Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
Rugby on ITV, then hours and hours of BBC Parliament

A super Saturday indeed

Up-and-Under :) Down-and-Over :(:confused:
The worse decision by any government in the last 1000 years according to one economist. Whilst Rees-Mogg says it could be 50 years before we see any economic benefits. So that`s alright then:D.
The worse decision by any government in the last 1000 years according to one economist. Whilst Rees-Mogg says it could be 50 years before we see any economic benefits. So that`s alright then:D.

Its alright for Rees-Mogg and other tories who have more money and assets than they will ever need but what about the people working in minimum wage and zero hour contract jobs?
The poor are getting poorer and the rich getting richer
The poor voted for it. Make of that what you will.We’re living in strange times. At least Trumps gone.
A little off tangent but last week Priti Patel, taking time out from effing and blinding at her Civil Servants, toured the TV stations telling all and sundry that the government were "ahead of the curve" throughout this pandemic!! You just couldn`t make it up. Even Monty Python would have problems matching that. We`re doomed, I tell ya:mad:.
As well as more mackerel, it definitely looks like we`ll have a lot more immigration, too. Bit ironic given that immigration, or too much of it, was probably the deciding factor in clinching it for the Leavers.
I've always been against the idea of an independent Scotland and, in particular, an independent Scotland run by the SNP.

I believe in strength in unity and being part of the UK strikes me as a better position than independence.

In similar vein, the UK being part of the EU strikes me as a stronger position than an independent UK.

However, the UK for some time now has been governed by "incontinently mendacious" (MP Aidan O'Neill, no relation) moneyed egomaniacs whose sole purpose in being politicians is to make as much money for themselves, their families and their cronies at the expense of the ordinary Joes and Jeans who vote them in because they gleefully swallow the shite the Tory redtop rags, run by party activists, feed them.

The north of England has fared particularly badly but, honestly, I struggle for sympathy for them because they are the turkeys who voted for Christmas.

I find myself more and more drawn to the idea of an independent Scotland but only if we were guaranteed fast-tracking into the EU. I would suffer a few years of SNP and Nicola Sturgeon - who has done no more than follow No 10 in dealing with the pandemic and she's even clenching her fists, Bojo-style, at the lectern when addressing the people - for the sake of a brighter future further down the line.

These successive Tory governments have been disastrous for the UK.
I didn’t realise till today that the ERG have an inner sanctum of a handful of members. I assume JRM is one of them. I find that really scary. Even more scary is the fact that they have persuaded the poor of this country that they represent them. I disagree about Sturgeon and the pandemic, though. From what I’ve seen things that she has instigated have then been copied by Downing Street. And we tend to watch her every day to find out exactly what is going on. I’d now like to see an independent Scotland and a united Ireland and I can’t believe I’m thinking/saying this. It saddens me greatly. For the first time in my long life I think I would happily move to another country if I could and wouldn’t blame my children if they did so.
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Everyone is entitled to their views on whether they think UK is better off short/medium/long term in the EU operating within the bounds of their overarching government, our out as an independent nation. But remain lost and the UK has left so that's that.

If jockland had vote leave in 2014 I would have been sad to see them go as I used to live there but I would have respected their decision to do so, unlike the remainers post 2016.

But if they went independent, I'm not sure how it would continue with the spending it does now, given the size of the the scottish deficit (income vs spending) and the fact the only use the pound they'd get is as panama uses the dollar i.e. zero control of the currency and england would not be underwriting their debts nor giving them any sort of bung every year, plus Orkney & Shetland would be likely to break away thus Scotland would lose a lot of the oil revenue. Joining the EU and using the Euro would take years and creating their own currency wouldn't have much credence for borrowing on the international money markets.
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Methinks our esteemed Leavers are getting a wee bit sensitive to any sort of comment that questions the "rightness" of their cause. Yes, it`s done and dusted but that doesn`t preclude commenting on the strange phenomenon of finding out that their Leader, a lifelong serial liar, has conned them by, err, telling them a pile of porkies. But, as mentioned, earlier the main sufferers will be the poor (an increasing number) while the rich (including the illustrious ERG gang) will get richer. The rest of us will just muddle on as best we can. We`re doomed I tell ya:surrender:.
Remainers have their opinion on how things will pan out for various people and leavers have theirs, until the future has happened both are pretty subjective really.
I think in politics it’s a good idea to have a vague idea about what the end result of your policies will be.
Would people have so readily voted Leave if they`d known that immigration would go up (there goes the racist vote) or that another 60,000 customs officials would be needed to d/w the extra 200mil forms generated.....oh, and after all, the Turkish horde were not on their way. I think not.
We've left the eu and the tories have an 80 seat majority so for the next 3-4 years at least you can all bitch and whine to your hearts content but what remainers 'think' is quite immaterial really. And the lefty corbynite types count for even less.

laughs in British.jpg
On most counts especially economic, I was a remainer but unlike most of my counterparts in the centre left, I do think we need a fairer migration system, and to be smarter on this front than we have been to date. Having an open door policy via freedom of movement probably rightfully needs to come to an end now.

Take a look at what's happening in Hong Kong. Millions of Hong Kong citizens, may want to migrate to England, and as a persecuted group they should be welcomed with open arms, not least because they are a highly skilled group anyway.

If we want to accommodate millions of people from Hong Kong in this example, it stands to reason you need to take less people from other places.

I say to all Europeans who have emigrated to the U.K, you deserve the same rights as me or anyone else. I hope you can get on and settle and live your lives fruitfully.

Plus the U. K leaving won't stop people from arriving to the U. K from Europe per se...

The globalisation lefties, which I'm not a fully signed up member of, are crying over spilt milk on the freedom of movement issue, imho.

I heard one radio commentator the other day saying we, (those who question freedom of movement), haven't had enough 'luck' in own lives and are content with blaming e.u migrants. How utterly not true and patronising I thought to myself.
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When I was a lad the UK population was 50million. It’s now 68 million.

I’m not over fussed about how that increase has come about, but I just think the infrastructure of our country hasn’t kept pace with it.
Saw this from David Attenborough.
The world population has nearly tripled since he started tv in the 50s.

Sobering thought.
We've left the eu and the tories have an 80 seat majority so for the next 3-4 years at least you can all bitch and whine to your hearts content but what remainers 'think' is quite immaterial really.

While this is entirely true it shouldn't preclude our right to reflect and think.

If I had thought twice about one of the biggest mistakes in my life I wouldn't have done it. I can't undo the decision and I have to live with the consequences but it shouldn't mean I must never think about the decision I made in the first place.

Leaving the EU will prove to be one of the biggest mistakes in the history of UK government but we're stuck with it because a majority fell for the enthusiastic lies and jingobabble thrust down their throats by a supportive [of the government] media.

Even David Cameron didn't want to put it to a referendum. He thought the vote would go the same way as the 2014 independence referendum, that a majority would carry the vote but at least he could say he gave the nation the chance to vote for it.

Talk about a plan backfiring...
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