Netanyahu's victims

I have Hamm! I've also even answered every point in detail and Icebreaker continues to repeat himself claiming falsehoods when I've stated categorically what I mean by each and every one of my points and given him irrefutable facts and re-posted what I've said for the benefit of his inability to read. For example the words about water were 'In addition it controls the water and limited the 6 mile fishing zone to 3 miles'. Clearly those words were and still are too difficult for our friend to understand or does he actually believe Palestinians fish from their drinking supply! Yet what we still get is repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. The man clearly has no shame. You're right, debating with a dead set moron is pointless. Scary!

His repetitions are the only things he's posted on this thread for sometime and despite my request he appears unable or unwilling to add anything to the debate which is why I draw the obvious playground conclusion. And his latest attempt to deflect is by saying he won't dignify me with a response! I'm sure everyone has drawn their own conclusion already so your right it is kinda pointless.

I suppose I'll also find out whats lurking behind Clive's post shortly when he follows up with his next one. Or has he taken to lurking behind Icebreaker now. If so that's even scarier!
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I have Hamm! I've also even answered every point in detail and Icebreaker continues to repeat himself claiming falsehoods when I've stated categorically what I mean by each and every one of my points and given him irrefutable facts and re-posted what I've said for the benefit of his inability to read. For example the words about water were 'In addition it controls the water and limited the 6 mile fishing zone to 3 miles'. Clearly those words were and still are too difficult for our friend to understand or does he actually believe Palestinians fish from their drinking supply! Yet what we still get is repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. The man clearly has no shame. You're right, debating with a dead set moron is pointless. Scary!

His repetitions are the only things he's posted on this thread for sometime and despite my request he appears unable or unwilling to add anything to the debate which is why I draw the obvious playground conclusion. And his latest attempt to deflect is by saying he won't dignify me with a response! I'm sure everyone has drawn their own conclusion already so your right it is kinda pointless.

I suppose I'll also find out whats lurking behind Clive's post shortly when he follows up with his next one. Or has he taken to lurking behind Icebreaker now. If so that's even scarier!

God forbid someone should have a different opinion on a subject. That would be heinous.
Getting an opinion from IB instead of side wing sniping would be nice Simmo. Unfortunately the thread has run its course because a genuine debate is impossible.

I'd love a drink Grassy but I like water in my Whisky and the landlord will ask me to repeat my order ten times and give me a fish instead! :D
the words about water were 'In addition it controls the water and limited the 6 mile fishing zone to 3 miles'. Clearly those words were and still are too difficult for our friend to understand or does he actually believe Palestinians fish from their drinking supply!
If your intention was to refer to controlling the sea approaches to Gaza, then, convention has it that you should have used the word "waters" -- not "water". I.E., "in addition it controls the waters". When you did not, it is understandable that a reader might misconstrue your meaning.
Just saying, loike.
They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ..
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ...
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ...


They're happy in Australia ..
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland ..
They're happy in Denmark ..

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves


AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How frigging dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
- More than one wife
- More than one mother-in-law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
- You cook over burning camel ****
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???

Well No **** Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse!

From Facebook :lol:
Another factual point for those in complete denial of how dire the situation is in Gaza, the Disasters Emergency Committee yesterday launched an appeal for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the UK Goverment is matching the first two million pounds of donations.

Perhaps Icebreaker you want to lobby your MP and write to the DEC to see if you can convince them of your warped alternatives so they don't waste the money!
Still in the playground, and no change from whats becoming a predictable response and attitude. Oh we'll...............

Just to save any confusion for anyone who doesn't know what you're referring to, the post you reference is above.

I clarified the electricity statement with hard facts later which youve completely ignored for the sake of effect yet again. Do I need to do it again in words of one syllable as you clearly didn't read it or understand it. I'm not sure which?

When I talk about communities starving, perhaps you'd like to enlighten me with your definition of starving. Mine is quite simple. What's yours? For information the current estimate is that more than 400,000 Palestinans are in urgent need of food, water and shelter.

And clearly, if you could actually read, my post with regards water is talking about the ocean and the ability to fish. I've re-posted it to save you the arduous task of finding it. Shall I try posting that one in words of one syllable too?

Then perhaps you'd like to explain how my responses have been waffle and blurring. Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to put it in an even simpler form for your comprehension? If so I will until you finally stop repeating yourself, and to save everyone from getting utterly bored.

Now, if you've finally finished deflecting lets see if you can actually add something intelligent to the debate and lets hear your solution you were so keen to demand from Grassy, or are you still going to keep repeating yourself instead?

Hmmmm, it seems like Harry has now joined yourself and Clive to express an opinion that the Palestinian people should be wiped out. Given your previous tone, I presume that's your solution or am I wrong? And if I am what do you think Israel should do and how far should they go?

Just when you've finished blowing off wind with your pathetic tedious drivel, quote me on where I said that the Palestinians should be wiped out???

I said Israel should keep going until the job is done, the "job" being to stop Hamas' capabilities to attack it with rockets.

