New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

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only just discovered this thread!!

NH is my passion, so im bang in the middle of my timeform chasers & hurdlers books. preparing for the season ahead......
welcome mate (enjoy this forum you have a Diverse mix on here owners trainers jockeys people working in the industry and ME) its called Real Racing from what I've been told???? :o
Hallo, good evening, and welcome jft! Hope you enjoy the site and please, feel free to contribute on anything going, or start up a new topic. If you've got a few good jokes, they'd be appreciated, before Merlin recycles his 1958 Joke Book!

(You know I'm kidding, Merlin. Well, sort of...) :D
Hi folks,

I've been lurking here for a week or so since lambournlass gave me this forum address B) . Here's a bit about me.

I have 2 ex racers (one courtesy of lambournlass and one from John Bridgers yard). I also have 2 non tb's for my sins :blink: . I'm pretty new to racing but we do have a 2yo in training with Brendan Powell. Thanks to the person who did his website :D . Our horse with Brendan is called Moonlight, she's by a german horse called Kornado who has raced very successfully in Germany. She came over from Germany in January and I think that since she's arrived, Brendan has bought her brother Moon Dancer. Moonlight had 2 runs this year just to show her the ropes so to speak. Her first run was at Newbury in a Group 3 race :blink: . Our aim was to get her home safely without any problems. She's since run at Chepstow but she didn't handle the ground at all. It was August Bank Holiday so considering a horse lost it's life there due to the ground there, we're just happy that she came home in one piece.

So there you go - I expect you'll see here more now that I've taken the plunge and introduced myself.
Great to have you on board, Gazeila, especially when you bring some horses along with you, which we can follow with interest. Best of luck with MOONLIGHT: she's in very good hands.
Welcome to the forum Gazeila. :) I am guilty of putting Brendan Powell's website together - with a little help. Did you manage to go to his Open Day? I may well have seen Moonlight parade. Best of luck with your horse.
Hi all and thanks very much for your welcome to this forum. It feels like a really friendly place to be :D

Kathy I didn't make Brendan's open day unfortunately - bet it would have been a nice day too. You did a nice job with the website, well done.

Thanks for the best wishes with Moonlight everyone, fingers crossed for a bit more action next year!
Brian will appreciate this: yes, MOONLIGHT is a BAY...

(Sorry, youngsters: 'Moonlight Bay' was a very popular song in the early 1950s. In fact I learned to tap-dance to it, wearing shiny red shoes with bows on. Shirley Temple - not.)
"We were strolling alongg.. heel/toe, heel/toe...
On Moonlight Bay... heel/toe, heel/toe...
You could hear the voices sing-ging... heel/toe and turnnn...
They seemed to say... heel/toe, heel/toe..." :D

To think of the loss to entertainment - why, I could've performed at your camp, Brian! :o
Yes, he was a camp entertainer, archie. After the 20th couple cut short their holidays rather than be subjected to another evening of his Max Wall impersonations, he was fired, and became a paintmixer for Dulux. He was fired from that, too, for never getting the correct mix for 'burgundy'. They were not amused by his explanation for a bill for 15 bottles from OddBins being in the interest of obtaining the right palette. Or palate, in his case.
Hello first post On talking horses I do quite a few posts on Final Furlong where a lot of the members will know me from.

Good luck on the horses
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