Melbourne Cup 2009

I am going next year to the event, permitting my mother is over her third bout of cancer, albeit plans are on hold.

I think, unless you have been to Australia during Cup week, or are an Australian, you will never truly understand the "beauty" and "glory" of what this race what what it truly means to us here down under.

No its not our greatest race, far from it. That mantle is proudly held by the Cox Plate. Its not even debatable, everyone knows that it is the true championship of the southern hemisphere. A 10f WFA event on what is considered to be the world's tightest racing circuit, Moonee Valley.

As for the Cup, next year its 150 years of age, older than the Kentucky Derby by several years. Recent winners (aside from Makybe Diva, Might & Power and Saintly) would not rate as world class, but the yester year group of Phar Lap, Peter Pan, Galilee, Rain Lover, Light Fingers, Nightmarch and Carbine, were amazing horseflesh.

Then there are the stories, each one from 2000 onwards has something magical to it. In 2000 Kerrin McEvoy 5 days out of his apprenticeship won the Cup age 20 at his first attempt. This was after having spent 1 month in suspension due to not showing up at the track. In 2001, Sheila Laxon became the first ever female trainer in the history of the race to win both it and the Caulfield Cup with the mystical Ethereal. In 2002, in possibly racing's most moving moments, and sport for that matter went the way of Media Puzzle with Damien Oliver on board. Just days before, Ollie's brother Jason had been killed in a barrier trial. Who can honestly forget the moment old Media Puzzle hit the front, Ollie wearing Jason's breeches, boots, helmet, and whip reached to the Heavens, saluted his brother, tears streaming down his face. A TRULY beautiful moment.
Or who can forget one of the greatest mares of all time saluting not once, not twice but THREE times in the event from 2003 to 2005. Amazing stuff!

Then there is the Cup parade on the Monday. Can anyone name me another event that actually celebrates their horse race with a live street parade, having over 50,000 people attend lining the second biggest city in their country? How many people have been able to watch previous Cup (or big race) winners parading down the main street of a CBD during the middle of a working day? I can't. That is what happens 24 hours prior to the Cup.

My day yesterday was excellent, minus the 40 degree heat here in Sydney. Our office, like most around Australia, shut down from 1pm onwards. We rented an entire floor of a local pub and spent the afternoon there watching the races on live big screen plasma tvs. Melbourne Cup day is a public holiday in Melbourne, and is being reviewed by the State Government of NSW, to allow Sydney to follow suit. I think eventually one day the entire Australia will be rewarded with the day off.

I hope everyone enjoyed this year's race. It was not the best one I have seen, far from it. The namesake of the winner summed it up, Shocking!!! But still a great afternoon to spend with friends and chilling out.
Nice piece.I was there for Diva's first Cup. I actually stood in front of her in the pre-parade ring for some time. I remember she was a quiet unspectacular looking filly. Naturally I didn't back her :o . She was well handicapped for her third win.
Saw a movie about Phar Lap years ago. Got me thinking about the whole Large heart thing. I haven't stopped thinking about it. Who has it and how do you breed one with it........sometimes my head hurts thinking about it.........:blink::whistle::D
Secretariat had a massive heart too. They did an autopsy when he died and found that it wasn't deformed in any way, it was all in proportion - just massive.
Secretariat had a massive heart too. They did an autopsy when he died and found that it wasn't deformed in any way, it was all in proportion - just massive.

They say only the mares carry the gene for it. Thing is, even if you get one with a big heart they could have bad wind, bad legs, small lungs or have a bad temperment etc etc etc......
Hey Sheikh did you end up going to the Royal Museum of Melbourne and seeing Phar Lap there?

Another thing I have yet to see. His heart is at the National Records Museum in Canberra. Now I am not sure if its still public display or not.......

His bones are over in NZ at a museum I believe in Trentham.
Hey Sheikh did you end up going to the Royal Museum of Melbourne and seeing Phar Lap there?

Another thing I have yet to see. His heart is at the National Records Museum in Canberra. Now I am not sure if its still public display or not.......

His bones are over in NZ at a museum I believe in Trentham.

No , the Cox plate, the Melbourne cup, Compromise rules game, the Ireland V Aus rugby game and a few beers :)
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Compromise Rules games, LOVE IT!!! Was a few beers, an entire night out on Lygon Street?

An entire week ! took in a fair bit of the State before flying up to Sydney.
Really beautiful. Nice tracks at Ballarat and Ararat etc. Interesting to see the influence the Gold rush had on the area. Had to check out Ned Kelly country too....interesting History.
Why didn't you watch a bit of sport while you were over there?

You can imagine my surprise when we arrived there for our Honeymoon to discover a Feast of Racing, a Rugby World Cup and a Compromise rules series where all taking place. Oddly enough our intinerary enabled us to be in the right City at the right time....the Mrs was delighted.:o Not to mention the added bonus that friends had sourced tickets as wedding presents :p
You're a very luck man to have a wife like that!

Well as I explained it at the time, in the grand scheme of things a match only takes about 80 mins and the races just an afternoon so the sport really only took a a very small % of our time. But yes I am lucky..... although very occasionally she does tell me to "turn that shite off" :D
That was a very moving piece that you wrote, Grand Armee; I've been following the run up to this years cup more so than usual and have found myself wanting to actually be there one day, not just listening to it on the radio. I saw the film about Phar Lap a few years ago [still have it on video somewhere] which probably got me interested in it. I loved the ongoing saga of Holy Orders that year when he kept refusing to go onto the track, and found it terribly sad when he was killed when back hurdling; could almost hear him say 'I told you I didn't want to do it'. And then the year when Persian Punch was our flagbearer....Yes, a truly great race. And I wish your mother well.
I was there the year Holy orders mades a show of us. There was a collective sense of mortification amongst the Paddys.