Paris Shootings

But they didn't win.

Final score is 17:3 to the bad guys.

There will be films made of it all though...
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But they didn't win.

Final score is 17:3 to the bad guys.

There will be films made of it all though...

17 people lost their lives through this but todays decisive action prevenyed many more. That is a victory. If it id as it seems the civilised world can be proud of the french
Many may disagree with me here but the way I see it is Muslims like these are like rabid dogs and when you see a Rabid dog the last thing you do is provoke it or stick your hand down it's throat to see if it will bite you.

Despite death threats they continued to make a mockery of free speech putting not only themselves but their colleagues and many other innocent people in danger.

I truly believe in free speech but to abuse that right by being perverse and using it to mock someone's God is not free speech it's childish and disgusting.

Not for one second do I condone these killing I would turn the whole country into a car park rather than see more westerners die but CE has a lot to answer for
The prevention of the deaths of the seven hostages is not to be dismissed lightly but if we're keeping score and looking at the travesty which afflicted the freedom of the press then today's positives are a mere stoppage time consolation.
Not for one second do I condone these killing I would turn the whole country into a car park rather than see more westerners die

It's good to see people coming up with solutions that are a bit more inventive than the usual hand-wringing apologists and slaughter/shut the borders merchants.

However, 3 questions arise in my mind.

1) Which country were we turning into a car park?
2) Will it be multi-storey with outrageous prices?
3) How exactly is the formation of an enormous (can I say gi-normous?) car park going to assist matters? Are hordes of Islamic fundamentalists going to be sitting over there, scratching their heads, thinking "We'd better not **** with them, they've just turned an entire country into a car park, they're clearly madder than a red-headed Arab".
I'm sure that in the Jihadi's world view of things, a scoreboard mentality does exist and Clive's conclusion that this is a victory is more hopeful than anything else. I do however feel that it wouldn't be inappropriate to say that 17 could very easily have been 117, but this owes more to the poor conception, execution and planning of this attack(s). What does worry me is the number of people who might be sitting, watching, and thinking, 'you know what, that wasn't too hard, I reckon me and my mates could have done a better job'. There are quite a few terrorist organisations who started out as small bands of hapless amateurs but learnt with experience and became very, very effective.

I'm left looking at the carnage of it all wondering what next.

Grasshopper gave us a menu of options much earlier which he mischievously suggested might be on the wrong side of legal. He knows damn well they are, but......

In many respects I kind of like Grasshopper's approach to this, as he is holding out the possibility that we can pull this round with a combination of stick and carrot. I'm sadly much more dystopic though in my outlook and believe we're on a slow, but inevitable path to war
@ Bachelors..What positive's? 2 muslims decided to commit suicide and take out as many people as they could beforehand. Many Muslims around the world will see this as victory and will be rejoicing because 2 of their people are now with 72 ******* virgins while the families of the people who lost their lives will be mourning for a very long time......I can see no positive, those low life muslims knew they were going to die before they fired the first shot
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@ Bachelors..What positive's? 2 muslims decided to commit suicide and take out as many people as they could beforehand. Many Muslims around the world will see this as victory and will be rejoicing because 2 of their people are now with 72 ******* virgins while the families of the people who lost their lives will be mourning for a very long time......I can see no positive, those low life muslims knew they were going to die before they fired the first shot

I covered this in my posts on the previous page.

The positives I speak of are the seven hostages who weren't killed today.
It's good to see people coming up with solutions that are a bit more inventive than the usual hand-wringing apologists and slaughter/shut the borders merchants.

However, 3 questions arise in my mind.

1) Which country were we turning into a car park?
2) Will it be multi-storey with outrageous prices?
3) How exactly is the formation of an enormous (can I say gi-normous?) car park going to assist matters? Are hordes of Islamic fundamentalists going to be sitting over there, scratching their heads, thinking "We'd better not **** with them, they've just turned an entire country into a car park, they're clearly madder than a red-headed Arab".

Are you the full shilling? Let me humour you
1. The one that would hold the most cars
2. Not if we bomb the one that would hold the most cars
3. Haven't had much trouble from Japan lately
Main feeling here is one of relief; I did like the approach of the French to this, no fanfare, the media ere extremely controlled and didn't report anything doubtful and at times were clear they were holding things back till confirmed. This allowed police and special forces to do their job as much away from the public eye as possible, which is how it should be.