Any chance you could start blowing wind on ISIS?? What's your opinion on them at the moment?
When battered on a thread the usual response by some is to claim that comnents weremade that clearly werent
I said Israel should keep going until the job is done, the "job" being to stop Hamas' capabilities to attack it with rockets.

no objection to job being done..the job being killing the murdering scum firing the rockets..unfortunately that comment now applies to both sides ..the objection is that Israel are doing the job like cowardly little girls...probably the most cowardly response one country can do against another...which if they had done the job right would just apply to Hamas

both sides=cowardly arse@holes
Israel can do whatever they like to defend their nation and people against those (many) that want to eliminate them.
With Hamas, Syria, Hezbollah, Iran, ISIS (or whatever the Islamist maggots call themselves now) and most other nations (and folk on here) against them......what do you expect?
Keep going Israel until the job is done!!

I presumed that's what you meant by 'until the job is done'? As you didn't and you've clarified I owe you an apology.

iSIS are the scum of the earth as you ask.
Changing the thread slightly, any thoughts on America's decision to start bombing ISIS?
Changing the thread slightly, any thoughts on America's decision to start bombing ISIS?

Whilst by default I'm opposed to/sceptical towards American intervention, I take no issue with ISIS being blown to kingdom come. Though preferably, I'd rather the intervention was taken by UN/some united Arab force.

Make no mistake the USA's actions have sweet fuck all to do with altruism or the interests of the local populace, rather they're defending the oil territory under US control hence the timing of their intervention. Furthermore, I'll be damned if my brother (army) is made to join in.

Who are "they" exactly? Have you been to all those countries you list? Indeed, have you met many people who've grown up there? Sure, some of those countries you list are pretty crap to live in but then again, most war torn places (Mexico, Ukraine, Syria) or countries led by a nutjob regime (Best Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe) wouldn't exactly be a picnic.

Admittedly, I've only been to one country where the majority was an Islamic one. Indeed, I only have one Muslim girlfriend. But my experiences of Bosnia has been little but positive and enjoyable.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
Me and my Bosniak fiancee attended the mass celebrated by the Catholics.
- No television
- No nude women
There are no nude women walking any of the UK high streets either. There are nude women in the privacy of one's bedroom/internet browser and I've seen plenty of women in Sarajevo who dress immodestly to say the very least.
- No football
Bosnia went batshit insane when the national team qualified for the World Cup despite the severe handicap of having several players defect to play for "better opportunities" with Croatia, Serbia and Sweden. On Thursday night, there were fireworks in Sarajevo after FK Sarajevo's heroics in Athens against Atromitos. Their upcoming tie against Borussia Modchengladbach is a big deal for the maroon half of the city.
- No pork chops
A few have admitted to me that they eat pork. They're certainly not illegal in BiH.
- No hot dogs
See above.
- No burgers
Burgers have generally never seen a pig in any case.
- No beer
Sarajevo brews its own beer, Sarajevsko, which whilst not a champion of beers by any stretch of the imagination, is still better than the pish brewed in the UK
- No bacon
See three above
- Rags for clothes
My fiancée tends to shop at Bershka, H&M, Zara etc.
- Towels for hats
No... towels are used for drying things. This is true all over the world.
- Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
It isn't constant, it happens five times a day. I personally find it quite quaint.
- More than one wife
I'd be so lucky.
- More than one mother-in-law
Just the one thankfully.
- You can't shave
Most Bosniaks are clean shaven.
- Your wife can't shave
My fiancée is clean shaven.
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
You're thinking of Southwell.
- You cook over burning camel ****
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
My future in laws hate me.
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
Poor thing has OCD but she's a fan of Turkish soaps and whatnot so she actually smells divine.
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???
Name me one religion that says otherwise.

So there we have it. A nation which has, and has always had a Muslim majority.

So what's the lesson here?

Not all Northerners own a flat-cap and whippet (I have but that's by the by), not all Jews are warmongering Zionists, not all Murricans are obese, bible thumping, gun-toting idiots, not all Irish people carry pigs under their arms, not all racing fans approve of fox-hunting, not all black men have gigantic penises, not all Welsh people fornicate with woolly animals, not all Indians are big into gang rape, not all heroin addicts are musically gifted, not all homosexuals are well groomed and not all Muslims are fundamentalists.
Whilst by default I'm opposed to/sceptical towards American intervention, I take no issue with ISIS being blown to kingdom come. Though preferably, I'd rather the intervention was taken by UN/some united Arab force.

Make no mistake the USA's actions have sweet fuck all to do with altruism or the interests of the local populace, rather they're defending the oil territory under US control hence the timing of their intervention. Furthermore, I'll be damned if my brother (army) is made to join in.

America doesnt need iraqi oil at all. Not one bit of it

The un would not attack or have the capability to. Arab forces? Is that a wind up?

Its fcking great that we have americas capability and will to wipe out this scum. You can bet the christians under threat of genocide would agree. Somewhat...
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America doesnt need iraqi oil at all. Not one bit of it

The un would not attack or have the capability to. Arab forces? Is that a wind up?

