Punchestown 2022

Don't understand the mincemeat and DD reference. DD would have beat him if he'd stood up.
Did you forget the smiley faces or was it your reading glasses?.if it was the latter I assure you I most certainly never said DD would have won..at best he might have finished 3rd Imo. If you are saying DD would have won had he stood up the I think you've lost the plot or you're on the sauce
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No announcement has been made yet but it would seem that Constitution Hill is unlikely to run in the novice hurdle and most likely he will be be retired for the season.

If they do decide to run at the meeting it will be in the Champion Hurdle or nowhere.

4/7 Honeysuckle could be buying money.
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You could be spot on their Slim. Willie could saddle the first 5 home if they all ran.

Can't wait to see Dysart Dynamo jump a fence so I hope he doesn't go which would make Statesman a 6/4 shot
You could be spot on their Slim. Willie could saddle the first 5 home if they all ran.

Can't wait to see Dysart Dynamo jump a fence so I hope he doesn't go which would make Statesman a 6/4 shot

I know nothing for certain but just a feeling Dysart Dynamo will wait for next season.
No announcement has been made yet but it would seem that Constitution Hill is unlikely to run in the novice hurdle and most likely he will be be retired for the season.

If they do decide to run at the meeting it will be in the Champion Hurdle or nowhere.

4/7 Honeysuckle could be buying money.

Almost 5k traded from 1.82 to 1.5 she's now 1/4 let the fun begin.

Mind you after a tough season it wouldn't be a huge surprise if Epatante got very close to her this time round.

For once the whispers got it right no more this season for Constitution Hill. Lets hope the clash happens next year in the Champion proper.
Henderson has been a great trainer but this year he is becoming the Sleepy Biden of horse racing

Honeysuckle will not be running next year, her form this year is much worse than last season

Constitutional would beat her easily but who knows how he will be next season
Henderson has been a great trainer but this year he is becoming the Sleepy Biden of horse racing

Honeysuckle will not be running next year, her form this year is much worse than last season

Constitutional would beat her easily but who knows how he will be next season

You want to be laying off that Sangria... Either that or you are Matt Chapman disguised as sunybay:D
Patrick on Dysart Dynamo. I mean, would any owner have the balls just say no, Willie, no.

Why they hell would they? Patrick is a top class amatuer jockey knows the horse better than anyone.

Add to that he has a phenominal strike rate second to none at 30% and you have a very reliable guy on your side.
Why they hell would they? Patrick is a top class amatuer jockey knows the horse better than anyone.

Add to that he has a phenominal strike rate second to none at 30% and you have a very reliable guy on your side.

20% riding nothing bigger than 9/4.
I'm interested to see how they price up Instit in the Mares Novice Hurdle. I reckon she can improve again since the last day on this potentially better ground, and although Party Central will also be better on better going, I just feel Instit might improve past her to win this. The second placing behind Man O Work the last day was no disgrace as that horse is entered in the Grade 1 Novice Hurdle on Saturday.
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20% riding nothing bigger than 9/4.

So what 50% of Paul Townend's recent winner were 9/4 or less 12 of the last 22.

The guy has been riding against the best and always held his own and you have no place trying to bring him down.

He got Kilcruit home in the Supreme in 3rd which is as good as one would expect, while Paul Townend was wiping the mud of his britches.

He thouroughly deserves to get his chance on Dysart Dynamo

Really gets on my tits reading shyte about jockeys on here.

Two weeks it was Brian Hughes ffs who incidently when Richard Pitman was aguest on TRF he named Ruby Brian Geraghty and Brian Hughes as good as he had ever seen
and that was long before he became Champion.

I'd rather take his opinion that some the likes of Grassy saying he's champion in name only because he didn't get a dozen rides at Cheltenham......someone wants to tell him and others
about one jockey ina hundred will get jocked off by their gaffer and if you ride up north Nicky Henderson isn't going to come calling.

