Racing cancelled

That's it in a nutshell Tanlic. They were pretty much screwed from the outset, but they were too slow to get meaningful measures in place.

The metropolitan trainers are pretty much housed next to each other at the racecourses, whereas the country trainers are spread far and wide at farms. In the metro areas it went through pretty much the entire racehorse population, and in the country much of the non-racehorse population wasn't vaccinated and spread it.

Here we are generally faced with the latter rather than the former, and most professional raceyards have the ability to stay away from the general horse populous if they so wish, and can still tick over for a couple of weeks without too much impact on fitness. Given your former profession you already get the logistics though I'm sure.
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My horse is at a livery yard which is mainly for polo ponies, of which they are by far the majority and generally tend not to be vaccinated. Yesterday the woman who runs it sent a message to all of saying she had been told by a vet that the polo ponies didn't need to be vaccinated: today she has sent a message to the liveries stating that if ours aren't up to date, then they need to be. I'm trying to figure out why there is one rule for one, and one for the others? Surely it should apply to all?
It had crossed my mind whether anyone, or an organisation even, would take legal action especially if another horse from another yard at either meeting tested positive. Difficult one to call, I guess we'll know soon enough.
Pretty sure Hurlingham rules state horses must be vaccinated G-G - she could be asking for trouble there.

I think it makes sense to make things as small as possible for the horses, hopefully this will all be over very soon and the swabs to confirm it will all be clear. The time thing happens when there are staggered cases appearing somewhere - a yard can’t come out of quarantine until the last horse is confirmed clear.

We will all find out in due course....

Edited cos I found the Hurlingham Polo association rules on vaccinations.

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I'm guessing that applies to polo ponies who play: there are loads of young stock/broodmares/injured/older ponies there who I would bet are not covered?
Oh probably. Seems very odd to me that people don’t vaccinate at all, any horse of any age, but especially broodmares!!

Hopefully this will all end without too much spread.

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Nothing to do with him wanting runners over the next few days [emoji849]
Be a different story if his come down with it.

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And when one is charged with the responsibility, it's easy to overreact for fear of getting it wrong - and sod the consequences of their actions. it works both ways.
And when one is charged with the responsibility, it's easy to overreact for fear of getting it wrong - and sod the consequences of their actions. it works both ways.
True, which makes it all the more silly to be making such claims without being armed with all the facts NTD honestly suggesting that he knows better than the BHA??
True, which makes it all the more silly to be making such claims without being armed with all the facts NTD honestly suggesting that he knows better than the BHA??

I should think that as a trainer who's worked with horses for decades, he will certainly know more than the collective brains of the BHA about the right thing to do in this situation.They will have an equine vet on board, but he won't be any more knowledgeable than the aforementioned Pete Ramzan who has agreed with NTD.
It hardly seems an overreaction though Wolf. Racing loses a few days while they test and decide what course of action to take from expert advice. As has already been said, Australia lost five months because of a breakout of a new strain of equine influenza, so it would be wholly irresponsible to do otherwise irrespective of smart arse expert advice.

Also I reckon Twister would take a different view if he’s entire string went down with it during a certain week in March. And as for our expert, what better way to give himself profile than make the statement he has. He chooses to ignore the untenable position the BHA would be in if they hadn’t taken precautionary measures so he can have another moment in the limelight.
As far as I have heard, no one seems to be investigating where the McCain yard may have sustained the infection from.
They're bound to make some sort of decision about the programme today, as 48hr decs for Wednesday will need to be in by 10.00 am Monday.
A very rash decision by the BHA, just because a few horses had the sniffles. They should pay compensation to those affected by the utter misery they've caused.
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Equine influenza is not the same as the bugs that work their way through yards annually. It can be much, much worse. Totally agree with the BHA’s stance - far better overkill on the treatment protocol than underdo it and lose everything.

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Equine influenza is not the same as the bugs that work their way through yards annually. It can be much, much worse. Totally agree with the BHA’s stance - far better overkill on the treatment protocol than underdo it and lose everything.

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and this is the trouble with forums such as this, nobody ever changes their opinion no matter how wrong they are :-) This is the reason I rarely get involved in the horsey section on here, TRF etc. everything going round in circles and a waste of human life. I prefer to stick to the frothy warmth of chit chat to chill out and have a bit of fun. Mind you, the chit chat on here is about as much fun as Hiroshima in the mid 40s :lol: