Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

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US Ambassador Woody Johnson asked about the NHS being part of UK-US free trade deal. Marr: "Do you feel healthcare has to be part of the deal?” Johnson: “I think... all things that are traded would be on table.” Marr: “Which includes healthcare?” Johnson: “I would think so

Time to start standing up to this stuff,plus the brexit party already saying they want influence and a policy we will not pay the 39 billion agreed with EU!!

These brexiteers filling up there manifesto gradually,private healthcare anne widdicombe stating science will be able to cure people of being gay in the future no doubt we will have clare fox chipping in soon with some filth with brendan o'neill..the 20% iof idiots that vote for these morons getting the party they have been crying out for..

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Get dropped at Air Force One shortly after nine on Sunday night. Settle down to watch some gorilla YouTube videos, before going to sleep on the couch. As usual Melania has taken the main bedroom and locked me out. Wake up to find it’s nearly 9am and we’re about to land. That means we must have been in the air for 12 hours. I hadn’t realised Europe was so far away. An aide explains that London England is FIVE hours ahead of Washington. How is that possible? Do they work 29 hour days?

As we land, one of my aides suggests it might be a good idea to tweet something about how nice it is is to be back in London England. “Pass me the phone,” I bark. I start typing: “Sadiq Khan is just a stone cold loser”. That man is dead to me. I don’t care about him at all. I really don’t. He’s even more insignificant than our own very dumb and very incompetent mayor of NYC. Much shorter too. Very short. Almost a dwarf. And a very low IQ. THE LOWEST. Being dumb must be a qualification to be London mayor.

The plane comes to a standstill in some field miles from London. This part of the world has less going for it than North Dakota. No wonder the UK is in such big trouble. Some guy I don’t recognise meets me at the bottom of the steps.

Donald Trump and Jeremy Hunt
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‘I get rid of this dude as soon as decently possible.’ Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP
‘Who are you?’ I ask.


“Jeremy Hunt.”

“Good. Very good. I’ve heard all about your Cockney rhyming slang.”

I get rid of this dude as soon as decently possible and get into Marine One. Switch on the TV to find it’s tuned to CNN. There’s no escaping #FAKENEWS. Woody says you can’t get Fox News in this shithole of a country and turns over to the cartoons.

Check my phone. One message from a guy who says he’s called Pierce Morgan and can we meet? Never heard of him. Another message from Boris Johnson. Great guy. Great, great guy. He thanks me for my support, but asks me to tone it down for the next few days. Whatever. I’m on holiday anyway, so no big deal.

Marine One
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‘The Queen sends her boy Charles out to meet me. Serious disrespeect//
Another Marine One ride takes me to the back lawn of Buckingham Palace. I can’t lie, I’m kinda disappointed. Much, much smaller than I expected. At least when you go to Disneyland you’re guaranteed to be impressed. This dive doesn’t even have its own golf course.

An old guy appears, says he’s the Prince of Wales and is going to take me to meet his Mum. I bite my lip. This is serious disrespect to me, POTUS. I mean, if the Queen came over to visit me for lunch at Mar-a-Lago, I wouldn’t send Donald Jr, Ivanka and Jared out to meet her. But am determined to be on my best behaviour, so just let it go and walk inside making small talk with the LOSER.

Meet the Queen. She’s a nice lady. A very nice lady. So old though. I give her a fist bump and recommend a decent sunbed.

Donald Trump and the Queen
‘I recommend a specific Pantone for her tan.’ Photograph: WPA Pool/Getty
Melania is in a grump. She’s got her wide brimmed hat pulled down to disguise the existential dread in her eyes. We head off in the Beast down the avenue to visit Westminster Castle. Another message from Pierce Morgan. These Huawei phones are a real piece of ****. BLOCK.

The castle is OK if not quite what I expected. Stop for a while at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Which is kinda cool but you’d have thought it would have been better to make a fuss of a Known Warrior. Otherwise he could have been anyone.

