Madeleine Mccann

People speculate all the time about various things in life and always will do. I have always been intrigued (possibly a bit like Warbler) about certain murders, possible suspects what if's and whodunnits . I make absolutely no apology for that. If my comments or speculation about the case surrounding the disappearance Madeleine McCann offends you or anyone else on this forum then there is nothing I can do about it. Tough, just don't read my postings on this thread.

I can only suggest that Desperate Dan, Bar The Bull, Teot Seul and An Capall just ingnore this thread instead of continuing to pick on people (predominately me) for contributing to something that has been in the news for the last 127 days. I desperately want Madeleine to be found, hopefully alive and have said this from when she first disappeared. This forum is for people to discuss various subjects and this subject is one I will continue to comment on.

Bar The Bull, please just concentrate on that what is currently more important in your life. ie. the bird with the nice "ass" that walked past your desk earlier. I'm assume, girl with nice ass seeing you oggling and drooling at her back end put her life in perspective too.
Originally posted by Kathy@Sep 7 2007, 01:31 PM
If Kate and/or Gerry McCann are in no way connected to Madeleine's disappearance, then surely they have absolutely nothing to fear and surely this is a great opportunity to clear their names once and for all and for the police to eliminate them from their enquiries so the real culprit (s) can be caught.

The police have got it wrong before as we all know.

Just wondered if you had missed this earlier posting, An?

Talking of wild speculation An, did you ever get to the bottom of which, if any, athletes were (or are) drug taking cheats? shrug:: Just for the record it was one of those (many) threads that you were particularly prevelant in that I personally chose to ignore and didn't contribute to although found it particularly tiresome.
While I agree that discussion on this thread is merely speculation (and there's nothing wrong with that, by the way), what makes me equally :rolleyes: are the reports that "the McCanns have been wrongly accused" - again, without knowing the evidence or what happened that night, how does anyone know if the accusations are false or not?

Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if evidence comes to light to suggest there was some responsibility there, but one will have to wait for more news. Either way, what we have read seems to confirm that sadly Madeleine will not be seen again.

Honestly, is that is whats playing on your mind while the little 4 year old is missing?

There's no harm in speculating about the use of all this money. Come on, I'm not hard hearted but I'm hardly going to spend all my time weeping and wailing over the child, but then I guess I'm not your typical bleeding heart floral-tribute English person. I think it's a genuine question - and personally I think the "fund" should have gone to children's charities months ago.
Originally posted by Desperate Dan@Sep 7 2007, 06:35 PM
Kathy, you are like a modern- day Ena Sharples.

So you have access to all the information and evidence in this case, do you?

This is the sort of thing I meant :rolleyes:
Thanks for your input, Purr even if some of them fly in the face of a few on here. Stand back and wait for a few barbed comments to appear although I think I am probably the one whose comments that will be continually rubbished on this thread. :)

Just off to put me curler's back in and watch a re-run of some of Paula Radcliffe's greatest achievements.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Sep 7 2007, 04:07 PM
Because the girl had disappeared out of sight.
Right, let's be 'aving yew, Mr Barthebull.

Constable, cuff this bitta scum and read 'im 'is ryghts - s'spiciona causin' the dis'ppearance of one yang woman wiv a lovely ass.
Sky News has more speculation

Madeleine: Mum 'Offered Deal To Confess'
Updated: 19:41, Friday September 07, 2007

Kate McCann has been named as a formal suspect in the "death" of her missing four-year-old daughter Madeleine.
A family member has claimed she was offered a deal by police - that she would serve only two years in prison if she admitted accidentally killing her daughter.

Kate McCann leaves police stationPolice are said to believe that Madeleine was killed accidentally and that her body was hidden, then moved and hidden again.

They are not treating Madeleine's disappearance as murder.

There have been reports that Mrs McCann, 39, is likely to be charged with causing the accidental death of her daughter.

She was questioned by police again today but released without being charged. Detectives quizzed her for 11 hours yesterday.

