Paris Shootings


At the Start
Jun 12, 2005
There just seems a terrible inevitability about the shocking Islamic-fundamentalist attack in Paris this morning. A Mumbai-style attack coming to the streets of Europe. Well organised, planned, and with multiple gunmen.

Eleven dead, another dozen seriously wounded; sympathy surely goes out to the dead Charlie Hebdo employees and the two policemen.
I believe that revenge attacks are on the cards now. Probably in germany.
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We are close to war with islam in europe. Last thing we need but how many french will be unhappy to see mosques in flames tonight?
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I believe that revenge attacks are on the cards now. Probably in germany.
Aye, normally reasonably-minded people are getting sick of it; a tipping point is close to being reached. Yesterday 17,000 people marching in Dresden protesting against Islamification of Europe -- Merkel trying to keep a lid on it.
We are close to war with islam in europe. Last thing we need but how many french will be unhappy to see mosques in flames tonight?

I did suggest this a week or so ago, and you wished me a happy christmas (infidel festival that it is).

I also think you need to extrapolate out of this the apparent failures of the French intelligence services and the police to protect. Populations will only take so much of this before the more radical elements start to arm themselves and form militias. I think this is the slide that we'll ultimately move towards as people start to demand better protection (as they would in the US where they can always nip down to their local arsenal and buy an M16). I don't think we're there yet, but we're seemingly on a slide to the inevitable war across Europe between an indigenuous and immigrant population which will be flushed out by global professional war tourists. As I've said before, I expect to see a clandestine 'national service' programme reintroduced selectively, and the British army recalled to defend our own streets whilst our skies are patrolled by predator drones within two decades
What a horrendous day, and thoughts go out to all those who died or are affected.

To move to a country, you should (have to) broadly agree with their beliefs, values and way of life. That doesn't mean you need to go watch football every Saturday or eat croissants in the morning, but you need to share the same values and beliefs. You should speak the language, and make an effort to integrate, not live in separated communities. Europe has reached or is approaching a tipping point where you have large parts of its population who don't agree with how the majority live. Multiculturalism can work, but hasn't. The failure of reasonable people to deal with this ever growing problem has created a vacuum for the loony far right parties. You wonder where it will end.

Talking about failures of intelligence is too early; you don't know the facts so you shouldn't speculate.

I hope they are re-printed, and it would be nice to see the 2008 Mohammed edition reprinted every week until they decide what to do with the paper.
The apparent ease with which this has been perpetrated does not bode well.

Tolerance is a precious commodity, but I fear it's going to be in short supply sooner rather than later.
I am of course grateful to Hamm for being told what I can and can't offer by way of opinion, and especially so in the context of freedom to speech. Thankyou very much Hamm, but for now at least I'll choose not to wait and be spoon fed a narrative that the French authorities and lap it up obeidently as being the truth. I've lost a lot of confidence in the authorities of any western country to tell me what's really going on, and I don't doubt that the French are any different. They also possess an incentive not attach blame to themselves of course, so for now at least I'm pretty happy to believe that the evidence is pretty much as Grasshopper has said. This wasn't particualrly difficult to pull off, nor do I believe it was intricate, complicated, subtle and meticulously planned (as we're being told it was). What sets it apart from other similar attacks such as Mumbai, or Nairobi is that the perpetrators set out to survive rather than go on a 'shoot up' until such time as they were dealth with. This is what would lead me to think it's different, and I tend to think that offers a clue.
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Multiculturaism has worked in places like Leicester and Birmingham for decades. What has caused the change are events outside of our cities. I spent years fearing for the safety of my children because of IRA bombings and now I have to worry about the safety of my grandchildren. I don't know where it's all heading but I despair of it all.
What a horrendous day, and thoughts go out to all those who died or are affected.

To move to a country, you should (have to) broadly agree with their beliefs, values and way of life. That doesn't mean you need to go watch football every Saturday or eat croissants in the morning, but you need to share the same values and beliefs. You should speak the language, and make an effort to integrate, not live in separated communities. Europe has reached or is approaching a tipping point where you have large parts of its population who don't agree with how the majority live. Multiculturalism can work, but hasn't. The failure of reasonable people to deal with this ever growing problem has created a vacuum for the loony far right parties. You wonder where it will end.

Talking about failures of intelligence is too early; you don't know the facts so you shouldn't speculate.

I hope they are re-printed, and it would be nice to see the 2008 Mohammed edition reprinted every week until they decide what to do with the paper.