Marine One flies me back to Wing Field House. Time for a lie down and TV. All this sight-seeing is exhausting. The kids phone from the Corinthia hotel. They complain room service is TERRIBLE. Woody drops in to say it’s time to get ready for the banquet. Hope food is better than lunch. You can’t get a goddam decent burger and fries in this third-world hell-hole
Chukkers split,who wouldv'e guessed a centreist part full of misfits would split up i think i did the day after they formed,only good thing at least they might get some more remain vote together even though i can;t stand them especially the ''tinged one friends of israel''
Donald Trump flies into the UK next week, and we will be treated to the surreal spectacle of a widely reviled president meeting a defeated prime minister amid scenes of pomp, ceremony and protest.

For all the high-level meetings he will attend, the president would gain far more by staying home and learning about the life of my friend Walter Wolfgang, who died this week at the age of 95. A lifelong peace activist, he was preoccupied in his final days by Trump and his growing belligerence towards Iran.

Walter’s life story reads like a history of the last century. He was born to Jewish parents in Frankfurt in 1923, a year before the city elected its first Jewish mayor, Ludwig Landmann. But by 1937 he had to flee from the Nazis to Britain, a teenage refugee. Walter’s parents remained in Germany, only to lose everything when their business was confiscated. His father was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp. Although he was able to escape Germany for Britain with Walter’s mother in 1939, Buchenwald destroyed his health and caused his premature death in 1945 – the same year that Mayor Landmann died of malnutrition while in hiding from the Nazis.

“As a refugee from Nazi Germany,” Walter later said, “I saw at first hand the terrible consequences of a political doctrine based on hatred and racism.” It was this experience, and a further political awakening when his family was interned like other Germans in England in 1940, that gave Walter a determination to fight prejudice against all peoples and classes. He did not want anybody else, anywhere in the world, to suffer exploitation or oppression, as he and his own family had.

READ Brexit PLOT: Top UK official 'RULES OUT' no deal - MPs must pick LONG delay or May's terms
This struggle went hand in hand with his commitment to peace. His political beliefs were underpinned by his Jewish faith – “the Jewish aim of human brotherhood”, as he put it, and a desire to make real the Hebrew prophets’ vision of a world without war.

In 1948, having been naturalised as a British citizen, he joined the Labour party. Walter gravitated towards the left, partly as a consequence of his opposition to the Korean war. In 1956 he helped organise a momentous demonstration in Trafalgar Square against the invasion of Suez – one of the occasions on which he found the Labour leadership was on his side.

Walter was horrified by the cold war and the prospect of nuclear annihilation. In 1958 he was a founder member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and helped organise the first Aldermaston march to Britain’s Atomic Weapons Research Establishment – an occasion he remembered for the presence of bands and music and an unexpectedly good turnout.

He stood as a Labour candidate for Croydon North East in the 1959 general election. He did not win, and was prevented from standing again due to his anti-nuclear views. Unperturbed, he dedicated the rest of his life to that cause – a level of commitment that was recognised when CND made him its vice-president for life.

In later life, Walter campaigned vigorously against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and became celebrated for an incident at the 2005 Labour party conference, when he was forcefully ejected from the hall after heckling “Nonsense” at foreign secretary Jack Straw as he extolled the virtues of the British occupation of Iraq.

READ Remainer Grieve 'never been so ASHAMED' to be a Tory over May's speech - 'Could have WEPT'
The footage of an 82-year-old man being manhandled and then detained under anti-terrorism laws caused widespread outrage and became symbolic of the growing intolerance of open debate in the party. Next morning Walter was readmitted to the conference hall to a standing ovation from the floor and, later, an apology from Tony Blair. A year after the debacle, in a fitting riposte from the grassroots to the party hierarchy, he was elected to Labour’s national executive.

To me, Walter was always a dear friend and a courageous moral leader. I visited him in hospital shortly before he died. He was very ill but his mind was still sharp. I asked him to record a message on my phone. He said: “The objective of the Labour party and the peace movement is a peaceful world without exploitation.”

I very much doubt that President Trump will hear similar sentiments from Theresa May next week, but there will be thousands on the streets to amplify Walter’s message. I know that if he was still with us, he would be there too, back in Trafalgar Square, standing up for peace.

