougal sit quietly (sort of) watching the racing.

Tuesday - everything back to normal, just Redhead, Tilly and Dougal. Lots of cuddles if wanted but too cold as lost all fur due to stress, so he spent all day huddled under a blanket in his radiator hammock.

I have just made a lovely cup of tea, which I have had to throw away. Dougal jumped onto the table to investigate plate and cup to see if there was anything he liked. Stuck his head into my cup and ... sneezed. Then sneezed again all over my mince pies.

Revenge is sweetest when served cold. :D
Oh poor Dougal! Our cats do not enjoy holidays and sleep overs either. We have several family and friends who do not believe we actually own cats because they have never seen them as cats exit when they hear doorbell ring.

I do hope he has a quiet few days before the noise of New Year!
The family only called last week to get their Christmas presents, Isi. Hopefully we won't be seeing them again until the middle of next year.

Know what you mean about visitors and fleeing cats though. My neighbour's grand-daughter brought a present round for me and was passed by a blur of cat. "Which one was that?" she asked.

"What did it look like?"

"Ginger and white and skinny."

"That'll be Dougal then. Ginger and white and chubby would be Tilly."

I won't be celebrating New Year as such. A drink on Saturday, racing on Sunday and a well-deserved lie-in on Monday before returning to work, so Dougal should have a nice, quiet New Year's weekend. I shall have a gammon joint for that weekend, so he will enjoy begging off my plate.

Funny how they prefer to beg off our plates. When I give either of them a plate of whatever they have been begging for, they turn their noses up.

Grrr. Isabella is a right pain in the backside with her meeces. Typical Tortie, all bolshy and jumping about all over then butter would not melt in her jaws.

She keeps bringing them in alive, ipening her mouth to tell me and dropping them. We have them all over the cottage. This morning she did it again and ran upstairs. I grabbed her, and mouse and put her in conservatory, she dropped it. So, kitchen door is shut, back door open and I am hoping muse runs out. Sigh.

I'm looking for a youtube clip about a mystic cat channelling a mouse.

Can't find it - but I did find this, so funny!

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2012 brings happeniess and health to us all.
Loved the 12 days of Christmas, Isi. Jupiter looks a real character.

Please can someone remind me why I love cats?

Got home yesterday to find everything that had been on the coffee table all over the floor and 2 cats "fast asleep" with their eyes shut so tight that their eyelids were twitching.

While replacing everything I found the reason for the raid - my nephew had left a half-eaten bag of pork scratchings in the small tray at the side of the table. Said bag was on floor, torn open and surrounded by crumbs.

When I picked the bag up to re-fold it closed, two pairs of eyes shot open and two heads were raised expectantly. They both fell out of bed and scrambled over.

Seems they have always lurrrrrved pork scratchings. I've never tried them so they have only just discovered them, poor deprived kitties!

Three o'clock this morning woken from sleep by a sound like a small carthorse running up and down the stairs. Summoned up enough energy to look over bannister to see Dougal lying full stretch on his side, pulling shoes and boots out of the shoe rack.

Halfway down the stairs I realised that he had a mouse trapped amongst the shoes and was trying to hook it out. Poor little thing must have been terrified.

Dougal was so engrossed in his hunting that he didn't even hear me going down the stairs. He was ever so surprised to find himself hoisted into the air by his scruff (oh! the indignity of it. In front of a mouse!) and dumped (none too gently) outside the front door.

After carefully watching the shoerack for a few minutes, I located the mouse inside a shoe, so gently picked it up, went through the back door and let the mouse go into the hedge.

Bloody hell, it was cold!

Chemo night tonight, so I have a good supply of chopped liver for tomorrow as Dougal seems to have gone off all known brands of cat food and is living on chopped chicken and Iams (supplemented by rice pudding and pork scratchings!:lol:)
Pork scratchings? :blink: Cats are so funny in what they decide is a tasty snack. And delicate leaving lots of evidence. My old dog would have just scarfed the lot and I'd never have found anything to recall there had once been a pack of scratchings.

Cats on the other hand nibble, leaving a trail of crumbs, and of course do not eat the packaging, unlike my old dog.

Love the outfits! :D And can see Dougal in them too!

My husband likes Marmite, (I can't stand it) and eats marmite rice cakes. A very odd meal if you ask me. So the other night he's on the sofa with some cheese and a bag of marmite rice cakes which he puts by his feet on floor. If you are familar with rice cakes you'll know the packaging is a long tube like thing once you open it. Next thing we know Minnie, our black half wild cat has come in and is sniffing round them. Then she begins to lick the wrapper, inside, and gets her head all the way down to the stack of rice cakes. We're trying not to laugh to see how far she goes, but she just licks everything and then goes away. We offered her a bit of one, which she did not want. Seems she prefers to steal them! Proves I am right having decided that marmite is very like at food! :cool:
Great outfits, guys! Dougal would probably turn himself inside out trying to get rid of a coat or sweater, so I won't subject him to that. A pair of shades though ...

Both cats love Marmite, Isi. They very generously let me have some on my toast occasionally - in return for some butter.

He has a very short layer of fluffy fur at the moment, but as he is due to have his chemo on Friday (they couldn't get a line into his vein yesterday, he wasn't very co-operative) he will probably shed it all afterwards.

Luckily he has a selection of beds and blankets - including the new "slankie" that I was given for Christmas. It lives on the back of the sofa and I often come home to find it in a heap on the seat with a cat buried underneath it.

Yes, it looks as though pork scratchings are the new fad. They finished off the packet yesterday (sorry, Rob) after I had shaken most of the salt off using a sieve.
That picture is doing the rounds at work. Apparently it depicts a dog called "Dick". Can't think why.