Madeleine Mccann

Of course there might not be a hair sample at all....the police have not confirmed it publically other than supposed sources leaked to the press.
It is starting to feel like an episode of Columbo.

"That reminds me - I have another question, I nearly forgot to ask, just a matter of routine, you understand. Isn't it true Ms Kathy that a stopped clock is right at least twice a day?"
Originally posted by Warbler@Sep 11 2007, 11:15 PM
Technically speaking. Can someone be charged for murder, if a dead body isn't found. Surely until such time as a dead body turns up, the girl remains 'missing'. Though I seem to think there's a charge called 'suspicion of murder' isn't there? It reminds me of a bizzarre case in Australia where a missing persons arm complete with a distinctive tattoo was mysteriously found inside the stomach of a Tiger Shark. The evidence of the sethering proved that the dismemberment was nothing to do with the shark but had been accomplished using a knife. However, in the absence of a dead body a murder enquiry couldn't be launched as a human arm doesn't equal a dead body etc
Yes, you can charge someone with murder without a body, but it will be a tough job for the prosecution team to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt. You'd have to have some fairly solid evidence.

Peter Falconio is one, Danielle Jones in the UK is another (her uncle was convicted) and Thomas Capano in the USA is another. Those are the only ones I can think of right now, but it IS possible if you have a strong enough case.
Well I'm assuming that a dead body of 20+ days can't support folic root growth, and thus the hair falls out under something as simple as vibration. If indeed a substantial amount has turned up in the well of the spare wheel section in the boot, then you have to say...... that's going to take some explaining, and it does point somewhat to a third party being involved, knowingly or unwittingly
Originally posted by Warbler@Sep 12 2007, 03:59 PM
...and it does point somewhat to a third party being involved, knowingly or unwittingly
I know some sources have tried to claim they're swingers, but a third party in such a short space of time is indecent.

Hang them.

Well...apparently they were friends with a guy named Mr Murat, the king of the Swingers?!

I wonder.....
Not too much has been said recently about their "friends" either. The ones that they were on holiday with. There was mention of phones and e-mail taps fairly early on in the investigation but then that went quiet. It would be interesting if perhaps computers are seized by one or more of their "friends" who returned to the UK before the McCann's.

Just a thought. shrug::

I always wonder how much information is drip fed purposely to the media to distract them and the suspects from their real line of enquiry.
It gets more perplexing by the hour.

Turns out a friend has re-hired their car and kept it somewhere 'safe' to prevent the local police from planting evidence in it!!! So, no break down in trust there then.

Some journo just came on radio 5 and said it has been occupying him and his colleagues all day (but then in fairness he was covering the TUC conference). He said he'd taken a straw poll and it pretty well divided 50/50. Once upon a time I thought I had a handle on this case, now it's anybodies guess.

If the child was alive at about 4pm that afternoon, and was accidentally killed somehow through parental negligence, it would have given them a matter of just a few hours to conceive and put some cover plan into operation. This must have required the assisatnce of someone (for whatever reason I can't imagine) to conceal a body for 25 days undetected, before they hired this car, where hair might or might not have been found in the well of the spare tyre compartment.

It doesn't stack up to my mind. It would have to have been premeditated, or they're extremely agile thinkers, with a close group of friends who were prepared to support them. I mean it's not as if you can easily knock on someones door and ask them to look after a corpse for you for a few weeks because I forgot to bring a deep freeze with me.
If they have have done away with poor Madeleine they must have had help from someone else surely.
Thanks for counting Kathy. Busy day on the corporate ladder, eh?

Anyway - the thread I think is fascinating. Its just the odd contribution that is making me sleepy.

Now where did I put Cuddlecat?
This part of the forum is so bad that the Strictly Come Dancing thread on FF is 100% more interesting than anything on here - and i don`t even watch the feckin thing.
Do we know for sure who were the last people to see Maddie alive other than the parents, and what time was that?

If the McCanns did it, both or either, which God forbid, it would have had to have been BEFORE they sat down for dinner, to allow for the body to have been hidden already. They couldn't have risked a search of the apartment being made the moment she was found to be missing. So I'd say a lot depends on what happened between Maddie last being seen in public, and the McCanns sitting down for dinner.

No-one seems to have considered the possibility that - as in Belgium - there might be a paedophile ring existing in the locality, as was indeed reported at the start of all this; and that this ring involved people in positions of power. I think the police have developed a loathing of the McCanns for various reasons both public and personal, and would have a lot of incentive to fit them up, inc for reasons of 'national pride' I don't think from everything I've read that the forensic evidence is in the least to be trusted, given the sloppy procedures which have been used. It's becoming horribly possible that the McCanns will never be able to clear their names, if innocent, since the physical evidence will always be open to [mis]interpretation.
No it was much later. Around the 7:30-8:00pm was the friends who were having dinner with them that saw her.