• Jeremy Corbyn, the MP for Islington North, is the leader of the Labour party

God damn that antesemite Corbyn being best best friends with jewish walter woolfgang and visiting him in hospital on his death bed,notice the media say **** all about this surprise surprise..racist my arse,an idiot maybe but corbyns no racist i will never believe it..
Rory Stewart has pitched his campaign for the Conservative leadership as a plucky DIY effort with shaky handheld videos of him meeting voters across the country — but behind the scenes it is being bankrolled by a Russian financier who ran a hedge fund that focussed on the former Soviet Union.

Stewart, a former foreign office minister and chair of the defence select committee, has accepted a £10,000 donation from Lev Mikheev, a Moscow-born investment banker who moved to the US before pursuing a career in finance and setting up Salute Capital Management in 2009.

Salute Capital, named after the USSR space station programme Salyut, focussed on investing in stocks in Russia and Eastern Europe before Mikheev left the firm in 2012.

Mikheev, who has donated more than £100,000 to the Tory party, was described by the Daily Mail in 2014 as a “billionaire financier with offices in London and next door to the Kremlin in the Russian capital”.

He is now chair of the Mikheev Charitable Trust and director of a fund management company called Bernina Systematic.

Stewart has previously warned of Russia’s growing influence on the world stage, claiming the country “swaggers its way around”.

Speaking at the Tory party conference in 2016, he said: “Russia has succeeded within the past few years in completely transforming its global position at a time when you thought it would be at its weakest.

"Its economy is struggling, it is not getting the incomes it would have expected and yet it behaves like a much bigger country than Britain.”

Stewart’s leadership campaign received another £10,000 from Khaled Said, the son of the Syrian-Saudi businessman and political fixer Wafic Said, who was famously an adviser on the controversial £40 million Al-Yamamah arms deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

The donations were declared in the latest register of members’ interests.

Stewart’s spokesperson told BuzzFeed News he had raised another £50,000 in small donations. “Amongst other significant donors is an English beef farmer. We have placed a cap of £10,000 on any donation and this is the only campaign with a genuinely broad base including people from the world of sport, theatre, agriculture and technology. The minority of contributions are from finance,” they said.

It has also emerged that Boris Johnson’s campaign has benefitted from tens of thousands of pounds of donations from donors linked to tax havens.

Johnson received £75,000 from Jon Wood, the director of Aedos Fund Management (Bermuda) Ltd.

In 2010, the Mail reported that Wood resided in Switzerland and set up his SRM Global fund in Monaco.

Last month Johnson took another £10,000 from Graham Robeson, who is the director of a number of companies ultimately owned by the millionaire financier David Rowlands via a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.

Labour MP Ian Murray from the People’s Vote campaign said: “Boris Johnson is the epitome of the Brexiter Elite. Rich and entitled, he knows his livelihood won’t be at risk no matter what outcome emerges from the chaos of Brexit.” Johnson’s spokesperson declined to comment.

Meanwhile, Jeremy Hunt’s campaign is also being largely funded by the finance sector.

Hunt is being provided with office space by private equity firm Moulsford Capital and has received a £10,000 donation from hedge fund manager Andrew Law and another £10,000 from David Forbes-Nixon, chairman of the asset management firm Alcentra.

Hunt’s campaign said: “In the last few days we’ve received even more backing from some of the UK’s top businesses and have raised enough to reach the campaign spending limit. People are drawn to the fact Jeremy is a self made entrepreneur with the plan and experience to kick start the economy..

We know what we voted for,laughable stuff even when its out in the open like this wealthy foriegners from tax havens supporting johnson and even rory stewart,are people really that thick or do they simply not care about anything the libertarian right must be loving this do anythng you like say anything you want no repercussions...
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Well well the Brexit Boraodcasting Company have gone even further than i ever thought they would,a corbyn bashing,pro trump/leave audience full of old people clapping piers morgan continuously this is just getting ridiculous,a raging seething mass of old brexuteer farts all beautifully hand picked...and still the agenda goes on..
It totally baffles me how so many people who will be worst affected by Brexit voted for it. Baffles and saddens me.