Unbelievably I agree with this but also Moehat in so far that London is a very multi cultural city and everyone gets along pretty well. The problem is one culture and one culture only. This culture is equally if not more so the enemy of African Christians, Hindus, jews, east European Catholics, Buddhists and even others from within their own "religion".

There has been far too much tolerance of a particular religous bigotry in the past and for many the tipping point was the horribly craven attitudes during the Rushdie affair.
Warbler. Is this really the moment to be pointing the finger at the "French authorities" and intelligence.

I don't even know what you are on about. Why should they be copping the blame for this?

a clue to what exactly ? Or dare i ask
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However, it's too late now. Those who have different values can no longer be sent ' back', they are for the most part born in Europe and have as much legal right as those whose families stretch back generations. The fact is this has been simmering for years and years, and nothing has been done. Nothing probably can be done now that won't lead to bitterness and probably violence. It's this 'tolerance' concept which is often the root cause - for tolerance, read passivity and hope the problem goes away. It hasn't.
Warbler. Is this really the moment to be pointing the finger at the "French authorities" and intelligence.

I don't even know what you are on about. Why should they be copping the blame for this?

a clue to what exactly ? Or dare i ask

Clearly it's not, and with no evidence all he can think of are conspiracy theories. it's strange.

It wasn't meticulously planned. it was no doubt planned in reasonable detail but they didn't even know how to get into the building for god's sake - they had to threaten a woman into inputting the code for them. If she had decided to die rather type the code in, what would have happened then? Probably much less. So let's spare the conspiracy theories of a loony on a day like today. Also, they had to stop a random car near Porte de Pantin to switch cars to get away. Straight away there you have 2 huge points of detail left to chance, which unfortunately favoured these scum. They knew the time of the meeting (weekly I believe) when all the main editors would be there but we could probably have googled that ourselves from the web.
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I am not sure who here has seen the video off the policeman being murdered (the full version) but they don't look like nut bags recruited, more highly skilled, calm killers. What a horrible video.
Clearly it's not, and with no evidence all he can think of are conspiracy theories. it's strange.

It wasn't meticulously planned. it was no doubt planned in reasonable detail but they didn't even know how to get into the building for god's sake - they had to threaten a woman into inputting the code for them. If she had decided to die rather type the code in, what would have happened then? Probably much less. So let's spare the conspiracy theories of a loony on a day like today. Also, they had to stop a random car near Porte de Pantin to switch cars to get away. Straight away there you have 2 huge points of detail left to chance, which unfortunately favoured these scum. They knew the time of the meeting (weekly I believe) when all the main editors would be there but we could probably have googled that ourselves from the web.

Clearly the point I was making, though sadly you are only able to respond by name calling again, (so please permit me the liberty to suggest that perhaps you're too stupid to have realised it) is that a point is reached where governments and the agencies of protection are no longer perceived to be doing their job to the satisfaction of some members of the population (I made this pretty clear)

"I also think you need to extrapolate out of this the apparent failures of the French intelligence services and the police to protect. Populations will only take so much of this before the more radical elements start to arm themselves and form militias. "

Which bit of this don't you understand? You might of course argue that the police and the French intelligence succeeded in their duties, but it would make an interesting argument to hear, so for now at least I'm prepared to believe they didn't. When this loss of societal confidence starts to take hold, private armies start to form and militias come into fill the vacuum (it doesn't take many to ignite a situation). Can you not see that? It's happened in Europe in the 1930s before, it's happened in Lebanon, Iraq, and it's happening in America today where people with access to weapons start to form their own bands of defenders (albeit they hang out in Montana and seem to be focusing on Democrats at the moment). How long before this growing movement in Germany starts to take on an altogether more privateers function. The question I was raising is how far are from that?

As an observation its from the same stable as those of you who were crying out to go after ISIS a few months ago when I was questioning the wisdom of it. I was suggesting that the role of the European militaries in the future will be trying to defend Europe on European soil for a combination of reasons chief of which will be

1: we ain't got the capacity
2: that's where the threat will be

It's why we need to bring the Russians, Chinese, and Indians into this as the only countries outside of the US capable of projecting global power. This is a slide to ethnic based war with a religion right at the centre of it, and Europe (as has always been the case in recent history) will be right at the centre of it for a combination of geographic and demographic reasons.

