Little Annoyances

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ardross
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Paul, did you have a good night down the lap dancing bar, did you get sorted with that gorgeous blond dancer, and how big did you say thay spot was on your bum?
People who go to dinner with friends, spot someone they half know accross the room and spend 20 minutes talking to them, while ignoring the party they arrived with. Saw it happen last night, and thought it was deeply disrespectful.
People who eat with their mouth open.

People who go to the jacks in work and leave their mobile phone at their desk, without putting it on silent mode.

Bouncers (like those in the bar I was in on Saturday night).

Barmen in posh bars who hand change back on trays (like the bar I was in on Saturday night).

Girls who think you are trying to chat them up when you just ask them a polite question (like the girls in that bar I was in on Saturday night. My girlfriend was in the toilets, our friends had yet to arrive, so I was just trying to kill a few minutes with polite conversation).

The stadium announcer making advertising announcements about how great Qantas are while the Kiwis have a scrum ten metres out from the Australian line with ten minutes to go in a Bledisloe Cup game.
Re An Capall's disrespectful dinner guest: surely the correct response is to hurl a large plate of trifle at their head, crying out in anxious tones, "Yoo-hooo! Wrong table! We're over heeere!"
Got dragged along to a Waitrose Food Monthly or whatever it's called Lunch on Friday at a place called something like Allium.

Anyhow it was all a bit annoying.

Before every course and at the end some guy, sometimes two guys stood up and lectured us about the wines and the history of the vineyards. Too much information. In the end, we all started eating while he was twittering away to himself.

Then a waiter decided to spill a glass of red wine over me, which was more of a bit of a surprise than it was annoying. Went all over my shoulder and arm. Another annoying thing is that they don't have a decent spare shirt when this happens.

Then we were made to walk from Hammersmith to see a friend's house that she's doing up and it was in Brook Green and it was too far for the wife to walk, particularly with me in a borrowed shirt, which was annoying as we were told it wasn't that far.
Originally posted by Venusian@Feb 19 2005, 10:06 PM
Going into a shop to buy something, there's one other customer in there and three people standing behind the counter...and you have to f*cking queue.
I find that shouting "Oi you bunch of ignorant f*ckers, are any of you lot planning on doing any work today" tends to resolve this problem.
Originally posted by terry@Feb 21 2005, 08:44 AM

Then a waiter decided to spill a glass of red wine over me, which was more of a bit of a surprise than it was annoying. Went all over my shoulder and arm.

How come it missed that mouth!!!................ :P or was it just that you were surprised with........... :D
Planes are cramped enough without the sod sitting in front tipping his seat back to show off his bald patch.
"Your call is important to us - please hold and an operative will be with you shortly" followed by a continuous loop of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"
Originally posted by BrianH@Feb 22 2005, 10:48 AM
"Your call is important to us - please hold and an operative will be with you shortly" followed by a continuous loop of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"
Which is made even more annoying by it usually being the same 30 second loop between "the voices".
E-mails that claim to raise money for a poor dying child if you forward it to at least ten thousand people within 30 seconds.

Sorry. This is more than a LITTLE annoyance. Should start a new thread for big annoyances.
- Hitting Mayfair with a hotel on it 4 laps out of 5.

- Holding pocket K's seeing and A and K on the flop to find your opponent has pocket A's - in a heads up game.

- Closing the boot of your car onto your one piece snooker cue which has jammed against the handbrake and breaking the back window into a thousand pieces.

- Dropping the last pizza slice onto the floor facedown.

- Losing a frame of snooker for £50 when the guy needs 3 snookers on the colours.

NB: this has all happened to me since Friday. I'm beginning to think the world has it in for me. In case I'm wrong, I am going to do the Lottery for the very first time tomorrow night.
:lol: Sorry, FU, but I'm imagining the snooker-cue scene! Was that after you lost the game? :teeth:

Do the Lottery - but can I suggest you put the ticket where you can find it, not after one year's desperate search to claim the £5,000,000 you'd have won if time hadn't run out!

Thankfully it wasn't the same night - if it was I reckon I'd have pulled an all out stampy temper tantrum. Just like that advert on the TV a few weeks ago - if it was caught on camera my face must have been a picture.

The poker was after the snooker - thankfully I was only playing against the rest of the guys in the team for tiny money - if it hadda been online the monitor's lifespan would have shortened dramatically - I hear they don't respond well to being chucked against the wall ;)