Madeleine Mccann

I think you are right, Helen. I think about 4pm was the time Maddie was last seen by people other than in their "party".
Actually - has anybody thought to check what the 'party' actually ate that night when they were criminally neglacting their children. Maybe thats where Madeline went. Somebody could have coughed up a hairball when they opened the boot later.
No, Desert Orchid I didn't say that. It's evidently around that time I believe she was seen by anyone other than those in in the McCann's party.
So lets recap. They bumped her off about 4pm ish. Hid the body ( or rather got someone else to hide the body ). Put the rest of the children down to bed, and went out for an evening meal and a few bottles of chardonnay as though nothing was amiss. Then about 10pm, they decide to pretend that someone has abducted her, and all this with just the one mistake of the mum shouting "they've taken her", possibly. Some people on here need to get to their nearest doctor for a reality check. :brows:
I really think its the weather that we should be blaming......................... :suspect: (everybody blames the weather!Regardless as to what as occured)

But if the parents are to blame, I will personally, run bollock naked around Cheltenham on ladies day................ :eek:
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Sep 15 2007, 10:30 AM
I really think its the weather that we should be blaming......................... :suspect: (everybody blames the weather!Regardless as to what as occured)

But if the parents are to blame, I will personally, run bollock naked around Cheltenham on ladies day................ :eek:
If ever we needed another reason to hope that they weren't involved....
Well a lot of BALLS as been posted on here already.....

You might just as well see the REAL THING.......... just imagine my NUDE 21stone passing the winning post.............. :eek:

But this must be a bet, that I would win.........and I obviously have no need to turn up...........???? :suspect:
Originally posted by Dave G@Sep 15 2007, 09:49 AM
So lets recap. They bumped her off about 4pm ish. Hid the body ( or rather got someone else to hide the body ). Put the rest of the children down to bed, and went out for an evening meal and a few bottles of chardonnay as though nothing was amiss. Then about 10pm, they decide to pretend that someone has abducted her, and all this with just the one mistake of the mum shouting "they've taken her", possibly. Some people on here need to get to their nearest doctor for a reality check. :brows:
Cherry pick theories as much as you like, Dave. This forum is for discussion purposes.

Strange that those that are rubbishing the possibility that the parents could have had something to do with Madeleine's disappearance are not yet able to put up any alternative as to what may have happened to her.

Why is that? shrug::
Strange that those that are rubbishing the possibility that the parents could have had something to do with Madeleine's disappearance are not yet able to put up any alternative as to what may have happened to her.

Two points in reply, Kathy.

1. I never dismissed the possibility that the parents had something to do with it. I just think it too grievious an accusation to be based on remote speculation from dodgy sources with vested interests. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in due process.

2. Emmmm, let me think if there is an alternative.....Maybe she was abducted??
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Sep 15 2007, 01:13 PM
You can tell who is from Liverpool just by reading this thread, can't you? :laughing:
And what relevance does that have exactly? I believe they live in Leicestshire.

Kathy, I am not employed to come up with alternatives. I just think some of the suspicions put forward beggar belief.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Sep 15 2007, 11:18 AM
Well a lot of BALLS as been posted on here already.....

You might just as well see the REAL THING.......... just imagine my NUDE 21stone passing the winning post.............. :eek:

But this must be a bet, that I would win.........and I obviously have no need to turn up...........???? :suspect:
ill 2nd that Merlin & join you if they are guilty. my manboobs will give everyone a smile!!
I read all the tabloid [and other] front pages today, and the Portuguese press and police do seem to covering their backs by now saying: "THEY killed them, and took them out in a boat, and weighted them down, and we shall never find them... But we KNOW they killed them!"

Which is utterly outrageous and proves to me that they have no case. They are just trying to salvage their national pride. Oh sorry, we all belong to the EU now, so we are all the same nation! NOT!!
Who are "them"? I thougt this was a singular. That being the case the "they" could be any sort of organisation.

Sorry - makes no sense
Headstrong, do you think the EU should allow nationals of other states live and work and buy property in their countries?
Originally posted by Dave G@Sep 15 2007, 10:49 AM
So lets recap. They bumped her off about 4pm ish. Hid the body ( or rather got someone else to hide the body ). Put the rest of the children down to bed, and went out for an evening meal and a few bottles of chardonnay as though nothing was amiss. Then about 10pm, they decide to pretend that someone has abducted her, and all this with just the one mistake of the mum shouting "they've taken her", possibly. Some people on here need to get to their nearest doctor for a reality check. :brows:
I rather think the police have a little more than just the mother's comment to make them suspicious enough to question the pair of them for such a lengthy time.
The comment 'they've taken her' needs to be contextualised.

If the group had been discussing the sighting of someone possibly carrying a child in a blanket shortly before, it would entirely understandable for the mother to jump to this conclusion.

There's been plenty of talk about a paedophile ring in the area. That might have been a topic for discussion that evening. The regular checks on the kids might have been - rightly or wrongly - the group's way of balancing awareness of this with still trying to enjoy their holiday.

The whole thing just doesn't add up and I reckon they're now clearing the way for the judge to declare the McCanns have no case to answer.
Is it my imagination or did I hear that Max Clifford is acting as the McCann's PR agent at the moment? I heard his name mentioned earlier on the news but wasn't really listening.
Originally posted by Warbler@Sep 15 2007, 10:03 PM
Who are "them"? I thougt this was a singular. That being the case the "they" could be any sort of organisation.

Sorry - makes no sense
Meant to say her, not them, sorry

Much detail today in various papers, which makes it more and more obvious that the Portuguese Police are feeding the media frenzy with a lot of unsubstantiated stories to blacken the McCanns' names and put them under pressure; also imo to create a climate in which they can be fitted up with the crime.

Purr, I've lived in Spain, Italy and France; and I can assure you that you can't expect the same standards from the police and even the legal systems of those countries as you can in the UK. Not that 'fitting up' is unknown here either... but I would have little confidence in the continental police being either unbiased or incorruptible.

We have to bear in mind that tourism is not only the lifeblood of the Algarve, where this tragedy happened; it's essential to the entire Portuguese economy. I felt right form the start the McCanns' rush to the media was a mistake; and I'm afraid events have shown how dangerous a move that was. They are on the receiving end of a terrible backlash.

Btw, I've read a lot of press on this, and the reporting in the Mail is just about the best there has been in any paper, giving all sides in some detail without sensationalising it as other tabloids have tended to.

They have a long piece today by David Rose, who has spent 25 years writing on miscarriages of justice; it makes very scary reading. This is a shortened online version:
Originally posted by an capall@Sep 16 2007, 08:20 AM
Headstrong, do you think the EU should allow nationals of other states live and work and buy property in their countries?
AC, I've lived on and off in Spain [Ibiza] since 1971. I've lived and farmed in Italy, on a long lease called a 'mezzadria' which gave us our farm to live in in perpetuity. Before that I owned property - three ruins which we painstakingly restored, and a smallholding - in central France. So yes, of course I think we should all be allowed to live and work wherever we want; and in my own case this was intended as a permanent move.

This has nothing to do with shared nationality. I never lost sight of my own; nor did I wish to claim citizenship nor even to vote in any country I lived in other than my own.

I voted in the mid 70s along with a lot of other fellow subjects of HMQ to join the EEC: The European Economic Community. NO-ONE in this country ever voted to join the EU, neither have we ever been consulted as to whether we wish to be governed by this unelected pan-European 'Commission' which can over-ride national parliaments and legal systems. I do not wish to be subject to rule by this corrupt unelected body.