Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
Sorry Gigs. What landslide are you seeing in these figures?

Havn't see anything in the media or ant polls to suggest that the trends going to turn,alrady looks voters are getting sucked in by the media bias it's just relentless and people i this country have always voted for the status quo they're not the brightest,if brexit happens it will be a landslide even with the worst cabinet in history,unfortunately an election completely revolved around brexit ffs,its a complete joke..The last hurrah of the old,with corbyn providing the weakest leadership from any leader ever,with the rancid libdems taking all the middle class inbetweeners,laughable..they're as bad as the tories as we know from the last coaltion,lol just yellow fluffy tories in disguise...
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so who is Trotsky gonna vote for :lol::lol:...... the reds the reds we gotta get rid of the reds...a good old 70,s song :cool::lol:
What a **** he is as well sacks everyone that didn't support him 17 in total,just hope the brits aren't as stupid as some make themselves out to be and voying for him,what a laughing stock..
20/1 (Coral/Ladbrokes) - next General Election September 2019.

Boris to strike while the iron is hot before Labour get rid of Corbyn?
The 3/1 i got for election this year looking good,prices are crashing as i'm posting,johnson and co playing any election down why would they not call an election october or before..its so blindingly obvious has cummings in and a load of brexiteers not a permanent cabinet..Farage will stand in all the nothern,west mid seats etc and youguv will keep showing bigger and bigger leads in opinion polls to just make sure,of course all the mugs will fall for it and there you go a majority..
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Mrs Leadsom, 56, returns to the department responsible for energy after a year as environment secretary and two years as leader of the House of Commons. She replaces Greg Clark who resigned this afternoon.

As energy minister in 2015, Mrs Leadsom admitted that her first questions to civil servants were “Is climate change real?” and “Is hydraulic fracturing safe?”

In 2016, she said fracking was an opportunity not to be missed

“We need a system fit for the 21st century, replacing coal with gas, nuclear, and renewables, and fracking is a key part of those plans. A shale gas industry will not only boost our economy and create thousands of jobs across the supply chain – it will help to guarantee a secure energy supply which is an absolute must for this government.”

She told the Politics Home website:

“It is way safer than most industrial processes. We’ve been properly regulating offshore and onshore gas for 50 years and have got the toughest regulations in the world.”

Also in 2016, emails showed that Mrs Leadsom and other ministers delayed a report which was critical of fracking until after Cuadrilla’s application to fracking in Lancashire had been decided.

In parliamentary exchanges, she promised there would be “no compromise” on taking account of the views of local communities on fracking.

As business secretary, Mrs Leadsom will be the sole shareholder of the Oil & Gas Authority (OGA), the industry regulator. This has come under pressure from shale gas companies to review the regulations on fracking-induced earth tremors, known as the traffic light system

Cuadrilla and Ineos have both pushed the government to relax the current threshold of 0.5 on the local magnitude (ML) scale at which fracking must pause. So far, the OGA has not agreed to a review.

Mrs Leadsom, who represents South Northamptonshire, made two unsuccessful attempts in 2016 and 2019 to lead the Conservative Party.

Appeals and planning decisions
The new Communities, Housing and Local Government Secretary is Robert Jenrick. He replaces James Brokenshire, who resigned today.

He will decide whether to overturn the refusals of planning permission for shale gas sites in south Yorkshire and Cheshire. Last month, Mr Brokenshire recovered the appeals for the Ineos site at Woodsetts and the IGas site at Ellesmere Port.

Another job on his to-do list will be to decide what to do about proposals by the Theresa May administration to fast-track fracking through the planning system.

A consultation ended in October 2018 on making shale gas exploration permitted development, avoiding the need for a full planning application.

The government was warned it might not have a parliamentary majority for the proposal and it was opposed by many Conservative-led councils, as well as environmental organisations and anti-fracking campaigners.

A parallel proposal, which is also outstanding, was to bring shale gas production under the regime for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. This would remove decision-making from locally-elected councillors and give it to the Secretary of State.

Powerbase says Mr Jenrick’s Newark constituency has eight licences for oil and gas exploration, issued in the most recent 14th round.

He told his local paper, the Newark Advertiser:

“It would be irresponsible not to pursue homegrown sources of energy.