Its fcking great that we have americas capability and will to wipe out this scum. You can bet the christians under threat of genocide would agree. Somewhat...

The ethnic cleansing of the Yazidis has been rolling for a couple of months now. Christians actually asked the US for air-strike assistance back in the middle of June. But now that ISIS are moving in on Erbil, a veritable hub of ExxonMobil, Chevron, Halliburton activity, Obama suddenly decides that enough is enough.

Whatever you say.

I've already said that ISIS should be rubbed out and I can't say I care a great deal as to how it is done. However, in an ideal world, I would be happier if it was done by regional/politically neutral entities.

Interestingly enough, the Syrian government has been fighting ISIS for as long as pretty much anybody else. Why hasn't the US been supporting Assad in this battle (indeed, they've done the exact opposite)? Are Iraqi lives worth more than those of Syrians? Most westerners wouldn't be able to differentiate between the two in any case.

your argument lost credibility here, clearly all Irish people do carry pigs under their arms. Especially the Muslim contingent.

I haven't visited the Emerald Isle since 2005. As such, I was unaware of post Celtic Tiger Ireland and have leapt to judgement without a full understanding of contemporary facts. Please accept my sincerest apologies and my gratitude.
Who are "they" exactly? Have you been to all those countries you list? Indeed, have you met many people who've grown up there? Sure, some of those countries you list are pretty crap to live in but then again, most war torn places (Mexico, Ukraine, Syria) or countries led by a nutjob regime (Best Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe) wouldn't exactly be a picnic.

Admittedly, I've only been to one country where the majority was an Islamic one. Indeed, I only have one Muslim girlfriend. But my experiences of Bosnia has been little but positive and enjoyable.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
Me and my Bosniak fiancee attended the mass celebrated by the Catholics.
- No television
- No nude women
There are no nude women walking any of the UK high streets either. There are nude women in the privacy of one's bedroom/internet browser and I've seen plenty of women in Sarajevo who dress immodestly to say the very least.
- No football
Bosnia went batshit insane when the national team qualified for the World Cup despite the severe handicap of having several players defect to play for "better opportunities" with Croatia, Serbia and Sweden. On Thursday night, there were fireworks in Sarajevo after FK Sarajevo's heroics in Athens against Atromitos. Their upcoming tie against Borussia Modchengladbach is a big deal for the maroon half of the city.
- No pork chops
A few have admitted to me that they eat pork. They're certainly not illegal in BiH.
- No hot dogs
See above.
- No burgers
Burgers have generally never seen a pig in any case.
- No beer
Sarajevo brews its own beer, Sarajevsko, which whilst not a champion of beers by any stretch of the imagination, is still better than the pish brewed in the UK
- No bacon
See three above
- Rags for clothes
My fiancée tends to shop at Bershka, H&M, Zara etc.
- Towels for hats
No... towels are used for drying things. This is true all over the world.
- Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
It isn't constant, it happens five times a day. I personally find it quite quaint.
- More than one wife
I'd be so lucky.
- More than one mother-in-law
Just the one thankfully.
- You can't shave
Most Bosniaks are clean shaven.
- Your wife can't shave
My fiancée is clean shaven.
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
You're thinking of Southwell.
- You cook over burning camel ****
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
My future in laws hate me.
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
Poor thing has OCD but she's a fan of Turkish soaps and whatnot so she actually smells divine.
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???
Name me one religion that says otherwise.

So there we have it. A nation which has, and has always had a Muslim majority.

So what's the lesson here?

Not all Northerners own a flat-cap and whippet (I have but that's by the by), not all Jews are warmongering Zionists, not all Murricans are obese, bible thumping, gun-toting idiots, not all Irish people carry pigs under their arms, not all racing fans approve of fox-hunting, not all black men have gigantic penises, not all Welsh people fornicate with woolly animals, not all Indians are big into gang rape, not all heroin addicts are musically gifted, not all homosexuals are well groomed and not all Muslims are fundamentalists.

BH/Kotkijet, I can't be arsed to read all that but you've certainly got form for talking bollocks , so just a little message for you:

Oh look, my sad and pathetic online stalker is here :D

If I'm ignoring you everywhere else, what makes you think it will be any different on this forum?

(So you know, every time you make reference to me and I don't respond, I win)
Opposition to assad was far from just isis. I would agree that obama moves too slowly but this is in response to international outrage rather than oil. The us would look pretty shabby if they did nothing. In truth christian influence in the us would be a factor too.
There is international outrage over the happenings in the Gaza strip yet the US are backing the aggressors (this item has been done to death in this thread already)

There are ongoing international outrages over the happenings in Nigeria and Darfur which have been perpetrated longer than the current events in Iraq. Where are America in these instances?

You can believe that the latest American intervention is purely altruistic and humanitarian if you wish. However, I don't believe that you believe this has sod all to do with protecting American interests.