Netanyahu's victims

Worse than that. Bombs would be the least of it

Frankly it beggars belief that anyone could believe that Israel could have an open border with Hamas.
One of the most disgusting incidents in Israel's long list ..

This arrogant prat is incredible. 'We are not clear they are our shots' - well, then, who the fcuk else did this? Australia? India? Gerry Adams? Nigel Farage? The boogie man? This interview is an utter disgrace. Maitlis at least did well.

I'm not interested whether there was a Hamas terrorist in this shelter - it's completely irrelevant. You cannot kill all of these civilians to get one terrorist - it is illegal/a war crime. They had been given these exact co-ordinates by the UN, and still attacked (they try to tell you this is 'defence').

Before responding to this, watch UN response:

Netanyahu should be hung up from a pole. The irony that these people suffered as they did 70 years ago, it is hard to believe they can treat another population like this. It's utterly disgusting that they have killed 800 people, mostly civilians. This is not 'defence'. Not in anyone's language. If there is any justice in the world, those who instigated and supported what has happened in the past 2 weeks will get their just desserts, one way or the other.

When are those committing war crimes going to be brought to account? It is not, and cannot be, in dispute that as head of state in Israel, Netanyahu has commited many in the past 2 weeks. Why are they not dragging him to the Hague?

Have a look at this. It's depressing.
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A point I made elsewhere about this incident.

what you appear to be telling me is that despite being told to evacuate the area and despite having been shelled on 2 previous occasions, UNRWA decided that this was still a safe place to shelter people?

Thank **** they weren't around during the Second World War, they'd probably have set up shelters for the Jews under the Arbeit Mach Frei sign.
if we had bombed Belfast in the 70's using a similar thinking would it have been deemed ok i wonder ...defence to me means going in and killing those that are committing terrorist attacks on you..not wiping everybody out with bombs.
Utter rubbish

Belfast wasnt launching thousands of missiles

The prevaling view from the blockhead left with its whiff of jew bating is that "they should take it" . At the very least that is an extraordinarily stupid an vile opinion
To suggest that israel is acting the same as nazi germamy is either extremely ignorant or more of the same

there is one party that has repeatedly declared its belief in and aims for a racial genocide

That is the lefts best friends hamas

Given the tools they would . That is beyond doubt.
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Utter rubbish

Belfast wasnt launching thousands of missiles

The prevaling view from the blockhead left with its whiff of jew bating is that "they should take it" . At the very least that is an extraordinarily stupid an vile opinion

you need to calm down Clive with this jew bating shIte left wing nonsense you spouting..i'm neither..i just don't like people who murder other do it appears

You seem to have very little value for human life..i personally don't give a rats if it were two sets of aliens who can't get on with each..or Alien children..because what we see over there is two sets of low intellects trying to kill each other but hurting folk who have probably got more sense..the women & kids

i personally haven't said they should "take it"..they should get in and kill the people who are to blame...any daft f**ker can keep shelling women & kids in hope of killing one scumbag..its not clever and its not allowed in my book

the people the IRA blew away were the same as the ones the Israeli's are now blowing away..they are ordinary people...what difference does it make whether IRA sent bombs over or brought them and detonated them..its still terrorism...i doubt very much you would have agreed with hammering Belfast with bombs in hope of hitting a scumbag or two

you cannot just target innocent people like this..its murder..simple as
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No i stand by what i state. They are not indisciminately bombing. Hamas is though isnt it?

You do have a problem with their self defence. Simple as that
Perhaps you should pook at how the uk dealt with the v1 base in france during the war and tell me the difference?
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No i stand by what i state. They are not indisciminately bombing. Hamas is though isnt it?

You do have a problem with their self defence. Simple as that

yes i do have a problem..and its a very cowardly self men..get in find the bastards and take them out.

i have no problem with bad men getting removed Clive

and i don't care what we've been involved in..i've had no say in it.

whoever fights like this..are cowards imo..even if its us
No i stand by what i state. They are not indisciminately bombing. Hamas is though isnt it?

You do have a problem with their self defence. Simple as that

Explain how bombing UN shelters and more than 800 women and children equates to self defence?

And, who are the jew baters on here?
Perhaps you should pook at how the uk dealt with the v1 base in france during the war and tell me the difference?

were we at war then Clive?..not that i'm defending it..but are the Israeli's at war against an army like we were?..or are they getting attacked by terrorists...who are themselves the lowest scum of all..hiding behind women & kids...a similar respect level to paedo's imo

there is no right on either side there..its beyond pathetic..some of the saddest men on earth dwell there
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Thats more like it ec

Israel has nothing at all to gain by targeting civiliansand if thats happened its baffling as well as wrong

hamas is determined to get as many palestinians killed as possible and that is the clear objective of the military attack on israel.

Sri lanka dealt with a terrorust issue by slaughering 40000 civilians in one go Shall i go on?
So are you saying it is Hamas fault Israel fires bombs indiscriminately and at UN shelters, killing 800 civilians?
there is one party that has repeatedly declared its belief in and aims for a racial genocide

Clive, you are making a huge mistake with your words here, which is half the root cause of all of this - Jews are not a race.
Ultimately, I've always liked to think there was only one race, that being the human race.
Ultimately, I've always liked to think there was only one race, that being the human race.

yes me too.

i would hope that one day mankind can develop away from wanting to kill each other in the name of false beliefs. its a very primitive lifestyle sought by a few..whereas most people want to live a peaceful life...there's always a few nutters in every country who love violence..its removing that element alone that is key to peace

what we have to do is not condone violence when innocents are being killed..and particularly revengeful violence...there is no right about killing people for absolutely no reason whatsoever
Can go over it again ec but what would you expect your government to do if your home town was being targeted by thousands of missiles? Sit there and hope that they won't get any worse?

Like fck. You would expect the place of origin to be turned into a car park.

Blaming all religions, as we have seen on this thread is insulting to the vast majority or religions that are completely accepting of different beliefs. For instance Ask yourself why in every country in the Middle East the Christian population is declining fast? All bar one that is. Yes. Israel.

It is also insulting to tracts of Islam which are not hostile and not violent
the trouble with religion is you get a small faction of people who like killing people using it as an excuse to do so...i also said most people want a peaceful life..i believe thats also matter what religion they are

in the 70's i read a lot of books on the holocaust...this one in particularly stands out

a horrific read..but it seems to me the Israelis now have their own larger factory of death..where innocent people can't escape from..and visit terror and death on them in the name of self defence.

like i said..they have a problem...but they themselves are making that problem worse not better..the future will be the same each time they wipe out a family and leave one young boy to grow up and want to seek revenge

you say that if a terrorist attacks our country we should reign bombs down on the place they originate from..i should go into that them out and remove them. i don't care what we as a country have done in the past..we were personally would always seek out and remove the cancer..not cut off the healthy head

you should also look at the reason you are being attacked..and if you are at fault..then maybe its time you rectified it
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Have you any idea at all how many missiles have been and still are being fired at israel?

Suggest you look it up and think again
ok then Clive

maybe they should both keep bombing each other until they are all dead..job sorted..may take a while..but you just can't beat revenge can you?..its great living in hell everyday..what a philosophy to follow