“We have already seen the positives of fracking in the US, with a drop in oil and energy prices.”

Mr Jenrick, 37, has been the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury since January 2018. Before that he was a parliamentary private secretary to Amber Rudd as Home Secretary and Michael Gove as Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary.

He became an MP just over five years ago and was the youngest minister in Theresa May’s government. Before joining parliament, he practiced corporate law and held several senior financial roles at Christies..

Thick as two short planks and corrupt what a rancid woman,i see James i'm not too cleverly is in there as well,jesus its like 1983 akl over again///:lol::lol: except more right wing..
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Sorry Gigs. What landslide are you seeing in these figures?

He's probably (correctly) foreseeing a collapse in the Brexit party's vote as the Johnson party replaces them. This will shore up a lot of their southern support whilst Labour continues to lose votes to the Liberals and Greens by failing to get on the second referendum platform they should have adopted 18 months ago

It's difficult on the current map at least to see where Labour is going to make gains
Agreed. Unless Boris massively screws up the Conservatives win, with the Libs overtaking Labour.

To be honest an embarrassing defeat like that is the only way the Labour Party will ultimately sort themselves out.

I think there is a fair chance that Boris does screw up though.
Can't believe that imbeciles been let ******* loose,what an embarassment that ranting was outhitlered hitler and that front bench was like a parody of old tory governments goneby,i find it unbelievable that normal people will vote for those lot,must be a lot of old rightwingers around.The libdems make me laugh,backed the tories years ago fucked the country up,now they are going to do it again by not tactically voting with labour,letting in the tories again and i reckon a percentage of their voters know this as well so middle class and compliant and they serve absolutely no purpose they may as well not exist..
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What wierd agenda,the lib dems were in government with the tories and backed austerity policies,that's a fact not wierd i have all their voting in parliament recorded that's beyond questioning,you are saying it's wierd in telling the truth..They are simply one policy stay in europe,that's fine but nothing else matters the whole point is to beat the tories or just be compliant,politics has been the same since i was born in this country evryone succumbs and votes for the status quo,.Things have to change and they will,disaster capitalism and enviroment etc will ensure this and thats not by enabling tory governments through the backdoor fortunately this is just a blip,because the voters will be of a completely different demographic soon..every year that goes by 250,000 new anti capitalist voters are out there...
My agenda is get the tories out at all cost and stop them ruining peoples lives through their policies,if that's wierd will suit me fine stop enabling them to do these things it's just utterly pathetic..Fast forwards 5 years ffs..

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act...
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Your agenda is that everyone except the Labour party is rancid or vile - which I don't agree with and I'm sick of seeing your rants of that nature every day. It's enough to make a man want to vote for Boris.
Here is my view on the next 100 days sequencing. Would appreciate any concise and reasonably argued corrections, agreements and push-backs.

Boris' Urgent Priorities

1. Unclog HoC deadlock.
2. Rout the electoral threat of the Brexit Party
3. Eliminate the DUP parliamentary dependency.
4. Remove the threat of revoke or a 2nd referendum.

Obviously the only way to achieve these goals is through a GE, which is now an imperative, not an option. This is extremely risky obviously as there are no certainties which way this will pivot. So in the run up to this (~mid-Oct) his imperatives are:

5. Rope in the ERG and associates to a collective cabinet decision (done/ongoing)
6. Create a common enemy that he can rally the electorate to repel and defeat. This is obviously the EU institutions and leaders. (starts now)
7. He will open 'negotiations' in the spirit of partnership, but will deliberately fail these in a way he can blame the EU to an uninformed electorate.
8. The language will begin to regress in about 2 weeks. 'Partners' and 'Colleagues' will be replaced gradually, but deliberately, with 'Oppressors' and 'Vassal State' etc.
9. Duly whipped up, he will roll the dice, going to the Palace mid-Sept, before Labour have time to replace Corbyn and before Farage has time to build a party machine and cash in some Banks checks.
10. he will explain his inability to deliver a 31/10 separation to intransigence on the European and Remain side of the arguments.

The election is to close to call - can't see a land side, or indeed and overall majority. (Party majority is now super-ceded by issue majority)
Your agenda is that everyone except the Labour party is rancid or vile - which I don't agree with and I'm sick of seeing your rants of that nature every day. It's enough to make a man want to vote for Boris.

