Madeleine Mccann

If say she was accidently "killed" how on earth could they have hid her body for 25days :suspect: every movement they made was virtually on camera & even when you didn't see them they were surrounded by family liasion officers etc
It just does not add up shrug::
Her lover, Robert Murat, hid the body.*

* I made this up purely to fuel to the rabid speculation on here.
Its an absolute mess, Aldaniti's points are spot on.

If she killed the child, she had to hide the body for twenty five days. Then move the body into the car and hide it since so that one could find the child. She would also have had to have done this without the knowledge of her husband who looks like is not going to be charged. This all had to be done in the glare of the media. It just does not add up.

Added to that if she killed Madeline, she had to do it (and then hide the body) during one of her brief return trips to the bedroom before returning to her friends for their meal. I feel desperately sad and frustrated for her parents and family and God knows what they are going through.
These cases very often don't add up, Helen. It's still all pure speculation but Kate may well now be charged with Madeleine's "accidental" death. shrug:: They clearly think she did it.
If Kate and/or Gerry McCann are in no way connected to Madeleine's disappearance, then surely they have absolutely nothing to fear and surely this is a great opportunity to clear their names once and for all and for the police to eliminate them from their enquiries so the real culprit (s) can be caught.

The police have got it wrong before as we all know.
Given the apparent incompetence of the police, I reckon they have everything to fear.

Can't work out who dunnit? Fit up a case around the parents.
Originally posted by betsmate@Sep 7 2007, 01:16 PM
Her lover, Robert Murat, hid the body.*

* I made this up purely to fuel to the rabid speculation on here.
In other circumstances I'd have found that one really funny.
I think the accidental death line of enquiry is the possibility that Kate (or Gerry) sedated Madeleine to make her sleep so that they could enjoy a night out and something went wrong. shrug::

Still nothing official from the police, no arrests and no formal charges.
If they moved the body five weeks after the disappearance, wouldnt it have ponged a bit?
That's where logic is leading me Kathy. They're both medical professionals so would have been come stacked with an arsenal of medication plus anything she wanted to self-prescribe. The child dies accidentally due to their negligence. There's nothing they can do about it in terms of resurrecting the situation, but know that they face charges if found to be culpable. That gives them motive to conceal it now. They duly go out on a high profile bender where everyone can see them and insist on paying for everyting to leave an audit trail of their movements. Then the rest is stage managing a set piece?

I hope the Sunday Mirror have the decency to at least apologise to Robert Murat
Evidently, the McCann's had recently asked if they could use the money in the fund for any forthcoming case to pay for their defence. :suspect: They suspected they were about to be framed allegedly.

There is also mention of the last known photo of Maddie (sat by the pool with her Dad and one of the twins) meant to have been taken the day of her disappearance has possibly been doctored which could point to the fact that Maddie had already died.

TS, what if Maddie had been sedated, got out of bed (evidently she was a known sleep walker) or fallen out of bed and banged her head or got out of bed and fallen flat on her face. ie. Nose bleed and suffocated? I wouldn't have a clue. I'm no doctor. It would explain (if she was sedated) why Maddies door was evidently left unlocked. Would anyone leave a known child sleepwalker in an unlocked room if we were about to leave them for a few hours.

I think you are being slightly precious about my point of view, and my expression of it. I reiterate. Kathy constantly pleads that her only real interest is the missing child. The point I am making is that she never seems to add/start/refresh a thread that discusses her wherabouts or what we can do to recover her, but hastily adds to this one when there is anything smelly written, or done, involving the child's parents. Incongruous, methinks.

And Warbler. You are an intelligent man. When you breathlessy add that they are formally 'suspects' have the decency to add that this is a term in Portuguese law that only confers them more protection during police questioning. That poor soul, Murat, was once a suspect too for this Iberian version of the Keystone Kops.

So the scene was not preserved, the room was reused, there were subsequent forensic examinations and new the evidence is now applicable!?. I put it to you that in British jursiprudence, even if you lived in Birmingham or Guildford, that this circus would not be happneing.

Do I think the parents are involved? I havn't a clue, but am prepared to allow them innocence without inneundo until things are provan otherwise.
An, let those that want to discuss the case of the missing child, Madeleine McCann continue to do so, and those of you that don't just PLEASE ignore this thread. There is surely no need for you to contribute to it any further. I don't read or contribute to every thread on this forum, and I certainly don't go onto other threads trying to put down individuals who may want to discuss subjects that are of no particular interest to me.
Where did I indicate I didn't want to discuss the case of the missing child? In fact, I suggest you try discuss it sometime too, as it would be far more encouraging and helpful than casting aspersions at people innocent under law.

If anybody (other than Kathy) feels my point of view is out of place in this frank and stimulating discussion let me know and I'll shut up.
I have been thinking about this thread over my lunchtime pint.

I think that a lot of the stuff spouted by Kathy is probably representative of how our society has developed. People love trial by media, over t'internet or by the water cooler, and are more willing to accept speculation and information based upon half facts than to give somebody the benefit of the doubt. This is fuelled by the press, which further drives public opinion, and I worry that some day our judicial system will be affected by the desire of the masses to judge without access to facts or the inclination to assess and process them thoughtfully.

For crying out loud, Kathy was speculating about what the forensics might come back with before the scientists had done their work.

The whole thread briefly made me despair of society in general.

Then I saw a bird with a lovely ass walk by my desk. I then remembered that there are more important things in life than what people post on an internet forum.