New Family Member


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
My racing family has grown again with the addition of a lovely Beat All 3 year old at the Land Rover sales last week. He is a full brother to Star Beat, a dual winner for Keith Reveley and he looks like an earlier type who should stay well in the longer term. His dam is a full sister to Billygoat Gruff. So that's four now in Colm's yard for us with Brave Inca, Kimberlite King and Captain Bondi being the others so fingers crossed he is half as good as that lot.

I haven't quite mastered the upload of photos yet and it is 3 Megs so I might cause problems. His pic can be found at or the mods might be able to upload it for me.
Good luck with him Cantoris, like you said if he does half as well as the others you'll be laughing.

How's Brave Inca doing?
Brave Inca is in great form. Talking to Colm and Matt last week, he was fit enough to run at the end of last season as he had been doing work from Crimbo. However, the ground and some common sense made our decision for us. He is coming back in at the end of the month which is earlier than usual. The objective is to have him rocking and rolling earlier this year, similar to Hardy last year. You have to be realistic in these things and he is highly unlikely to go to Cheltenham this year unless he is in top form. He retains all his enthusiasm and a break might have done him the world of good.......or set him back a little. We will not know until he runs. He was in great shape at the end of last season and the injury was minor and has fully recovered. If the ground were suitable, I wouldn't rule out a spin on the flat too but Hattons and Christmas Hurdle are the two targets. But it will just be nice to have him back and if he doesn't have the sparkle by those races he will be retired. But Hardy was able to win a few at the same age so fingers crossed. It will be great to have him back and he will be a big draw for racegoers.
Good luck with the new guy Cantoris, and thanks for the update on Brave Inca, one of my fave raves even without the TH connection :D
Originally posted by Galileo@Jun 17 2008, 02:44 PM
When you say the Christmas hurdle...2mile or 3 mile?
2 miles Gal. On soft ground he doesn't need a trip and the Hattons and Crimbo hurdle suit him well, although it took us long enough to win the Hattons. In fairness to him, he was never fit enough to take on Solerina when she was as fit as a flea. When he won it, it wasn't a great Hattons but this year he will be fit for it and the trip will suit. You could see him setting a strong pace at Crimbo. That's as far as we are thinking. Just glad to have him in one piece.

BTW , I have one lonely share left in the Beat All, at cost, if anyone would fancy it or I would split it with a few people. 10 shares in syndicate but with myself, my father and other members, we have 9 accounted for.

And thanks for the good wishes and I will let you know how they are all doing when I see them in a few weeks.
Good luck with the new one, Cantoris.

Good to hear Brave Inca is back on track as well.

How's Kimberlite King BTW? Was good to see back on song at the Curragh the last day. Should hopefully do well over hurdles next year.
King is fine. He ran a blinder at the Curragh for a horse who just did not handle the ground from a mile out till the home turn. But it was well watered in the straight and once he had some give in the ground he stayed on well. He was rated second best in the race by RP as he had a double penalty. We were going to give him more experience with a hurdles run but left that as he will not run again on good ground unless its in a grade 1. His jumping is likely to be sticky again to start with. It's not that he can't jump, it's just he's a slow learner. We prob should only have been running him in bumpers last year and his hurdle run at crimbo was too soon mentally for him. But the slating we got as a non-trier at crimbo was unreal. But he had schooled like that the previous week and we knew it was going to be tough for him first time up but if you look closely he made a different mistake at each hurdle which suggests he hasn't a bad habit, just doesn't quite know how to do it yet, but he never looked like falling. But chasing is his game so next season will be a bonus. I do fear his legs may give trouble again in the future and if he was mine alone he would have been sold after winning his first bumper, but the syndicate are all first time owners and they are enjoying the experience (except crimbo!!)
For those interested in the photos from the latest Winning Ways syndicate visit:

Brave Inca looking for some polos


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Kimberlite King (looking a bit muddy!!), Captain Bondi with Zaarito, latest recruit by Beat All (with Pat Cloke, hus pre-trainer)


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BTW , I have one lonely share left in the Beat All, at cost, if anyone would fancy it

I've decided to take up that last share. You can see me deliberating hard about it in the last photo. Or pretending to at least.
Nice one, Grey.:) It sounds like a well run syndicate and a lovely horse. Best of luck!
Grey's bought a share in the horse that was in the shed!!! I got Pat Cloke to roll out his best looking horse......apparently a shoe in for the horse show in August!! Ha ha.

Thanks for the comments guys. The Beat All does look the part but as we all know, it ain't a beauty contest so lets see how he gets on at Crimbo. It's nice for the other syndicates to meet each other and see the other horses. I now have members from three different forums in the various syndicates and it's great to have Grey on board. I'd be delighted if all the horses go through the season without injuries. The rest will take care of itself....hopefully.

PS As the Inca has not won since Dec 2006, he should be eligible for a lot of small conditions races so you could see him start off in a 10k conditions race first time out. Plenty of options if he retains his ability.
Hey Cantoris, please say the RP are misquoting Colm again and that chasing is NOT a possibility for Brave Inca this season?
Haven't seen the RP but chasing, while unlikely is not ruled out. More to get him fit than anything else. Paul Nicholls does it successfully and Colm is thinking it might be handier to get an easy race in a beginners chase than a grade 1 hurdle. He galloped last week and is in marvellous form. Not set paln for thim yet. Could go downt he usual route or aim at the Boylesports. Maybe a flat run to start with or the Tipperary hurdle. All to be planned out yet.
Haven't seen the RP but chasing, while unlikely is not ruled out. More to get him fit than anything else. Paul Nicholls does it successfully and Colm is thinking it might be handier to get an easy race in a beginners chase than a grade 1 hurdle. He galloped last week and is in marvellous form. Not set paln for thim yet. Could go downt he usual route or aim at the Boylesports. Maybe a flat run to start with or the Tipperary hurdle. All to be planned out yet.

There is that two mile race at The Curragh isnt there? Plus he is a maiden on the flat...think there is a 2 mile flat maiden at Tipperary soon? I seem to remember Back In Front winning it.

Please don't send him novice chasing!!