Police have suggested that Madeleine's blood was found in a car hired by the McCanns 25 days after their daughter's disappearance.

Gerry McCann's sister Philomena said Mrs McCann was offered a deal through her lawyer to confess to killing her daughter by accident and then disposing of her daughter.

Mr McCann is now being questioned in the same police station in Portimao, Portugal.
Is it time to start photo-shopping out the yellow ribbon from all my Derby pics ?

More speculation... say, FOR EXAMPLE, that these ghastly McCanns are charged AND found guilty... the appeals will run and run for years for they are surely never going to admit to anything other than immense stupidity. This could still be in the news five years from now.

Remind me again what the Papal visit was all about ?
If the McCanns are in any way involved their other 2 children are tragically going to lose their parents as well as their sister. Let's hope it's not true.
should there be a 2years-for-accidental-death scenario , would that include a charge for wasting police time ?
Kathy - I was always willing to respect your right to a derogation of opinion in your endless battles with former and current members. (Cit; Ardross, Shadow Leader, Songsheet et seq.). I supported you.

Your contributions here recently seems to suggest you have no time for anybody who disagrees with you, and I may have been hasty to take your side. I hope I am wrong.

If you dig up a post where I accussed Paula Ratcliffe of drug cheating I will happily resign from the forum and never come back, and you can claim victory and stick your penant on the highest moral ground you can find.

In the meantine, enjoy the voyeurism.
Why has she not been charged? All these reported "facts" that everything points to her, the dogs smelling the corpse, blood on her clothes, items and car, etc etc. If this was true (either the scientific evidence points to it or not) why has she not been was widely expected by the press and "sources" all day?
I've been swinging in my opinion on a regular you reckon Kate and Gerry are similarly into the swinging?!?!
Originally posted by an capall@Sep 7 2007, 09:43 PM
Kathy - I was always willing to respect your right to a derogation of opinion in your endless battles with former and current members. (Cit; Ardross, Shadow Leader, Songsheet et seq.). I supported you.

Your contributions here recently seems to suggest you have no time for anybody who disagrees with you, and I may have been hasty to take your side. I hope I am wrong.

If you dig up a post where I accussed Paula Ratcliffe of drug cheating I will happily resign from the forum and never come back, and you can claim victory and stick your penant on the highest moral ground you can find.

In the meantine, enjoy the voyeurism.
An, you have your opinions on certain subjects and I have mine. I only had an "endless battle" with Ardross and with good reason as well you know.

I am quite happy for you to disagree with me on any subject matter, including this thread and surely you can understand that I will disagree with you on occasions too especially on a subject where people or a person has been accused of wrong doing with(as far as I can recall) absolutely no proof. You may think this thread is now, in some ways similar.

Like many people on here, I would be very sad if you chose to leave this forum. For the record I really don't mind people disagreeing with me and really don't even mind being compared to Ena Sharples. I actually liked Ena. :)

I will continue to add to this thread, and I am sure (hope) many others will too.
Originally posted by Galileo@Sep 7 2007, 10:20 PM
Why has she not been charged? All these reported "facts" that everything points to her, the dogs smelling the corpse, blood on her clothes, items and car, etc etc. If this was true (either the scientific evidence points to it or not) why has she not been was widely expected by the press and "sources" all day?
No idea, Galileo. It's possibly because they don't have enough actual proof/evidence and hope that with a confession it will save a lengthy and expensive court case and perhaps hoping that interviewing them seperately and offering one of them a deal one of them may finally break under pressure if Madeleine did die as a result of a tragic accident. shrug::

I continue to maintain that if they are innocent, they have absolutely nothing to fear from further questioning and can fully understand why they want either a charge against them or the police go back to seeking out the real culprit(s)
If blood was found in the hire car 26 days after the abduction-death of this child, why as the blood not been analysed and the DNA sought to match the family????..

Surely with this case it should have been ascertained well before any charges against the parents is submitted.....

I really think these Portuguese police are clutching at straws and do not have a clue as to what as happened............