Paris Shootings

The temporal horizon is much longer than that Clive. The cartoons became the final target, the process started much further back. The brothers were in care for their teenage years it seems, and so far as we can gather, didn't show any signs of coming under the influence of radical philosophy. Iraq provided the vehicle. This is where they seem to have had their first exposure in trying to recruit, albeit they appear to be on the fringes of a poorly managed network. Ultimately a life of deliquency and petty crime follows. One of them spends a bit of time in prison, where even then he appears to have been a bit player. It was in prison however that he appears to have fallen under the influence of this Finsbury guy (forget his name - the one mentioned in an earlier post).

Unless you're suggetsing that Paris social services are operating a clandestine madrasa (which I hope you aren't) I think it's difficult to suggest that the Kouchai brothers were having jihad "drummed into them from a young age". Both their paren ts were dead at 14 and 12 and they were in care. The fact that one of them in his later years appears to have fancied himself as 'street gansta rapper' would indicate their influences were decidedly western.

I think you're being just as culpable in applying a sweeping broad brush here and you've come up short. You made a little more sense when you suggested there was an element of victimhood about them too.

I can accept that there is a hardline in some cases which is pushed from an early age. I can accept that some of this falls on reasonably 'well off' people like Mohammed Atta, who don't possess the disconnected mitigation. There is one assumes, a reason why the 9/11 hijackers were hand picked, as a degree of intelligence was clearly needed to execute that attack. I can also accept that if you've grown up in Baghdad you might easily develop a genuine grievance as opposed to the slums of Paris whereby your resentment can't be as connected. I have to say though Clive, in this case I don't think the evidence really supports your prejudged position. These are much more classic cases of organiser identifies and exploits vulnerable minds
Maybe he's saying keep posts down a bit?
You do realise that on his "This And That" thread he has called for all political discussion to be halted on this sub-forum?
Quite ironic at a time when the issue of Free Speech is so topical and in the news.
Maybe he's saying keep posts down a bit? Sometimes when a pertinent point is made (Cameron gay marriage on other thread) you come back with 5000 words which can look a bit like obsfucation. In fact I believe it is.

There are others more inclined to bait than wolf.

I'm a fast typist Clive. My answer is don't read them if it's too much of a stretch. Doesn't bother me, anymore than being baited by others does. I'm more than happy to throw a few crumbs on the water and see what bites, so can't complain if it comes back.

I personally find 1 liners about strictly come cooking on iceskates in a jungle, about as banal as cyberspace can get, but each to their own hey? (doesn't that sound familiar). I don't take to the thread concerned to advertise it
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You do realise that on his "This And That" thread he has called for all political discussion to be halted on this sub-forum?
Quite ironic at a time when the issue of Free Speech is so topical and in the news.

I didn't, but then I don't read it. Well good luck to him. He's not going to get very far with that. TH has a long standing tradition of such debate and it has got heated in the past, but I don't suppose it's going to end just because celebrity big brother's on
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That may be so in this case but there are a lot of converts but the "religion" itself is a te perfect breeding ground for hatred. Frankly being brought up in a fundamentalist Muslim household (and there are many thousands in the uk) is no different and probably even more poisonous than being brought up in a BNP household. In fact if you read through the beliefs it would certainly be more so. Not sure the BNP have actively called for the murder of anyone or any grouping.

Much of Islam probably steers clear of the worst aspects but not as much as is sometimes supposed or we are led to believe.

lets put it this way. If an American baptist church started recruiting and growing in this country where the core beliefs were that gays should be murdered, renouncers killed etc etc ... Would the liberal media be trying to convince us that it's a church of peace ?

Would they fck

Also iraq could have been anything in truth. You know that. They will always find a reason
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That may be so in this case

I think in this case, it probably is. I can see that you might have wanted to dive in on this a bit, and have been waiting for the wishy washy liberal response that seeks to explain it thus, and equally have been chomping at the bit to do the Islamist birth to death poison thing etc In some cases this is undoubtedly true, I'm just not convinced that this is a case in point though (I fear you'll get your chance later)

This looks more like a case of impressionable, disaffected, and feeble minded fall under the influence. Iraq was clearly used for recruiting and radicalising in this case, albeit I think you can argue (as indeed you have) that if it wasn't Iraq, they'd have found something else, so I'm not sure that extrapolating No Iraq = No Charlie is actually proven. As I said, France kept out of Iraq

I think the most that could be argued the other way is that Iraq made it very easy, Abu Graid in particular
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There is an anomaly with regard to not killing civilians [apologies if this has been mentioned before] which was pointed out in one interview [although I had been thinking it anyway] in that the other terrorist was quite happy to kill 'civilians' in the supermarket. I still can't get my head round [even as a soft leftie] the fact that Abu Hamza[sp] was allowed to preach his evil in this country but is now serving a life sentence in the US.
Those marches are astonishing. Classy tributes in London too.

2 million... Is that some sort of record? It really is quite moving.
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Jean Michel Jarre's 1990 concert in the same city pulled in two and a half million... but it's still pretty impressive.

It was all very nice and such. Especially the coverage I saw seemed to show French people, and a plentiful Muslim "contingent" readily accepted by the masses, chorusing a sentiment of unity against extremism. I didn't see any FN there either which is encouraging.

Nevertheless, will there be any progression and lasting positivity from today's events or was this just a feel-good one-off?
Those marches are astonishing. Classy tributes in London too.

2 million... Is that some sort of record? It really is quite moving.

They would have been, but they politicised it which was a big mistake. Whether you are pro or anti Israel, neither Netanyahu nor Abbas should have been there. it distracts from what should be a march of the people in commemoration of those killed (and solidarity). Netanyahu has used the occasion to lump Europe in with Israel (not the case) and whilst I haven't seen them, I'm sure Abbas has been making his own comments. None of this is nothing to do with them and their presence has alienated some.

