New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

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Thanks, farang - am I right in thinking that 'farang' is the Thai word for 'foreigner'? An interesting reply and you're so very right - it's one of the lovely places still welcoming to outsiders, and the Thais are surely some of the world's most kind, polite, and charming people.
Indeed, AC, and hundreds of them can indeed be seen next to lots of Irish men, in the jolly little bars and discos. I think the Irish men are all interested in becoming cunning linguists.
Hello all.

I recognise a few names here from other online forums, where I'm known for my love of the Flat, and transparent fibbing.

Looking forward to contributing here.

Originally posted by krizon@Nov 5 2006, 11:39 PM
Thanks, farang - am I right in thinking that 'farang' is the Thai word for 'foreigner'? An interesting reply and you're so very right - it's one of the lovely places still welcoming to outsiders, and the Thais are surely some of the world's most kind, polite, and charming people.

Right - farang is Thai, specifically for westerners (Caucasians) derives originally from ferengistan, which is the Farsi/Urdu word for Europe. In Arabic, Europeans are called ferenghis.
A slightly belated introduction post from myself (already posted a little) - I'm here for the same reason as everyone else - I'm an alcoholic - sorry horseraceaholic.

Only bet in sprint handicaps.
SAILING SHOES was a charming horse - I liked it a lot on the basis of the name alone! :D Welcome, Shoes, and enjoy.
Hallo out there,well i would like to let you all know where im coming from with my likes and dislikes if you like

Likes:Jockeys Jumps = Timmy Murphy,Ruby Walsh,Liam Heard in that order
Trainers Jumps =Nicholls,Pipe, Beaumont,Henderson.

Not so Keen on Jockeys Jumps=AP McCoy after reading his book and watchin his vid,
Not so keen on Trainers Jumps=Jonjo im losing faith in him and P Hobbs.

Likes:Jockeys Flat = Mick Kinane,Alan Monroe,Jamie Spencer but must admit im getting fed up with the flat what with all this cheating and drugs!

Not so keen on Jockeys Flat = Frankie is starting to get on my wick,Fallon i was never a fan of his since he dropped Stuart Webster! Soumillon for being a poser.

Likes Trainers Flat =David Elsworth,Aiden O´Brien,M Grassick,Barry Hills Charlie Mcbride, Pam Sly and Roger Charlton.

Not so keen on Trainers Flat = M Quinn(big time) and any others who treat their horses crap.

Horses Jumps Likes = New Alco,Cornish Sett,Royal Auclair,Our Vic,Bannow Strand etc.

Horses Jumps not so keen on = Keen Leader, Sir Rembrandt,Monkerhostin,Royal Shakespeare Kingscliff and Racing Demon.
Well i hope this hasnt upset anyone because its only my personal thoughts like we all have our own ideas who will win the Derby or Gold Cup i would really like to see State of Play win at Cheltenham and at Epsom i would love Proponent to win.

My old favs on the Flat were Rainbow Quest, Teenoso, Popsis Joy, In The Groove and Heiland Jamie and many more, and over the jumps Kildimo,Charlie Potheen,French Legend,Puckham,Saxon Farm, Bregawn,Pollarstown and most of all Landlark. So good Luck to you all. ;)
Hi Landlark and welcome to the madhouse!

You and I are going to get on just grand, going by the trainer you don't like!! :lol:
Your feelings towards Mick Quinn will certainly meet with approval from certain quarters within the forum!!

Welcome and good to see a fan of Pollardstown,one of the first NH horses I remember following as a kid.
I'll just say hello for now if that's okay. :)

P.S. Don't like Mick Quinn either...or when he played football.
Hallo Arkwright, So i take it you were a Porridge fan eh it was a shame that his mate died so young but i cant remember their real names...?
Landlark sounds like a badly-needed voice of good taste and reason - he/she stands NO chance! :lol:

A warm welcome, Landlark - get stuck in and gi' it all you've got. We are an unruly and opinionated lot and need a firm hand most times. ;)
Well, his school was... :D

Oops - how rude! I forgot to say 'howdy' to Etta Place. Howdy, Etta Place!
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