I hope this isn't designated as a terrorist extremist one off. It's not. Europe now has a chance for mainstream politicians to have reasonable discussion on religious and cultural differences, and not leave the discussion to the far right, thereby justifying their existence. There can be reasonable solutions to this if they grasp the nettle.

I imagine half of Paris will be at the march Sunday; you would hope there isn't more to come as I hear Cameron will now walk with Hollande in this.
Are you the full shilling? Let me humour you
1. The one that would hold the most cars
2. Not if we bomb the one that would hold the most cars
3. Haven't had much trouble from Japan lately

last line had me convulsed
Reports say an armed man is holding two hostages at a jewellery store in Montpellier, southern France, but there is no indication it is linked to the hostage situations in Paris. (BBC 15 mins ago)
Reports say an armed man is holding two hostages at a jewellery store in Montpellier, southern France, but there is no indication it is linked to the hostage situations in Paris. (BBC 15 mins ago)

RT saying it may be an armed robbery turned hostage situation.

I suppose with many forces preoccupied with the happenings in Paris, they figured this would be a good chance to take advantage. Wouldn't be surprised if there were similar incidents on Sunday.
As hard as it might seem the murderers are victims too. Of course they had a choice but like hundreds of others they are exploited.

where does this start? Well if you go to st Kevin's local c of e and the vicar is preaching tolerance towards the Buddhists across the road and then after a few years the verger asks you to blow them up then ou are going to think "what?"

I would be certain that most imams are responsible but there is still a problem and it's more widespread than we are led to believe
They have a truly wonderful spirit..

Charlie Hebdo’s editor has said his killed colleagues won’t be dead in the magazine’s next issue, Anne Penketh reports from Paris.
Gérard Briard said next week’s edition “won’t be an obituary. In the next Charlie, they’re not dead.”
In video-ed remarks on the Libération website, Briard said: “it will be a normal edition with all the artists of Charlie, all the journalists of Charlie, all the staff - including Mustapha (Ourrad) the copy editor who we never see, they will all be in the paper.”
He also said the journalists intended the edition, which has received an unprecedented amount of funding, to be “normal” and “funny” – “because we don’t know how to do anything else.”
In particular the magazine would strive to demonstrate that “they can’t say they’ve killed Charlie.”
Here is the video (in French, but worth a view just to see his face and determination)

The last section is quite important - he talks about how for them, laicité is the most important value of the republic, and without it, liberty, equality and fraternity aren't possible, and it is that what they must defend.
In one of the more unlikely alliances to emerge from the whole thing, Anonymous have apparently said that they'll start attacking Jihadist websites to knock them off-line
In one of the more unlikely alliances to emerge from the whole thing, Anonymous have apparently said that they'll start attacking Jihadist websites to knock them off-line
Good for them.
I can't understand why the NSA and the Feds with all their tech know-how haven't done so before now. Just last November in "Operation Onymous" they were able to attack the TOR network and disable the websites of guys selling ganja, but left Jihadi Donation sites alone.
They could send viruses in an all sorts, so one suspects they leave them up for reasons of infiltration. I think the ones that need knocking down are the glorification/ recruitment sites. I can see there might be an argument for allowing the messaging sites to stay on line though. They need to attack social media platforms too.

Totally agree and a stark contrast with the craven attitude at the time of the Rushdie affair. The world is turning against fundemantalist Islam in a more emphatic way. What a lot saw back then more are seeing now.

talking of the moron brand it's interesting to see who hasn't condemned the attacks but almost invariably have something to say on everything.
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Reports say an armed man is holding two hostages at a jewellery store in Montpellier, southern France, but there is no indication it is linked to the hostage situations in Paris. (BBC 15 mins ago)

And this is precisely the point I was making about the media. Would we have heard anything about this otherwise. Our media are feeding them.
I don't agree with this. The media should be totally free to report how it sees fit. What happened last week cannot be underplayed for a whole host of reasons.
I don't agree with this. The media should be totally free to report how it sees fit. What happened last week cannot be underplayed for a whole host of reasons.

Problem is the red tops going OTT on the barbarism and trying to stir people over here into attacks on peaceful Mulims is the sort of response the extremists are after.