To be honest, the marches are something I find frustrating. If they were accompanied by comments and initiatives about how we (Europe) are going to first of all recognise we have a huge problem and set out a timetable/conference to get together to discuss them, then I would say fine. But there is no recognition of this problem (let alone an attempt to set out a timetable to resolve it) so for me a walk is going to do sweet fck all. I do think the solidarity is nice (amongst the people) but it is going to change nothing.
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At a time when people are feeling powerless in the face of terrible events taking place, going on a march is very empowering. Whether it will do any good is a different matter but Tolstoy reckoned that war and peace are dictated by the will of the people as a mass [gaia like I suppose]. I would like to have been on one of the marches today.
King Abdulla of Jordan which last year sentenced a Palestinian journalist to 15 years in prison.
Prime Minister Davutoglu of Turkey which imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world.
Prime Minister Netenyahu of Israel whose country killed 7 journalists in Gaza last year.
Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt which has detained journalist Shawkan for around 500 days
Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia which last year jailed a journalist for insulting a government servant
Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria which has detained journalist Abdessami for 15 months without a charge.
Foreign Minister of UAE which in 2013 held a journalist incommunicado for a month.
Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia which recently jailed blogger Yassine for 3 years for defaming the army.
Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili of Georgia whose country has a record of attacking and beating journalists.
Prime Minister Boyko Borisov of Bulgaria whose country has a record of attacking and beating journalists.
The US Attorney General where police in Ferguson detained and assaulted Washington Post reporters.
Prime Minister Samaras of Greece where riot police beat and injured 2 journalists in June last year.
President Keita of Mali where journalists covering human right abuses are expelled.
Foreign Minister of Bahrain, the 2nd biggest jailer of journalists.
Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar which jailed a man for 15 years for writing the Jasmine poem.
President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine who had several journalists jailed for insulting him.
Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia which sentenced blogger to six months in prison for defamation.
Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia which sentenced blogger to six months in prison for defamation.
Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland where 'blasphemy' is a criminal offense.
Prime Minister Kopacz of Poland which raided a magazine to seize recordings embarrassing for the ruling party.
Prime Minister David Cameron of UK where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian.

Guess where they were today :D
Whether you are pro or anti Israel, neither Netanyahu nor Abbas should have been there.
Netanyahu had every right to be there, and was correct in attending to respect the deaths of his four co-religionists and also to show solidarity with the distressed Jewish minority in the country.
By that reckoning shouldn't the prime minister of Italy attend every murder of a Catholic all over Europe?
Oh dear . Cameron's crime was terrible. Really awful. And Kelly's. how dare he show sympathy

fcking hell what a pathetic post
Netanyahu had every right to be there, and was correct in attending to respect the deaths of his four co-religionists and also to show solidarity with the distressed Jewish minority in the country.

Of course he should . 6000 jews have emigrated to Israel from France in the last year for reasons that are well known
They would have been, but they politicised it which was a big mistake. Whether you are pro or anti Israel, neither Netanyahu nor Abbas should have been there. it distracts from what should be a march of the people in commemoration of those killed (and solidarity). Netanyahu has used the occasion to lump Europe in with Israel (not the case) and whilst I haven't seen them, I'm sure Abbas has been making his own comments. None of this is nothing to do with them and their presence has alienated some.

To be honest, the marches are something I find frustrating. If they were accompanied by comments and initiatives about how we (Europe) are going to first of all recognise we have a huge problem and set out a timetable/conference to get together to discuss them, then I would say fine. But there is no recognition of this problem (let alone an attempt to set out a timetable to resolve it) so for me a walk is going to do sweet fck all. I do think the solidarity is nice (amongst the people) but it is going to change nothing.

The march sends a clear message that they and we will not be intimidated by a disgusting branch of a generally intolerant religion.

it was powerful. It was more than the cartoons. They need to clearly know the contempt we hold for them.
By that reckoning shouldn't the prime minister of Italy attend every murder of a Catholic all over Europe?
Catholics are not being oppressed to anywhere near the same extend in Europe as are the Jews.
And Catholics have a strong enough infrastructure in the various countries to be able to look after themselves. The Jews are few and are virtually friendless; they need the support and succour of all who are willing to lend a helping hand. The manifest support of a Netanyahu figure is invaluable -- and necessary
The march sends a clear message that they and we will not be intimidated by a disgusting branch of a generally intolerant religion.

it was powerful. It was more than the cartoons. They need to clearly know the contempt we hold for them.

Do you think this march makes the idlest bit of difference to extremists?

Have you heard one word about a plan to solve social issues or even acceptance of a problem? Me neither. Maybe Europe's problems will just disappear by chance?!
Oh dear . Cameron's crime was terrible. Really awful. And Kelly's. how dare he show sympathy

fcking hell what a pathetic post

I didn't say anything about expressing sympathy... I'm merely alluding to the jovial hypocrisy of it all. There were 18 other leaders mentioned - Care to exonerate them too?

I'm still waiting for that fawning interview btw...
At a time when people are feeling powerless in the face of terrible events taking place, going on a march is very empowering. Whether it will do any good is a different matter but Tolstoy reckoned that war and peace are dictated by the will of the people as a mass [gaia like I suppose]. I would like to have been on one of the marches today.

The alternative was no march effectively silence in the face of intimidation . Exactly right.
Serious question - do you think blasphemy being a criminal offence is in line with freedom of speech?

Ireland has had its people destroyed by that evil church yet continues to prop it up in so many ways.