Racecourse Entry Fee

Courses should take a leaf out of Newmarket's book. I was there on Friday evening as we had a runner and it was a fabulous evening. Some great racing was much enjoyed and it was one of their music evenings and they had a good act on, too. Simply Red was due to play after racing and the place was absolutely packed. It looked like Cheltenham. Everyone was having a great time, although admittedly most of them would've been there just to see Simply Red, but I think that's good as some of them may enjoy racing and start following the sport more. Simply Red then played after racing and it was great - everyone had a great time. However, one problem was the Owners and Trainers bar. There was nobody on the door, so anyone could just walk in and I'm sure half of the people in there shouldn't have been. Anyone who knows The July Course's O&Ts bar, will understand what I'm on about here but some pikey decided he wanted to go into the Pre-Parade Ring which is next door (he shouldn't have been in there either) so he climbed over the wooden rails instead of walking round, like a complete toss, and then walked right in front of the horses causing them to stop and into the centre of the ring - what an arse. Anyway, full marks to Newmarket for their great evening and getting a huge crowd, it was great - just a bit more control on the door of O&Ts please.
Pathetic attendance at Fairyhouse today for a card that featured two pattern races and a valuable sales race.

I know times are tough etc but paying a fairly stiff entrance fee (though could have been worse in fairness) to find they haven't bothered with a big screen for a meeting of that quality is a joke tbh. For all that the course was rightly praised for the initiative they took in slashing entrance to a fiver not too long ago (certainly reaped rewards as well), Caroline Gray and co. need to get a grip on today's evidence.
It seems that one of the main problems with racing is that it takes but gives nothing in return.
Did you bother to read Simon's post above, Toobe, before you put that up? You have a knack for sweeping generalisations which other people's experiences don't bear out.
Maybe my statements are misunderstood or, incorrectly interpreted. But on this occasion they are not in reference to Simon's comment and are in relation to Tracksides I believe.