As regards the idea of it being meticulously planned Hamm, I think you need to be aware there our own state broadcaster has been telling us this all day, when clearly to any casual observer looking at the evidence in front of them you can see that it wasn't.

The conspiracy, (obviously used as an attempt to try and belittle me which you and Clive have tag teamed) I'll expand on as I don't believe it's anything other than common sense and a natural line of progression. One thing we have learnt since in 9/11 is the glory martyrdom and the importance of going down with the mission. These were people that clearly didn't want that to happen to them. In that regard they're nearer to the Boston bomber than they are the Mumbai attackers. Their MO was to shoot and escape. Self preservation is much more of a western attitude, and it would lead me to think they aren't soaked in the glorious jihad, and more likely so-called "clean skins". They've also spared women so far as I can gather. Certainly the names and faces of the victims who've been reported to us are all men. Again, that's a hint of western influence as jiahdis we've seen elsewhere in the world haven't been too concerned about who they killed and their primary raison d'etre seemed to be to get as many as they could before accepting their own inevitable death. An AK47 has 30 rounds in a mag. Three of them were involved, they could have killed alot more than 12. Look how many the Mumbai killers got through. All of this is believe is periphperal evidence pointing to the likelihood that these could be French born and bred, or certainly naturalised, rather than international terrorists who've been elsewhere in the world. We've seen elements of this type of behaviour in London and Madrid of course where attackers chose to try and survive (remember the ones running through the tube station). There is a bit of me wondering (now this I'll accept is speculation) if they wouldn't have split up immediately after and fled the country

Now if you and your tag team partner want to call that a conspiracy, then fair enough, but it seems a reasonable conclusion to draw to me based on everything else we've observed over the last decade. Even the Woolwich knife attackers hung around to confront the police and did their utmost to be filmed
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What annoys me is the PC that our politicians show.These radical fundamentalists absolutely hate us and want us and our beliefs wiped out.The first one who stands up and says this and pledges to wipe them out gets my vote next time.RIP to the innocents who lay dead in Paris tonight.There may well be 'rivers of blood' running through the streets of Europe going forward.
London is a very multi cultural city and everyone gets along pretty well. The problem is one culture and one culture only. This culture is equally if not more so the enemy of African Christians, Hindus, jews, east European Catholics, Buddhists and even others from within their own "religion".
Never was a truer word spoken !
Multiculturalism can, and does, work. It is one particular culture only that is wrecking the natural equilibrium and harmony between humanity's various ethnicities and creeds. It is that one culture alone that is destroying the karma of the world. The compassion and tolerance and respect of all other religions for one another is non-existent for them. They are the thug in the classroom who needs to be chastised, and allow the rest of the class get on with life.

And I'm inclined to agree too with the poster directly above me that the time has come for western society and its leaders to spell that out in no uncertain terms.
It's amazing the amount of fuss caused by something that never existed. I'm very left wing but my atheism defines me more than any political belief.

As time goes on we need to try and phase it all out.
That's what I dislike though euro. Tarring all religion with this intolerance is bang out of order. I don't care what people believe in and I certainy don't believe that people should be forced not to believe in anything. So long as they don't try and terrorise their supposed values on me then I have no problem. Why should I?

I also find it a bit ususal left wing hand wringing to spread the blame to belief itself rather than one particularly hostile belief. It doesn't wash.
It's a terrible mistake to lump all religions with this particular version of religion.
Okay, you're an atheist -- say it loud and say it proud -- but you shouldn't diss all religions because of the depravity we are witnessing from a section of one religion. IMO, of course.
I also find it a bit ususal left wing hand wringing to spread the blame to belief itself rather than one particularly hostile belief. It doesn't wash.
Esactly. Spot on.
Spreading blame onto all religions is a bit naive.
Never was a truer word spoken !
Multiculturalism can, and does, work. It is one particular culture only that is wrecking the natural equilibrium and harmony between humanity's various ethnicities and creeds. It is that one culture alone that is destroying the karma of the world. The compassion and tolerance and respect of all other religions for one another is non-existent for them. They are the thug in the classroom who needs to be chastised, and allow the rest of the class get on with life.

And I'm inclined to agree too with the poster directly above me that the time has come for western society and its leaders to spell that out in no uncertain terms.

yes. I'd do hold out some hope that moderate elements will start to prevail but so much of the culture at all levels within that religion is intolerant and paranoid.
Being religious is ******* naive. Have we not come along enough as a specious to put all this superstitious nonsense behind us.