Not looking good across the water

I would not be 100% confident of Boyles either...


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Rule Number 1 of gambling - Make sure you get paid.

An important rule to keep on your side this year. The time for betting with the Terry Rogers, Hacketts and Bruces in this country are gone in my opinion. I would not be in a rush to have a bet with Betpack either.

My golden age of cash punting was when Bruce opened up in town and bet a quarter the odds a place all races.One of the sons of the family gave me a funny look one day but I was never restricted.
Always found them very fair to bet with.
Anyone who uses the expression moving forward should be treated with caution-using it twice in an email is just unforgiveable.
Does anyone know who owns Boyles.
The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has dismissed suggestions that he came across as "very cocky" at a meeting of EU leaders last week.

Channel 4 news in Britain has quoted sources saying that Enda Kenny demanded a new bailout deal, upsetting the French and German leaders.

The news program said the attitude of Mr Kenny was in stark contrast to the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreaou who was significantly more humble.

But speaking at a press conference last night, the Taoiseach rubbished the Channel 4 story and denied he came across as cocky.

Gee I hope Enda didn't upset the French and Germans.:rolleyes:
Irish Field reported at the weekend that the proposed 1% tax soon to be imposed on bookmakers will not be ring fenced for racing. Thank you very much Patrick Kennedy, if lynching was legal you'd be swinging from the nearest tree!!
Irish Field reported at the weekend that the proposed 1% tax soon to be imposed on bookmakers will not be ring fenced for racing. Thank you very much Patrick Kennedy, if lynching was legal you'd be swinging from the nearest tree!!

Can you elaborate slightly as to why he is to blame? I've been only half following this.
Can you elaborate slightly as to why he is to blame? I've been only half following this.

He has repeatedly tried to sabotage HRI's efforts to esure the tax is ringfenced. There have been numerous letters into the Irish Times from him and he went so far that John Oxx wrote in a letter himself in response. And this is a fella who complains about the racing industry, yet is a director of BOI which is going cap in hand to the government for money. Talk about pot, kettle and black. I knew nothing about this fella until very recently but he's got on my nerves and very few do that.
Thanks Cantoris. I remember the letters but did not have the patience to read them when they were reproduced in the Irish Field.
Why would anyone with a true interest in Irish racing sabotage its funding position like this? To me anyway, it shows the true man inside. No interest in anything other than his own agenda and his share options.
Why would anyone with a true interest in Irish racing sabotage its funding position like this? To me anyway, it shows the true man inside. No interest in anything other than his own agenda and his share options.

He is a complete prick no mistake!! Once he knew he was beaten as regards the taxing of online and Internet betting he did everything he could to ensure the funds didn't go to racing.
Depends. Is there too much racing. Are there too many horses in training.
Aidan is doing ok.
Not sure how John & co are feeling, with no Northern Dancer yearlings to be plucked and their not inconsiderable enterprise a little less than the once mighty state it was in. And them not needing a Sangster now but having the funds -- and no killer horses. Not to be had even for ready money.

Nothing lasts forever.
Moloney 'not interested'
in taking HRI chair

By Tony O'Hehir 1:28PM 5 OCT 2011
PIERCE G MOLONEY, a former senior steward of the Turf Club and a former vice-chairman of Horse Racing Ireland, believes that when a new chairman of HRI is appointed later this year the position should be filled by a "non-racing person".
Denis Brosnan's term as chairman of HRI , a role he has fulfilled since HRI was set up, ends in December. Molony's name has been one of many speculated on as a successor but he has ruled himself out.
Molony said: "I've seen and heard my name mentioned but I'm not interested in the position. However, I have contacted the minister for agriculture Simon Coveney regarding the chairmanship of HRI and informed him that, in my opinion, the position should be filled by a non-racing person, as I believe the HRI board would be best served by an impartial individual not involved in the industry."
Molony also has strong views on the composition of the HRI board.
He said: "I believe it is too large and that it requires a mix of racing and non-racing people. I think a chairmanwith five board members from the industry, including representatives from the Turf Club and the INHS Committee and from the Association of Irish Racecourses, and four from outside the industry could be the way forward.
"Board members should basically be policy makers with a minimum involvement in day-to-day industry activities."
Regarding funding of the industry, Molony said: "I've felt for some time that the annual government grant should be abolished and that HRI should be made an independent commercial entity, with a profit focus.
"A mechanism needs to be created for current revenue that would entitle HRI to a percentage of tax collected from all aspects of the industry and not only from betting. HRI's capital budget should be ring-fenced and remain with the Department of Finance for annual approval."
New HRI chairman
Paddy Power:
5-4 Pierce G Molony, 2 Dermot Cantillon, 4 John McStay, 6 Eddie Irwin, 8 Jim Nicholson, 10 Charlie McCreevy, 16 Christy Grassick, John Moloney, John Power, Joe Walsh, 20 Sean Barrett, Jim Bolger, Eimear Mulhern, Michael O'Leary, Dick O'Sullivan, 40 John Magnier, John O'Donoghue, 50 JP McManus, 100 Bertie Ahern.
"I think a chairman with five board members from the industry, including representatives from the Turf Club and the INHS Committee and from the Association of Irish Racecourses, and four from outside the industry could be the way forward."

So is there any place for the owners on the board? After all, we produce the raw materials on which the industry builds itself. Without horses, there would be no racecourses required, there would be no bookies offices, there would be no need for the Turf Club or HRI itself, or trainers!! Do the owners not deserve at least one place on his board?
To be worth a place on the board you should have something to contribute rather than an interest to defend.

By the way that market for next chairman looks seriously out of date. Most of them are/used to be connected to Fianna Fail.
To be worth a place on the board you should have something to contribute rather than an interest to defend.

By the way that market for next chairman looks seriously out of date. Most of them are/used to be connected to Fianna Fail.

The equivalent of a timeform squiggle.
Any bookies on the board?
I imagine they'd have something to contribute, even if it's only emptying their pockets as they leave each meeting! :)
To be worth a place on the board you should have something to contribute rather than an interest to defend.QUOTE]

That's like telling Roman Abramovitch that he cannot have a seat on his own board as he knows nothing about soccer!! Admittedly, he could have the business background to help on that front.

The only way to have a board like the one you say is to insure that no member of the board has any link to racing in any way shape or form and that knocks out a lot of people. Otherwise someone has an interest to defend, potentially.