Question Thread

Why in racing are female trainers like Jessie known as Mrs John Harrington and owners like Ricci go by the wife's name in ownership terms of his horses?

Referring to a married woman by the forenames (or initials) of her husband in addition to the usual surname is very formal and now archaic, but for those obsessed with etiquette, it is correct

It was the case until fairly recently for married women players at Wimbledon. For most of her career Billie Jean King appeared on the scoreboard and official documentation as Mrs L.W.King, her husband being Larry King; and Margaret Court as Mrs B.F.Court, her husband being Barry Court

I remember this because, circa 1970, I asked why too, and someone with proper breeding explained

Racing is to sport what Jacob Rees-Mogg is to politics

When the little wife takes his arm, I'm sure she's known as Mrs Jacob Rees-Mogg :)
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Jacob rees mogg married and fathering children seems almost as believable as michael Jackson two second conceptions that took less than to write their names...

Sixtus Dominic Boniface Christopher Rees-Mogg (Son) · Alfred Wulfric Leyson Pius Rees-Mogg

What a wierdo..
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Drone; on the subject of Billie Jean King, that new film about her looks really good...wasn't a subject matter that interested me until I saw the trailer for it. Mike says the male tennis player she played against became good friends with her and she was one of the last people he spoke to before he died recently. As for Rees Mogg, it was ok having people in government like him at one time; y'know, the great British eccentric, but it's terrifying to think that people like him now have so much power. It infuriates me when he has photo shoots with Bagpuss; Oliver Postgate must turn in his grave at the sight of it...
Drone; on the subject of Billie Jean King, that new film about her looks really good...wasn't a subject matter that interested me until I saw the trailer for it. Mike says the male tennis player she played against became good friends with her and she was one of the last people he spoke to before he died recently. As for Rees Mogg, it was ok having people in government like him at one time; y'know, the great British eccentric, but it's terrifying to think that people like him now have so much power. It infuriates me when he has photo shoots with Bagpuss; Oliver Postgate must turn in his grave at the sight of it...

Thought the film was very soulless and moderate. 5/10 at best.