I never thought I'd ever say it but if Bojo becomes PM without a general election (or even with) I will be supporting any call for another independence referendum.
You don't know the worst of it yet,priiti patel and ERG members were in an upmarket dining place in mayfair recently discussing coalition with farage in next general election,discussing tactics,there is a massive surge towards the right and all corrupt...Labour have to come out as a remain party they have no choice now,the way things are going with farage and the lunatic johnson the only way they could win an electiin would be combining with the liberals,we have the Brexit Broadcasting Company and their propoganda,the police trying to cover up things like the recent johnson fiasco if it wasn't for the guardian and his neighbours,who by the way are on the front of the express with remainers in bold as though you have to be a affiliated to any party to report possible domestic violence ffs by that toby young pervert in the article he wrote,talk about rightwing propaganda this man wants a good hiding and the stuff he posts on twitter..This countrys just becoming a rightwing mess,you have steve bannon advising on johnsons speeches denys even meeting the man yet its on film soon to be shown in documentary,everything is lies and corruption...The establishment as i've been saying for months will do absolutely anything to make sure we get a rightwing agenda,all headed by this ******* moron johnson who is being puppeteered by the likes of bannon and farage..
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I thought that gesture in Parliament of turning your Brexit, salary earning, back during 'Ode to Joy' was pure class. Up there with Agincourt, Blenheim, Waterloo and the Battle of Britain. Cometh the hour, cometh the men and women.
I thought that gesture in Parliament of turning your Brexit, salary earning, back during 'Ode to Joy' was pure class. Up there with Agincourt, Blenheim, Waterloo and the Battle of Britain. Cometh the hour, cometh the men and women.

Think they mustv'e seen a muslim or something..
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Great to see the Brexit Broadcasting Company at full throttle again unreal, a split constituency and the rancid tom harwood ranting from guido fawkes with the usual 80% brexiteeer hand picked audience again shouting in support for that stupid rightwing twit,i wondered how long it would take for them to get back to the agenda,even worse was to come as below..

That was the most rancid disgusting QT ever,they used a man to back johnson and his sugar tax and mention his terminal renal cancer ,then camera followed him to show him enthusiastically clapping when the audience were given a leading anti corbyn question,ffs how do they get away with this ****..
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Was watching open mouthed too, what with questions selected + the chair doing her usual job of panel order in answering it was truly awful.
Oh, Amber Rudd, how could you? A paragon of Tory moderation, a solid bulwark against the rampaging Tory right, a torchbearer for Remainia and one nation Toryism – and one of our saviours against the self-inflicted disaster of no deal, now a champion of a hard Brexit. Surely these are malicious rumours: just weeks ago you were described as the “cabinet’s leading pro-European” and were apparently leading the battle against a drunk and disorderly exit from the EU.

Sure, you’ve always had your foibles – consistently voting for all Brexit legislation, slashing and decimating public services and the welfare state, deporting refugees – but let he who has not stripped disabled people of benefits cast the first stone.

Rudd is perhaps the perfect embodiment of the myth of the decent, moderate, compassionate Tory. Being a Conservative is to live on easy street – having most of the press as your cheerleaders makes for fewer grey hairs – but if you consistently vote for every poor-bashing, migrant-deporting, rich-benefiting Tory policy while not coming across like somebody who pulls wings off flies for thrills, you’re guaranteed an audience of liberal cheerleaders, too. These same liberals – and to avoid offence, I should clarify not all liberals – will savage Labour for failing to oppose the Tories (while consistently voting against the government’s policies, including on Theresa May’s Brexit deal), but glorify certain Tory politicians and airbrush their political record. David Cameron was a real pioneer here, of course: ponce about the Arctic with some huskies and talk about hugging hoodies, get some liberal brownie points, then plunge Britain into its worst turmoil since the war.