Lol i think you'll find i find loads of people in labour extremely rancid i could give a list of 50 they are equally as compliant probably worse i'm certainly not biased i've pointed them out numerous times,probably more than the others..Deselect them them,these centrists should be out as wrecking party..
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Here is my view on the next 100 days sequencing. Would appreciate any concise and reasonably argued corrections, agreements and push-backs.

Boris' Urgent Priorities

1. Unclog HoC deadlock.
2. Rout the electoral threat of the Brexit Party
3. Eliminate the DUP parliamentary dependency.
4. Remove the threat of revoke or a 2nd referendum.

Obviously the only way to achieve these goals is through a GE, which is now an imperative, not an option. This is extremely risky obviously as there are no certainties which way this will pivot. So in the run up to this (~mid-Oct) his imperatives are:

5. Rope in the ERG and associates to a collective cabinet decision (done/ongoing)
6. Create a common enemy that he can rally the electorate to repel and defeat. This is obviously the EU institutions and leaders. (starts now)
7. He will open 'negotiations' in the spirit of partnership, but will deliberately fail these in a way he can blame the EU to an uninformed electorate.
8. The language will begin to regress in about 2 weeks. 'Partners' and 'Colleagues' will be replaced gradually, but deliberately, with 'Oppressors' and 'Vassal State' etc.
9. Duly whipped up, he will roll the dice, going to the Palace mid-Sept, before Labour have time to replace Corbyn and before Farage has time to build a party machine and cash in some Banks checks.
10. he will explain his inability to deliver a 31/10 separation to intransigence on the European and Remain side of the arguments.

The election is to close to call - can't see a land side, or indeed and overall majority. (Party majority is now super-ceded by issue majority)

All those points i agree with bar the fact he could call an election before the 31st and all that will happens farage will play in labour seats in north,west mids etc,tories step down in those labours polling is in terminal decline it's a one issue election,liberals could take quite a few tory seats but labour are in worst position i've ever seen them infact in a local electio last night they lost a council due to a 33% loss in vote going from 1st to 3rd..
Lol i think you'll find i find loads of people in labour extremely rancid i could give a list of 50 they are equally as compliant probably worse i'm certainly not biased i've pointed them out numerous times,probably more than the others..Deselect them them,these centrists should be out as wrecking party..

See, there you go again.

I find describing people whose policies you don't agree with as "rancid" to be childish at best and clivexian at worst. And we all know what a knob he is.
See, there you go again.

I find describing people whose policies you don't agree with as "rancid" to be childish at best and clivexian at worst. And we all know what a knob he is.

Lol like your complimentary posts about ruth davidson tories in scotland etc,etc with which i totally agree by the way,you are just as partisan as i am infact most snp voters would be ten times harsher than me,they like me see the medais bias controlled by out news outlets and I call the torIes out for what they are and how the voters are so easily swayed by propaganda..
lol. I'm not doing it every day, ten times a day - and I reserve it for the Tories - you have got everyone who isn't hard left tarred as rancid. Which means most of the country is rancid in your book.

It's getting old.
lol. I'm not doing it every day, ten times a day - and I reserve it for the Tories - you have got everyone who isn't hard left tarred as rancid. Which means most of the country is rancid in your book.

It's getting old.

I'm not hard left far from it lol because i question a large group of voters that have done the same thing for decades i'm hard left ,if you had the tories in scotland in government and other partys finding ways of not getting them out you would be exactly the same and a lot of snp voters are exactly like me as i speak to them on twitter everyday,i very rarely delve into far left politcs..Ive campaigned for peoples vote and i've been contributing towards refugees in local area,people who are far left don't do anything or have no policies..i'm left wing and i want left wing policies but i am far from being far left..
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You'd be better off backing the libdems if your only priority is getting the Tories out - Corbyn is unelectable (and about as much use as a chocolate teapot).

I'm sure he's a very nice man though.
Am not voting fir corbyn i'm voting for policys,too much is paid to him he's 70 he's only got two or three years left meximum infact as i said i've backed him at 3/1 to resign by the ed of the year but the the tories will be in for another 5 years,with johnsons bullshit and more austerity..Boris johnson and jo swinson as though they are any better either laughable,equally as poor.
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