Racecourse Entry Fee

Surely you're not suggesting that she's anything other than a consumate professional journalist who cut her teeth on the chalk face of a local newspaper, putting in the hard yards trying to make the most banal stories of the village fete sound interesting or doing exposees into local corruption in the council before moving down to London and fighting her way up the oily pole of Fleet Street on merit and breaking a series of scoops that led to her earning her reputation in the corridors of power as the most feared investigative hack in the land, renowned for her persistance, methodical attention to detail, and all round instinctive savvy for hunting down and prosecuting a good story.

Or is she another rich kid been given an opportunity/ promotion beyond that which her ability merits?
Shadz - It would be more likely to be shocking and hard to believe if it were the other way round!
Fairyhouse dropped their admission prices to €5 today. The crowd attendance for today was 3834 compared to last years attendance 1510.
Some of the stuff written about Turia Tellwright on this thread is out of order imo. Nothing wrong with any journalist using any contacts they may or may not have, in fact it's what you would expect. As far as her journalistic abilities go, I think she's as good as anybody who works on the Post newsdesk.
Fairyhouse dropped their admission prices to €5 today. The crowd attendance for today was 3834 compared to last years attendance 1510.

And it's safe to say that the extra 2,300 bought a few racecards and a few cups of coffee and chocolate bars. For a pretty poor days racing it was a good crowd with Tipp having the main card. I wish some more tracks would do the same.
And it's safe to say that the extra 2,300 bought a few racecards and a few cups of coffee and chocolate bars. For a pretty poor days racing it was a good crowd with Tipp having the main card. I wish some more tracks would do the same.

I would imagine Fairyhouse will be thrilled with those figures, particularly given that its hard to get a once off promotion out there in comparison stay to an announcement that entry is now 5-10 euro every meeting from now on etc.

Little doubt plenty of the Irish racecourses will have been watching today's figures at Fairyhouse very closely. Genuinely surprised Galway have not cut their prices.
Some of the stuff written about Turia Tellwright on this thread is out of order imo. Nothing wrong with any journalist using any contacts they may or may not have, in fact it's what you would expect. As far as her journalistic abilities go, I think she's as good as anybody who works on the Post newsdesk.

So are you sure, that should a lesser connected journalist have a story that shows hers may be bull or she is swimming in the wrong lane, that they are going to get the scoop?
It seems perfectly logical that a racecourse (based on the figures that Gallileo has quoted regarding fairyhouse) that reduces the entrance fee and the attendence figure has more than doubled, which in turn would show in refreshment/bookmaker takings etc, etc, is on to a winner.

I think as the gripe generally is the cost of entrance at the racecourse surely this is the area that racecourses have to address. Has Fairyhouse now proved that?
Fairyhouse dropped their admission prices to €5 today. The crowd attendance for today was 3834 compared to last years attendance 1510.

Fair play to Caroline Gray and the staff; nice to see someone in Irish racing taking some initiative for a change.
I'd say about £10-£15 average per person on a basic lower end. i.e coffee burger etc. so that would cover the cost lost on entrance, which has also subsequently doubled because of low entrance fee. I'd take a guess at possible minimum of double profit taken.

Please let me explain further, no names specified and not in particularily in concern of Ms Tellwright.

A newspaper- 2 x journalists one socially connected the other not.

Good story line, who is the most likely candidate to get the opportunity?

It happens sadly in all walks and professions.
Some of the stuff written about Turia Tellwright on this thread is out of order imo. Nothing wrong with any journalist using any contacts they may or may not have, in fact it's what you would expect. As far as her journalistic abilities go, I think she's as good as anybody who works on the Post newsdesk.

I'm not sure the issue of a journalist using contacts to write a story is the issue but rather in this case which one came first (the job or the contacts). There is bound to be a whiff of suspicion that Ms Tellwright is a journalist purely because of family contacts, and the idea that she's used contacts to help her do a job isn't necessarily right as it's more likely that she's exploited them to help get a job. The two are different
How much of a % do the tracks take from sales of food and beverages etc?

The food outlets are concessions and as far as I know they are not turnover related, or certainly not at any of the tracks that I knew people involved. So the track would not have benefitted today from it. However, they would be in a position to negotiate with the caterers and I'm sure the caterers have been looking for a reduction in rent so it's an opportunity gain. Racecard sales go to the racecourse.
Isn't Fairyhouse a HRI track? I wonder will they introduce this idea to Leopardstown. It could really work there.
I don't care who Turia Tellwright is related to - I don't like her articles as I think she writes tripe. End of.