Rudd was once charged with finding extras for Four Weddings and a Funeral – she was the aristocracy co-ordinator, but of course – and this is apt, because political analysis often comes across as if it’s written by people who watch too many Richard Curtis films. Appear to be a pleasant, good-humoured, slightly bumbling posh person and you can more or less get away with anything. Rory Stewart developed this into an artform during his “maverick” Tory leadership campaign: quietly backing Brexit, yet finding himself cheered on by the same people quick to chastise Jeremy Corbyn for being the ultimate Brexiteer. Ken Clarke proved that you can literally be the most high-profile tobacco lobbyist in Britain and still be glorified as the conscience of liberal England.

So, preferably before Rudd and her colleagues throw the country off a cliff, can we please bury the myth of the moderate Tory? Let’s just admit it means “supporting the redistribution of wealth and power to the rich, but not minding the gays”. Britain is a country synonymous with national upheaval not just because of Cameron and May: this was a real team effort on the part of the Tories.

Stare someone in the eyes who was forced to pay the bedroom tax because their daughter died – “I’m sorry, but that’s actually a spare room now” – and then extol the virtues of these compassionate, liberal Tories who voted for the policy. To paraphrase Regina George, stop trying to make moderate Tories happen...

Yes its owen but saying exactly what i've always said,you just cannot trust these tory MPS she was adamant about standing against a no deal,almost had some respect for her as she seemed genuine vociferous in her language against johnson..But nope another tory with zero proncipals and for what a job in johnsons caniet,can you believe this stuff no doubt the rest will fall in behind now and the no deal will be complete they truely are pathetic and feeble.Only slight compensation i'm on at 11/4...
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sabel Oakeshott Dirty Tricks EXPOSED
After the weekend’s revelations, one might have thought that matters could not get any worse for mercenary hack Isabel Oakeshott: that she had openly and aggressively denounced the Observer’s Carole Cadwalladr over suggestions that there had been improper behaviour around the Leave campaign in the 2016 EU referendum, while knowing full well that that is exactly what had happened, had to be the last word.

But it is not: Ms Oakeshott’s desperation and technical ignorance have led her to indulge in dirty tricks that have taken her seriously eroded credibility and ground it into the dust along the way. We know this after the Daily Beast published a damning exposé of the Arron Banks email trove whose leaking started the whole panic in the first place.

Nico Hines’ article tells “An email, seen by The Daily Beast, was sent to Banks at 11.57am on Friday by Cadwalladr advising him that The Observer had obtained copies of his emails which laid bare the scale of his interactions with Russia … Banks did not respond to the email until 10.30pm that night, saying he was out of the office and could not respond until Monday”. And then Ms Oakeshott hove into view.

“Within hours, Oakeshott was in touch with Cadwalladr, however. At first she accused The Observer of hacking her archive and stealing the emails - an allegation the reporters deny - but by late afternoon on Saturday she had entered into a discussion about cooperating with The Guardian/The Observer if they agreed to hold the story until Monday”.

The (baseless and untrue) accusation of hacking didn’t work, so then she gave the impression of trying to get herself a piece of the action. And why should the Observer and Guardian hold their story until Monday? You’ll love this: “By then, a team at The Sunday Times, where Oakeshott used to work, was in full swing producing their own version of the stunning story which they managed to break before The Observer late on Saturday”.

That sounds very much like making nice in order to chuck a spanner in the works and thereby give the Sunday Times spoiler a head start. Or, as some might call it, the lowest form of journalistic dirty tricks. After all, the ST’s article “came complete with a commentary from Oakeshott herself, in which she expressed her shock at the revelations”.

Hines observes “Oakeshott has not responded to questions from The Daily Beast, including whether she has passed the emails to the FBI, the Mueller probe or Britain’s Electoral Commission”. But she was happy to see them go to the Murdoch press.

You might have thought it was a pretty low trick to make that claim about the pig’s head in her unauthorised biography of Young Dave. Given what we discovered at the weekend, her behaviour on The Andy Marr Show™ looks downright nasty. But what Isabel Oakeshott appears to have done in the past 72 hours beats both of those hands down.

