

On a break
May 7, 2007
late 1960's early 70's
the usual sensational...made for the masses sh*te...or a well made balanced informative documentary?

pre and post thoughts

I'll go for the former [nap]
Well, we don't yet know what's going to be in it, but one thing I hope is that we don't get a repeat of "racing's rulers" making complete pillocks of themselves in the way that the idiot Jeremy Phipps did last time.
I hear Fergal Lynch is featured and wasn't too impressed to have a camera shoved in his face the minute he got off a horse.
Well Kirkland Tellwright was shocked they didn't tell him they were going to film at Haydock and Miles Rogers tries to punch someone so I think it will go well tonight :)

panorama is basically televised Sun these days

the words absolute & sh*te come to mind

beeb ought to know better really

they are either insulting their viewers..or the viewers actually are morons...not sure which
it's always interesting how journalists take the slightest suggestion of dodginess and then proceed to build a whole program on it

there will be lots of microphones shoved in faces ...good old graham bradley normally gets a mention...KF will be put forward as the anti christ etc...the normal demonising. schoolyard stuff

tomorrow morning no one interested in racing will have forgotten it or will have their mental stereotype of racing reinforced...and all will be well in the world

racing HAS to be portrayed as's an english thing
beeb ought to know better really

they are either insulting their viewers..or the viewers actually are morons...not sure which

Both. The BBC have no credibility anymore. The channels output recently (the choir debacle with Nick Knowles, Celebrity fucking Masterchef peak time during the week) and the salaries they pay their incompetent suits has removed any right they`ve ever had to do these shoddy half baked "investigative" programmes. Fcuk em.
Thats Emma for you, though.

Don't - if I hear her droning on again just once more at twice the volume of everyone else in the room so that all you can hear over the noise of upwards of fifty people is her I'm gonna scream!!! Or deck her......:D
Unfortunately, were it to happen in such a scenario you would indeed witness it - or at least photographs - since it would happen in front of most of the racing press of the UK!!! Which poses problems in itself.....:D
Lol! Of course there are but why would they be on this film?
They have managed to gbet some damning stuff, but only on a tiny handful of people

Interesting info though that KF's late website was set up with some very dodgy people. The man really needs to choose his friends more carefully :rolleyes:
I actually thought that the programme (despite telling us nothing new) was very good, if a trifle dull ~ no accusations of stopping horses per se and very little innuendo. It doesn't threaten seismic shifts but that's all the more admirable imo.