Netanyahu's victims

it would be some leader who would tell his citizens to accept being bombed because " we mustnt upset the muslims and the jew hating left"

or even, we can only use rubbish rockets fired by half trained idiots because Grasshopper wants proportional forms of defence. Presumably, half of those rockets would have to be self destructed to imitate Iron Dome and maintain parity.

On the plus side, it does mean that they could sneak men in to attempt to blow up civilians. But, in order to remain proportional, they'd have to let themselves get discovered and shot so maybe that's not so good.
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Last word. Once they elected hamas all this was inevitable . Reap what you sow. Hamas is deeply entrenched in its racist and genocidal stance. No room for manouver

And when are the next elections??

And if we are talking numbers , perhaps consider how nany palestinuans hamas has executed?
Last word. Once they elected hamas all this was inevitable . Reap what you sow. Hamas is deeply entrenched in its racist and genocidal stance. No room for manouver

Head-in-the-sand nonsense.

The dynamic across the Middle-East is totally different since the Arab Spring, which Hamas' election in Gaza preceeded by several years.

Simply blaming Hamas and saying this was all too inevitable, means you can conveniently ignore everything that's going on in the region, and its impact on Israeli (and Palestinian) policy - allowing you to condone yet more disproprotionate violence from Isreal that will worsen, rather than improve, the situation.
Complete rubbish

Israel has a duty to kill the missile launchers and protect its citizens. Problem???

There us no upside for them killing civilians but the objective is clear and has to be completed before further attacks of greater capability

is that really so difficult to understand?
And how else are they to stop the attacks ? Drop leaflets?

"Make the situation worse" what pathetic hand wringing drivel
Latest tweet from the IDF:

IDF Chief of Staff: "We have a moral obligation to avoid civilian casualties. We also have a moral obligation to defend our people."
Latest tweet from Electronic Intafada:

"Gaza is now in absolute darkness with most households receiving only up to four hours of power per day"

It's the middle of the day FFS - absolute darkness???

And you could, like, agree a ceasefire without putting unnecessary conditions on it (as Israel has agreed to every time it's even mentioned), and then power would be able to be restored.....
Complete rubbish

Israel has a duty to kill the missile launchers and protect its citizens. Problem???

There us no upside for them killing civilians but the objective is clear and has to be completed before further attacks of greater capability

is that really so difficult to understand?

Miss the point of you wish. I've wasted enough breath on this subject with you before.
The sooner 'chit chat' is closed down in the interests of humanity the better.

Let these narcisstic political advocates go through a cyber motorway to a place where this bitter hatred would be lapped up..a partisan nut job political forum. The fact people actually like arguing with Clivex, a man whose views aren't going to bent, sort of shows up their aspirations in life doesn't it.
Eighty inncocent kids on their way to Malasia are dead while we debate geopolitical matters. Very sad.
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The sooner 'chit chat' is closed down in the interests of humanity the better.

Let these narcisstic political advocates go through a cyber motorway to a place where this bitter hatred would be lapped up..a partisan nut job political forum. The fact people actually like arguing with Clivex, a man whose views aren't going to bent, sort of shows up their aspirations in life doesn't it.
Eighty inncocent kids on their way to Malasia are dead while we debate geopolitical matters. Very sad.

Sadder when people post stuff like this instead of doing the easy thing and ignoring the threads;)
Good to see Hamas reducing their preconditions for a ceasefire to reasonable goals.

Not so good to see them claiming that raid shelters are full, when they appear to have spent much of the last few years building tunnels the Germans would have been proud of. If all that concrete had gone into something a bit more, as they put it, gainful, then perhaps much of this current situation could have been avoided.

Also have some reservations about the free movement in and out of Gaza condition. On first glance it seems reasonable enough - but I can't see Israel agreeing to let Palestinians stroll in and out of Israel as and when they please without some sort of check, just as I wouldn't expect to be let into any other country in the world without them performing checks they thought were appropriate.

Then again, if Hamas dedicated their building efforts to putting up an airport, none of that would be necessary......
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Good to see Hamas reducing their preconditions for a ceasefire to reasonable goals.

Not so good to see them claiming that raid shelters are full, when they appear to have spent much of the last few years building tunnels the Germans would have been proud of. If all that concrete had gone into something a bit more, as they put it, gainful, then perhaps much of this current situation could have been avoided.

Wouldn't mind reading-up on that, simmo - you got link? :cool:

I note US and EU aviation authorities are "strongly recommending" that airlines don't fly into Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv - for 24hours, anyway. A Palestinian rocket apparently landed within a mile or so of the airport.

Big Ben isn't too chuffed, saying it merely "hands a victory to terrorism".

Like.....has he not seen the news the last week? What a muppet.

I'm sure it probably is safe to fly in there, like he says, but I'd have said exactly the same thing about Ukranian airspace a week ago. That aside, his comments seem utterly crass in the circumstances.
I'd like to retract a couple of previous, somewhat hot headed statements.

The debates on here are enjoyable, when civil.
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The meat - i.e. the preconditions, are fairly reasonable, with the exception of the travel one - although I can see their point. Seeing past the rhetoric is the same on either side.
The travel one is the biggie - they effectively want more open borders than the EU which is a group of nations who all get on well with one another.

Which would be fine if you knew that they would only use it to get in and out of Palestine - but we all know that some of them will use it to plant bombs.