No credible media outlet should have anything to do with her after these latest revelations. That some in press and broadcast will continue to do just that tells you all you need to know about the state of those organisations right now. I’ll just leave that one there.
Fishman Dave said...
She's got all the characteristics that appeal to Andrew (Brillo) Neal. Watch her appearances on Daily & Sunday Politics ramp up once the dust has settled

11 JUNE 2018 AT 11:57
Anonymous said...
Surely - SURELY - Oakeshott's "mind" can't be as "blank" as her face.

Remember Andrew neil knew all about this as well and actually accused carole cadwalladr iof lying etc,tried to belittle her on tv they really are a currupt lot and fronting the BBC politcal programes ans oakeshotts everything around this woman stinks..disgusting people..i get bored of having to put up these facts all the time same old same old..they get away with anything,.
I wonder where isabelle oakeshott got the leaks from,coincidentally in a relationship with richard tice :lol::lol::lol: they are so sly and vile these people..
Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips has admitted she secretly worked for Cambridge Analytica on its controversial 2017 election campaign in Kenya.

Ms Phillips – a prominent member of Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party and former Head of Media for Ukip – made the admission to Channel 4 News after initially strenuously denying any involvement with the disgraced data firm, and pressurising journalists to drop the story.

She backtracked only after Channel 4 News obtained a recording of an interview from 2017 in which she confirms she had been employed by Cambridge Analytica to work for Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In a statement released to Channel 4 News last night, Ms Phillips admitted working for SCL, Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, on President Kenyatta’s successful re-election campaign.

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Channel 4 News

"That's libellous, you can't put this online, my friend.”

Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips denies working for Cambridge Analytica in Kenya, speaking to @Channel4News.

A few days later she admitted working for the firm's parent company.

5:21 PM - Jul 16, 2019
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Dirty tricks
Cambridge Analytica was exposed by an undercover Channel 4 News investigation last year in which company bosses were filmed boasting of dirty tricks and influencing elections across the world.

They were caught bragging about smear campaigns, bribing politicians, and putting “unattributable, untrackable” propaganda on the Internet in a bid to sway campaigns for clients.

The controversial 2017 Kenyan election contest was marred by misinformation with fake news spread across the country via the Internet and on smartphones.

President Kenyatta’s opponent Raila Odinga was smeared with a series of viral videos, including one notoriously depicting apocalyptic scenes if he were to win the election.

Cambridge Analytica strenuously denied any involvement with the content, and any role in negative political campaigning in Kenya.

‘I didn’t work for them at all’
When initially questioned by Channel 4 News on camera, Ms Phillips denied working for Cambridge Analytica, or even knowing anyone on their political campaign team.

She said: “I didn’t work for them at all. That’s libellous.” She added: “I’m being very serious now. You’re actually propagating a load of misinformation that’s been put online… based on nothing.”

She continued: “If you want to talk about the Cambridge Analytica campaign, speak to them, not me. I don’t know them. I really don’t know the people.”

Ms Phillips pressured the journalists to drop the story, before calling her lawyers. She said: “And if you use this online, it’s going to be very difficult, OK… And actually, please don’t pursue that because there’s going to be a lot of things that might be happening over the next weeks, months, which is going to make life very difficult. I’m being serious.

“I’ve never been employed by Cambridge Analytica in my life.”

Audio recording
However, Channel 4 News obtained an audio recording of an interview from 2017 in which she told how she was secretly “employed by Cambridge Analytica” to work for President Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party.

She said: “I’ve not been able to speak to you because I’ve been under my contract which finished yesterday. So now I’m able to talk. But whilst I’m under contract with Cambridge Analytica, if they’d found that I’d spoken to a journalist about them, then, you know what I mean non-disclosure agreements and all the rest of it… I wasn’t working for Jubilee I was employed by Cambridge Analytica who had the contract with Jubilee.

“I was brought on as a political communications consultant for the Kenya project.

“I’d be writing the president’s speeches and his talking points for rallies and State House statements. I trained their communications team; they’re all sort of journalists who came together to create a press office. So I had to train them up and daily management of that communications team.”

She said the work was so sensitive that she was told “if anyone asks” what she was doing in the country, she must tell them she was working as “an air hostess”.

