Madeleine Mccann

I am only discussing the latest news and developments on the case of the missing girl, Madeleine McCann.

I am continually bemused why certain people find it distasteful for others to discuss it. A very young girl has been murdered and/or abducted with so far absolutely no trace. Her disappearance is so far a complete and utter mystery.

If the subject matter of this thread disturbs you Desperate Dand and Bar The Bull I suggest you just avoid reading it.
Kathy - why do you only refresh this thread when there is speculation over the role of the parents if your interest is in the totality of the disappearence?
Because it's more salacious, and Kathy's all too aware that from Crippen to Shipman the medical profession have a history of wicked murders. Mind you these two do appear to have been leading a quite racey life well at odds with their initial portrayal of church going, respectable pillars of upper middle class society. Unfortunately, it's giant leap to go from there to using this as evidence that they did it though. In the absence of information to report a media is always likely to try speculating and fuelling the insinuation industry, but having issued against a Portugese paper they might back off a bit.

To be honest this one has got 'unsolved' written all over it to me, though it is interesting that Robert Murat has said that the police have made no contact with him for nearly a month now. As the only named suspect, it does suggest that the focus of their attention has shifted if this is indeed the case.
Ten hours at the police station, with her Portugese lawyer present, is a hell of a long witness satement.

And why interview the parents separately?

I find it impossible to believe that her parents are directly responsible for Madelaine's death, if she is indeed dead.

An, I think you being unfair to Kathy there, after all the fact that the parents were being re-interviewed is about the only news there has been of the case. If Kathy is guilty, so am I. I started the thread and I have refreshed it when something 'interesting' has made the news.

As for it being salacious, not sure about the use of that word, but it is interesting don't you think.
Why interview them a day apart....make sense (if they were under suspicion) surely to interview them at the same time. I just cannot help but feel so sorry for them.
I disagree I am being unfair, Colin. The whole tone of this tread and the coverage in general is slighty salivating towards the morning we all might see the bold print


on the front of our papers. As I have hinted above - I would not die of surprise if this were to happen, but there is a frisson of voyuerism around the place on this one that is a little bit rancid.
Why interview them a day apart....make sense (if they were under suspicion) surely to interview them at the same time.

It's the opposite - they interview suspects seperately in order that they can start finding inconsistencies in their stories, and so that one partner isn't unduly influenced by the other in what they say/don't say.
Still not sure why people continue to comment and read threads such as this one that they are clearly finding unsavoury.

This case has intrigued me from the early stages as some of you may be able to tell by the fact I have been watching and reporting on specific developments since Madeleine disappeared. Personally, I still cannot see what is wrong with that, and it appears Colin doesn't have a problem with it either ? shrug::

You may not be surprised to know, that I will continue to comment on this thread when I see fit.
Fact: Madeleine has disappeared
Fact: Her blood was found in the apartment
Fact: The only people we know for sure who've been with Madeleine and in the apartment at the same time are her parents.

Very naive of the police if they aren't at least asking the McCann's serious questions.
What is being discussed here is only what would be discussed if the topic came up "in the real world" I talked about pretty much the same things with my mum & sister last night, I've overheard people in a cafe yesterday talking about it, no different!
Fact: Her blood was found in the apartment

Not sure that's a fact (yet). Has it been officially confirmed?

Fact: The only people we know for sure who've been with Madeleine and in the apartment at the same time are her parents.

And her younger siblings.
Please look away all of you that find this distasteful BUT it appears that further reports are coming out about details of taped phone calls and e-mails back to the UK made by and sent by the Mccanns. There also appears to have been traces of Madeleines blood found on clothes of Kate McCann found in the apartment and the cupboard they moved into after their own apartment was set up as a crime scene.

From my memory there were meant to be some of their relations of the McCanns staying in the apartment above the apartment where Madeleine disappeared from. These people were evidently the people that said about the attempted burglary and also the people to say they saw a man (fitting the description of the burglar) with a child wrapped in a jacket close to the apartment soon after Madeleine had disappeared.

OK, pure speculation but it sounds like if the McCanns are any way involved some people close to them may be party to the crime too.

God, why do I feel I should apologise to certain people on this forum before adding to this thread? shrug::
Yeah, sorry, speed reading again. You're right, it is strange, unless they don't consider the father a suspect at all.
I think that post says more about your view than anyone's, An.

Beauty, eye, beholder
Arrant nonsense, back to schooldays.

Though An can, and does, make his own points clearly enough, he is making the point that uninformed or partially informed, speculation and comments on here and elsewhere is tasteless and I agree wholeheartedly. In my view this type of reaction that is often parodied rather well in programmes such as the Simpsons. Thankfully lynch mobs are infrequent nowdays otherwise Murat and the McCanns would be hanging from a tree.

FFS a young kid has disappeared, possibly dead, there has been an incompetent investigation, new evidence indicates there are further possible alternative scenarios and these must be examined. I just hope that the culprit(s) is found and that Madelaine is found alive and if that is not the case the culprit gets the appropriate punishment.
The majority of us on here are clearly concerned primarily about the whereabouts and safe return of Madeleine. Surely, the only way to find out the truth about what really happened to her is to find the person (or people) responsible for her murder or abduction. That is what the detectives are currently doing, and that is what is being reported on this thread.

There is no lynch mob, just individuals discussing and speculating about the latest developments on a case that been front page news in many countries for nearly 4 months.

It's interesting (well, it was for me), if you have a spare hour :what:, to read the whole thread.
What the feck was that all about, Tout?

Why are comments about this case tasteless?

The speculation, if any, has been about the investigation and the way that appears to be moving.

I would agree that the investigation appears to be somewhat incompetent.

But your mention of lynch-mobs appears to be WAAAAYYYY over the top.
Then again, we are all dependend on the press and what they choose to print, or say what the police chooses to release, guess their is so much more behind scenes that the general public will never know about. Not surprised by events as I stick to what I have said before, but Kathy does put it all in better words.
Further news emerging is that the special UK trained sniffer dogs that are able to smell when something has died. It appears two dogs smelt "death" at the apartment, on some of Kate's clothes and in the boot of the car they hired 5 weeks after she disappeared.

If this alleged evidence can be used in any forthcoming trial there may be ways that the defence can argue how this smell could have been transferred to their apartment and into the boot of their hire car too, possibly via the Cuddle Cat that Kate has had with her throughout her daughters disappearance.

One thing that seems to have been indirectly confirmed (if you read between the lines) is that the chances of Madeleine now being found alive are now pretty remote. :(