Little Annoyances

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ardross
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One-footed professional footballers. If I can be equally inept on left and right foot why can't they, at £25m and £100k a week, manage the same?

Middle-lane drivers.

People, especially people in supermarkets, who remain blissfully unaware of your existence as you try to squeeze past them, even after you have cleared your throat and politely asked them to move. The old ones are the worst.
I don't mind middle-lane drivers doing 80mph, because I generally join them, but what the hell are they doing there at 60?

I have to admit to a little guilt - I passed Gary Moore's horsebox on the way back to Brighton and gave it a friendly double flash with the lights as I passed, and a wave to the driver. I was a bit surprised when the two cars ahead of me swerved off to the left to make way for what they must've thought was an incredibly impatient old bag 'n' banger! That said, I hate tailgaters and people who whizz up other cars' backsides, flashing their lights.
Originally posted by prufrock@Feb 24 2005, 11:28 PM
One-footed professional footballers. If I can be equally inept on left and right foot why can't they, at £25m and £100k a week, manage the same?

Middle-lane drivers.

People, especially people in supermarkets, who remain blissfully unaware of your existence as you try to squeeze past them, even after you have cleared your throat and politely asked them to move. The old ones are the worst.
Yes I'LL endorse those too...i.e. yes he can only play on one side of the park!!! why!!! his he banned from the otherside? some are getting monies under false pretences....

driving standards are piss poor.......

and yes people who aint got any consideration for other shoppers they think they are alone in a huge super market and fail to see/notice others............

sorry forgot to add Welcome... prufrock??
Australian Question Intonation

... especially when used by spoilt little brats.

Coversation heard on the bus this morning, discussing the summer holiday plans.

"First my parents tried to get me to go to Italy, duh, like, I've been there ten times already?. Then they wanted me to go to South Africa, like I would?. Now they want to go to, like, Slovenia or something like that, like, BLUUUH?!"
Cheers, Merlin.

Further to the subject of supermarkets, I simply detest people who sneak into the "basket only: 10 items maximum " queue (which is where you'll often find me tapping my foot impatiently) with 27 items and then proceed to dally before producing some tatty money-off coupons, paying by switch and requesting cashback.

Shopping is an unpleasant experience in the prufrock household at the best of times............
Receiving a letter from my dentist telling me they are dropping all NHS patients, but for the incredibly cheap price of £144 per annum I can continue to receive two free check ups per year
You cannot imagine how cranky I get when my earphones get snagged in something, pulling them out of my ears. It happens more than it should but i'm getting cranky thinking about it.

And those people who believe every scaremongering story broadcast on the media as fact. there are more but those spring to mind
Graham, the exact same thing has happened at mine. It is bloody disgraceful, I have been with this dentist since I was born!!
Originally posted by graham@Feb 25 2005, 01:06 PM
Receiving a letter from my dentist telling me they are dropping all NHS patients, but for the incredibly cheap price of £144 per annum I can continue to receive two free check ups per year
Where the hell do you live ? Hollywood :D

£20 once a year Scale and Polish and thats too dear for ten minutes work
I have refrained from posting on this thread so far as I have far too many annoyances to mention!!! A potted list would probably be -

-Tourists that stand in massive groups blocking the street just because THEY'VE got nothing better to do, ignoring the fact that the rest of the world around them DO have something to do....
-Middle lane drivers
-Banks that persist in charging £25 a month in fees for going over your OD limit by pence (to be fair, after a long begging session with First Direct, they have tonight refunded to me a lot of the charges they had previously taken) & if they didn't keep charging, we wouldn't keep going over ther limit!!
-People who ring ME up & ask me to go on hold whilst they answer another line
-Women who insist on keeping their high heeled shoes on at all times whilst in their flat - hearing the thump-thump-thump of heels on marble flooring at all hours drives me mad!! Just take the shoes off at the door like every other normal person!!!!

There are far, far more, but these will do for now!!
Forgive me if someone else has already had this one - have only read page 4......

Doors and gates that you push open that swing back on you just as you are trying to go through them with your hands full...... h:) :angy: ( have got 2 like that here - grrr ! )