In the interview, Ms Phillips also claimed the contract was worth £300,000 [GBP] a month, and would add up to a total of around $6 million [USD] for the contract.

She said: “The $6m they got me and another chap who are two of the best in the business at doing this kind of stuff, and paid us nowhere near that much, my friend. The only thing that appals me about Cambridge Analytica was when I realised essentially how much of a money-making exercise they are.”

‘Promoted peace and unity’
In a statement released to Channel 4 News last night, Phillips said: “In Kenya, I worked as a freelance contractor — focusing on speechwriting – with the team of President Kenyatta, who is a great ally of the UK. The campaigns I worked on promoted peace and national unity in a country that I love dearly.

“This work was sub-contracted out to me by SCL, which went on to become a different company. Out of respect for those whom I served, I will continue to respect the confidentiality agreements that I signed upon accepting the role in Kenya.

“And I will not be bullied by agenda-driven, guilt-by-association reporting.”

How about investigating this brexit corruption never mind trying to hide it with smearing the labour party ffs,just more and more stuff day in day out trump just openly being racist now and the two tory stooges won't say it..But if it comes to the labour pary it's institurtionally racist what a load of horseshit,talk about deflection and the media just become more and more corrupt running with it enabling it...This womens supposed to be representing a 100,000,000 ffs :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: just lying like that and getti g caught out farage and his mob are just vile the lot of them,no ethics,humanity absolute and utter scum
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TOM WATSON is accepting donations of thousands of pounds from a businessman who also finances opponents of the Labour leadership, new figures have revealed.

He accepted £10,000 from retired property developer Sir David Garrard on April 12.

Mr Watson said the donation was to “support my office as deputy leader of the Labour Party.”

However, Mr Garrard also dished out £10,000 to Joan Ryan on March 21 — a month after she abandoned Labour to help form The Independent Group (TIG), now known as Change UK.

Ms Ryan — who cited “demonisation and delegitimisation” of Israel as a reason for her defection — received another donation, , of £8,000, from the businessman on April 3.

At the same time, Mr Garrard has also been bankrolling another Labour defector, Ian Austin, who quit the party around the same time as Ms Ryan but did not join TIG.

Mr Austin, who is now sits in Parliament as an independent, received £10,000 from Mr Garrard on April 4.

When they quit Labour, both MPs blamed leader Jeremy Corbyn’s alleged “failure to tackle anti-semitism” as a factor in the decision.

Mr Watson has also claimed the Labour leadership is not doing enough to eliminate anti-semitism from the party.

He, Ms Ryan and Mr Austin are all supporters of Labour Friends of Israel, according to the lobby group’s website — despite two of them no longer being Labour MPs. Ms Ryan even continues to chair the group.

It is not the first time that Mr Watson has taken money from Mr Garrard, having pocketed £15,000 from the businessman last September.

Glyn Secker from Jewish Voice for Labour told the Morning Star: “It is clear that this deputy leader of our party, someone who was elected to office and then appointed to this post as an ally of Corbyn, has revealed his traitorous nature.

“Jewish Voice for Labour has consistently condemned the tiny but nevertheless vile incidents of anti-semitism in the Labour Party, but equally consistently has called out the megaphone campaign by Watson and his allies to smear Corbyn and the whole party as anti-semitic as one driven by political hostility to the programme of radical reform

Lovely corrupt centreists aye that's right who needs enemies with people like this no wonder labour have no chance of winning an election,hopefully people like this will be kept away from leadership for the foreseeable future....why do these people accept money from friends of israel ffs,don't even know why its allowed..
The mirror image in US now rightwing racism winning everywhere,open racists calling the left antisemtic rightwing media,elite billionaires can say what they like dare to question israel then automatically you qualify as racist,worrying times...and johnson doing it over here ambassador leak obviously brexit connected with the rancid oakeshott involved again..

The leaking of UK Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch’s scathing assessment of Donald Trump is the latest sign of the soft political coup being carried out by pro-Brexit politicians who care only about power and their own self-interest, writes Kenny MacAskill.