And neither is Willie Mullins going to ask Davy Russell or Jack K when his son is the one putting in all the worlk and is perfectly capable of riding the damn horse.
CLIFTON WARRIOR 450 tuesday hcap hurdle.

On a line through the ill fated arctic warrior this should have the beating of Farout and I will be doing both.Farout ran like a pig last time but cant be ruled out and of course Willie has a few more in it as well.
Only W.hill prices so far and CW is 12s but I'm hoping for better.
So what 50% of Paul Townend's recent winner were 9/4 or less 12 of the last 22.

The guy has been riding against the best and always held his own and you have no place trying to bring him down.

He got Kilcruit home in the Supreme in 3rd which is as good as one would expect, while Paul Townend was wiping the mud of his britches.

He thouroughly deserves to get his chance on Dysart Dynamo

Really gets on my tits reading shyte about jockeys on here.

Two weeks it was Brian Hughes ffs who incidently when Richard Pitman was aguest on TRF he named Ruby Brian Geraghty and Brian Hughes as good as he had ever seen
and that was long before he became Champion.

I'd rather take his opinion that some the likes of Grassy saying he's champion in name only because he didn't get a dozen rides at Cheltenham......someone wants to tell him and others
about one jockey ina hundred will get jocked off by their gaffer and if you ride up north Nicky Henderson isn't going to come calling.

And neither is Willie Mullins going to ask Davy Russell or Jack K when his son is the one putting in all the worlk and is perfectly capable of riding the damn horse.

You're entitled to your opinion but I can't be bothered bar saying he gets outrode by Jody Townend quite regularly in bumpers.
Really gets on my tits reading shyte about jockeys on here.

Two weeks it was Brian Hughes ffs who incidently when Richard Pitman was aguest on TRF he named Ruby Brian Geraghty and Brian Hughes as good as he had ever seen
and that was long before he became Champion.

I'd rather take his opinion that some the likes of Grassy saying he's champion in name only because he didn't get a dozen rides at Cheltenham......

To be fair, I've always had Brian Geraghty down as a top jockey.

Getting back to the actual racing how about Bob Ollinger?

If you have been wondering who has been getting stuck in at 2.98 on the exchange and 7/4 don't look at me :whistle:

What were Bett365 thinking? If ever a horse deserved to be in Dessie's should be odds on thread it's him.

My banker of the meeting was Galopin De Champs and he would have won by a street length but in my book he's the fastest chaser I have seen since Sprinter
and he stays all day.

Bob Ollinger already took care of Capodanno and he's done nothing I can see to justify being 5/2 for his race.
The letters WPM have alot to do with it I suppose and he's worked bigger wonders in his time.

However Bob Ollinger 5*****bet 7/4 looks nailed on.

Energumene V Chacun Pour Soi is a fascinating race.

Chacun Pour Soi ran on the same day as Galopin Des Champs when they both won at the last meeting.

GDC was all the rage afterwrds with jockeys claiming they had never gone so fast in a race
and while the overall times told a different story both horses clocked exactly the same amazing time over the last 3 fences
according to clockwatchers.

Anyone who doubted Chacun Pout Soi were silenced that day only for his fans to be disapointed once again at the Festival.

Despite his unseating Patrick and Shishkin not turning up as such Energumene looked a different horse than the one
Shishkin had beaten when being held up.

Watching brief only ???. I think it will be a cracker and I have an ever so slight preference for......fukced if I know:blink:

I really don't get Paul Townend chosing Sir Gerhard but everyone tells me I am wrong that he's on the right one,

I give in so I will have a tenner double on Sir G and Energumene and a tenner double on DD and CPS just for the hell of it,

Only other fancy is for Gordon Elliots Party Central to beat of the WPM army and win the mares.

Party Central 7/2 looks worth a bet
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You are wrong! According to the RP, PT rides Engi, and the only thing that beats him is an act of god.
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