Madeleine Mccann

The Portugese detective in charge of the investigation has been removed from that position after criticising the way the the English team of detectives are approaching the investigation.
The McCanns admit to spending £4k of the "find Madelaine" fund on their mortgage, despicable behaviour, time for the fraud squad to investigate how much money is actually left and what else it has been used for
A bit of ridiculous over-reaction. Have you studied the terms of the documents which govern the Fund and read the explanations given by the Trustees of the Fund. Or are you reacting merely on the basis of tabloid headlines?
From what little I know about the fund, it was set up to help the parents/searches etc
The money was used for two mort payments well before they were made suspects
Lets nip this in the bud shall we. As explained by a trustee earlier on in the week, TWO mortgage payments were applied for from the fund in July and August when Gerry McCann went on unpaid leave from work following on from three months paid absence. When the fund was initially launched, it was agreed that monies could be made available for the family if requested and the trustees agreed it was necessary. As Kate is only a part time GP and as such not earning at the time, Gerry's salary was the only incoming salary, and that was about to stop.
Since being named as suspects, no monies have been applied for, or offered to the McCanns. The fund stands at 1.2 million gbp, and is used primarily for on-going private investigations in Morrocco, Spain, and Portugal. It is also used for the on-going advertising about the abduction. I hardly think £4,000 when Mr McCann was about to lose his wages four months ago is excessive and once more it is tabloid journalism at its worst trying to make it look as though they are fritting away the fund.
I agree that it's a bit of a non-story, but:

When the fund was initially launched, it was agreed that monies could be made available for the family if requested and the trustees agreed it was necessary.

Who agreed that monies could be made available?

Who are the trustees?

Was this made clear to those donating?
I had been wondering how much their PR guy is being paid to turn up at the GMTV studios every other morning to stamp down anyone who dares to question anything a McCann has stated.

Wasn't there a scandal surrounding the monies collected for Louise Woodwards fighting fund where the family members had spent it on Farepak Christmas hampers or something ?
Originally posted by Flagship uberalles+Nov 1 2007, 02:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Flagship uberalles @ Nov 1 2007, 02:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Desperate Dan@Nov 1 2007, 01:11 PM
Or are you reacting merely on the basis of tabloid headlines?
Heaven forfend. :eek:

What do you expect the parents to do? Lose their home as well as their daughter? [/b][/quote]
Sorry if this sounds harsh flagship but when we were suffering weeks of emotional blackmail by the PR machine they have telling us to donate there was no mention of the money being used for personal use. I have always been under the impression that the fund was to find Madelaine, surely any other use is improper and possibly fraudulent.

As for losing their house as well as their daughter maybe they should have looked after her better.
Overbruv you are wrong. Just accept that. The Trustees have quite clearly stated that the Trust document legally provided for the payments. There has been no fraud, which I sense will come as a great disappointment to you. You will probably get over it in time.
Friends, family and colleagues of the McCanns. Namely:

Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
John McCann, a medical representative;
Esther McVey, managing director of a public relations & communications company;
Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
Philip Tomlinson, a retired solicitor and former coroner in Leicestershire;
Michael Linnett, a retired accountant

I understand that the two family members do not participate in funding dicsussions that relate directly to the parents.
using the money to pay essential bills is acceptable in my opinion. if it were used for kate to go to the sun tan studio, or for gerry to have tennis lessons then that would be taking advantage.
I have seen the trust conditions online and agree that they provide for the families finances, I still think it is wrong that they are using money given to find their daughter to pay the mortgage, rather than allowing the law enforcement professionals to get on with their jobs and going back to theirs
Say they have £4K, OB. They hear there is a lead in Morocco. They use their 4K to take a trip there. They pay their mortgage fron their trust money, as per the terms. Either way the mortgage is paid and their cash on hand = 0.

Where is the wash?
From where do the fees for their publicist come ?

Can I ask those who see the McCanns as wholly victims in this sad series of events, would you consider going out for a meal, with friends, and leave three children, of four or under, unattended ?

No doubt they were visited at intervals but as most parents will know, it only takes a second or two for sh*t to happen, that's the way life, and death, is.

As I have said on this thread before, I find it unbelieveable that either of the parents have deliberately harmed Madeleine, but, in my opinion, they were negligent in their behaviour to all three children.
Colin, that may be so, and I don't for a second condone their actions, but some of the stuff coming out from the media about them isout of order.
but some of the stuff coming out from the media about them isout of order.

Perhaps, but so is a lot of the 'positive' stuff being put into the media about them as well.