Political coups come in all shapes and form. I read the biography of Victor Jara, the Chilean folksinger murdered by the Pinochet regime. His widow narrated the growing tensions as the oligarchs ramped up opposition to Salvador Allende’s democratically elected government. Fear grew before finally it erupted, with military jets bombing the presidential palace and opponents rounded up and killed. It’s to Britain’s eternal shame that Thatcher consorted with the Fascist Chilean General.

Now I don’t for a minute believe that anything like that will ever occur here. But a soft political coup is under way, replicating what’s been happening across the Atlantic. In the USA, Trump used his personal wealth and connections, along with those of other super-rich oligarchs, to win the election and take control. Despite losing the popular vote by a considerable margin – winning because of the US electoral college system – he showed neither magnanimity nor made any attempt to broker consensus.

Instead it’s been open partisanship and outright nepotism. Military commanders removed, others patently unfit for office such as Brett Kavanaugh appointed to the Supreme Court and now Ivanka Trump elevated to a position of some latter-day Henry Kissinger, despite possessing neither the academic record nor intellect.

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So it is with the UK and I fear that, with a Boris Johnson Prime Ministership, it’s only going to get worse. Oligarchs and the super-rich using their wealth and their media influence to lie and distort. A referendum won with dodgy money and by telling flagrant untruths, even if it was the stupidity of David Cameron that brought it into being. The people who propagated those untruths have been easing themselves into position whilst easing out those who don’t agree with them.

Talk of proroguing Parliament’s an abomination. Boris Johnson’s great hero Winston Churchill didn’t even consider that when the country’s back was to the wall and a Nazi invasion loomed. Instead, in the national interest, Churchill created a coalition government that not only saw the country through the war but established the welfare state.

But Britain’s new ruling class are entirely narcissistic and care only about power and their self-interest. The rights of others matter not one jot and the national interest an irrelevancy – understandable when you consider that they offshore much of their wealth and that, to them, loyalty to the UK is about ensuring privacy in London’s financial centre. Deep state indeed.

Stabbing Sir Kim Darroch in the back’s the clear embodiment of that. The potential and practical damage to the UK is incalculable. Hey ho, it has removed someone who isn’t at one with them or prepared to do their bidding, but so what? Joe Kennedy this is not. JFK’s father was the US Ambassador in London but had to be removed in 1940, not just for his opposition to the policies of Churchill in opposing Hitler, but even those of President Roosevelt in trying to sustain democracies.

Now, I’ve met Darroch when he was at UKREP, as UK representation in Brussels is termed. He’s no friend of mine or of Scottish independence. Long before Jeremy Hunt’s outrageous decision to rescind support for a First Minister in overseas travel, the FCO was already doing it surreptitiously. Dealing with devolution went from the patronising, through bemusement, to seeking to thwart. Less crass than what the Foreign Secretary proposes, but probably more effective.

But that was because Darroch’s a consummate professional and representing his nation’s interests. Likewise, full and frank reports from Washington are needed and what he said frankly only echoed what’s boradcast nightly on CNN or has already been exposed by White House whistleblowers.

The crime’s not what the UK’s most senior diplomat reported but its public release. Suggestion of it being the Russians is absurd. This can only have come from the highest level and either from a senior political figure or at their behest. As some have correctly surmised, the answer to the question of who stands to benefit is the Brexiteers, who seem prepared to burn the UK Ambassador – if not the entire UK house down.
The fallout has seen the outgoing Prime Minister caught in a firestorm unleashed by Trump. It’s not just the damage to UK-US relations but how it exposes the weakness of the UK to the rest of the world.

New Britannia’s diminishing power and stature are there for all to see. Run for naked self-interest, beholden to and dependent upon an American President who demeans the office and with the UK’s global standing sinking even faster than the respect and warmth that once existed for the country.

Too little and too late, the likes of Sir John Major and William Hague are speaking out. But as with Trump and the Republicans, the monster has been unleashed and the Grand Old Party has lost control.

Be afraid, because for these charlatans, our institutions and our interests are as dispensable as the UK Ambassador