Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
It wasn't a "Remain Campaign" that used public money for the leaflet but Cameron's government who supported Remain. Likewise, now that it's Johnson's government who support Leave they feel justified in spending public money on a leaflet that will, I believe, outline No-deal preparations

Shouldn't cost much: one sheet of A5 with:

We're Doomed
Don't Panic
Something Will Turn Up
I am disappointed that I didn't realise that the motorcade I saw in Edinburgh today was probably the minister for cuntage at the time.

I'm also disappointed that I didn't have some sort of device capable of taking out the vehicles he might have been in.
How dare i show whats going on due to the right encouraging and spreading hate,its happenig and going to get worse they've been let out of the box and its all because of certain people,lovey couple of racist pieces in The tory graph yesterday as well,amazingly about meghan markle..what a trolling racist paper that is..read them by the rabcid Gile cohren(he has a record for it,being an oxford wanker sure his chums loved it) i'm sure he thinks hes being clever and the white purist Camilla Tominey.How dare we we have a black outspoken person in royalty,thats not like kate middleton bland white do as you told et etc and should know her place lol..These dummies must think that people are of very low intelligence she kicks of artical with people will say she is being racist but...ha ha brilliant..they all have a free reign now under johnson say and do what you like...
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TORY party members have delivered a devastating verdict on Ruth Davidson’s leadership.

In a monthly survey carried out by the Conservative Home website, Davidson is now the least popular of all the party’s frontline politicians.

For most of her time in charge she’s been near the top of the site’s Cabinet league table, based on net satisfaction ratings, but in the most recent edition, she has fallen from fifth to 35th place. Sajid Javid, made Chancellor last week, is at the top of the table.

However most of the top half is dominated by Leave supporters. Boris Johnson is in second, with Jacob Rees-Mogg taking third place

Some fantastic news :lol::lol: i wouldn't like to see the next 33 if they are the best:lol::lol: double take moment thought when i saw the list i thought it said wanking..poor old Ruth they are heading for a wipeput in Scotland thank god the scots have more sense than the english..
What a surprise Scottish lesbian remainer plummetts in a poll by consrvative home,who wouldv'e thought that would happen,an english tory nightmare!!!!:lol::lol:
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Look at this lot ******* scum,it's coming loads more of it load of brave rightwing wankers beating one person up johnson has really lit the flame..probably all coked up want a good hammering time to start getting tough with these lot..

There are many on the right whose views are based on historical evidence, theory and fact though Gigs. Plus a load of bias and agenda just like everyone else in poliitcs or near the debate!!

Its not all people to the right of the spectrum. I don't align with them but they are allowed their views. There are clearly Asians and Blacks to the right of the spectrum too, Gigs.

Your comment reminds me of Maajid Nawaz on LBC just now.

'Whats wrong with young white men' etc. Because two lunatics in America decide two start shooting people.

I am with you on tackling the angry mob but lets be specific and not tarnish a whole group of people because of what a minority are doing.
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According to Nawaz, the U.K economy is in a strong position!!!

You can't have a one in a three chance of a recession within the next year if your growth figures are strong ffs.

For a usually intelligent bloke he's talking shite today.
Where are Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell today!!!

Have these fellas ever critisized Trump in the last three years let alone mention his name...

They dont like Boris, they despise the far right, despise the far left, get Jonathon Powell to moan about Neo-Nazis but they will not critisize Donald Trump. :(
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LBC another platform for mostly rightwing presenters another one on my banned list....
If you think debate on LBC is right wing it sounds like you wouldnt know the difference between living in Cuba and/or Venezuela compared to somewhere like Germany.

Fidel Caestro would have loved you. :)
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Put it this way everytime i have put on, it has Nick ferrari or Ian dale Julie hartley brewer Nigel Farage the list goes on..i stopped turning obviously..
Fair enough. For someone like me, at least you don't need to be sanctioned to speak.

Having a say on the BBC these days for an average joe bloggs is not easy.

Like trying to marry into the Britsh Royal family it really is.
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Another bit of rightwing filth from tory sky presenter jayne secker how does this wrong un get away with it,infact how are any of the media getting away with it she should be sacked and she's done iot before as well when talking about her ''tenants'' on a ;landlords discussion,never have i seen something like this bar a trump distraction...Sky are as bad if not worse than the BBC,how anyone can watch this **** and regardless of what party you support see how corrupt it is,absolutely disgusting..

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The middle ground is definately very hard to locate.

I agree the presenters claim was vague.

Theres been plenty of far left terrorist organisations throughout history though, I think that goes without saying.

But agree that I am not sure how it links to recent killings in America.
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Oh and a massive overreaction as always. What she said wasn't crime of the century.
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Oh and a massive overreaction as always. What she said may have been an honest mistake, as opposed to crime of the century.

Are you kidding they were talking about the shootings in the US and suddenly comes out with far left terrorism,do you not watch the news its the same crap everyday deflecting from the real issues she turned the conversation fro rightwing white supreaicists into talking about the labour party and antisemitism,this was as dark as it gets on political deflection and bias absolutely nothing to do with what they were taliking about...She virtually tried to connet labour with terrorism,this is happening on evety news channel,honest mistake dsky and the BBC have vbeen doing t it for the last 12 months i've been posting daily on it...Just switch the news on tinight and try and watch a news programme with no rughtwing bias,you won't find it it's been the agenda and getting far worse...this wasn't news this was some politucally biaed news resder trying to influence with politucal bias..
"As dark as it gets"

Christ alive man, how old are you?

Ali probably want's to pretend it wasn't one of the most biased news reports ever seen,infact he would probably like more stuff like this,after all he was up for mike pompeo stopping the labour party winning an election and interferring with out politucs through people like steve bannon trumps propaganda merchant,was good of bannon to sat the otherday that we needed a hard brext ad we hadn't seen anything yet..Ali thinks this is great,well done ali...
It's irrelevant what I think, I'm just hoping you can get some sort of perspective on life.

I know what your types think i just have to go through your posts and the way you pop up on a pro right agenda,twitters full of them..fortunately they are all older people not younger..
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