Racing Post Charge

I think they waste a lot of money Redhead on writers .

If they cut the budget by just employing people with something interesting to add then they wouldn't need to be going down this road.

Same with many things..too many overpaid empty vessels..a gravy train to be paid for by us mugs.

Right on the nail.
I don't bother logging in now..there is nothing I'm missing tbh..all the info available through log in is unlikely to give you an edge anyway.

we should start a petition..everyone boycott the RP online and paper..when it goes subscription

they are shortly going to discover they aren't as indespensable as they believe themselves to be
How do I buy my subscription, I cant find any tabs or news linking me to the page?
I would hope they are putting as much effort into the accuracy of their data. This last year I've had quite a bit of success using trends in higher value Irish all aged handicaps.

But, I pretty quickly learnt not to trust the RP 'previous winners' list (I think it changed its name recently from 'trends').

Last Friday night was a case in point when 8 previous winners in the 5f race data were obviously drawn from records of the previous winners of the 8f race and vica-verca.

The PW record at the Curragh on Saturday were also 'interesting'.

Apologies if this has been brought up already, but... will subscribers get an advert-free service? I can't see how it can be defensible to do otherwise.
Might I ask what alternative 'form' sources do people intend to use/recommend.

I think I can manage with the Sporting Life but are there any others?

I place increased emphasis on trainer/jockey racords at various courses (fits in with my trends approach quite well).

The RP team have now removed the 5 year record option for this particular analysis. Seems to me they are going to try and sell me something of no ******* use!

Life is getting harder by the day, MR2
Might I ask what alternative 'form' sources do people intend to use/recommend.

I think I can manage with the Sporting Life but are there any others?

ATR have a written form and video database and have just started providing printable cards.
Monty - I've been using ATR of late and recently discovered the "New: Future Form" feature ie. clicking on this tab will show you the subsequent runs of all the horses in that particular race - very useful :)
Just checked out the site without logging in to see what we would get without paying. Very basic database. Not too bothered about the Topspeed ratings and I have other methods of storing my own, so not entirely dependent on RP.

Might miss the analysis as I find that it often includes something that happened during a race that the comments don't mention. During the past season I have encountered several occasions where a horse has made an almighty blunder and lost its chance. This wasn't mentioned in the commentary, but was in the post-race analysis. However, this is not entirely lost, as the form section of the Weekender includes it any way and is likely to work out cheaper than the website.

We shall see.
Just been thinking about why the trainer/jockey detailed ‘last five years’ option has gone.

I think it boils down to wanting image above substance and changes for changes sake.

Some RP software clown has thought that for ‘accuracy’ the jumps season should be seen to be crossing two years e.g. 2006-07. Hence, the labels were changed – a very easy, quick and cheap change to incorporate, but one involving a complete lack of foresight.

That same software team had neither considered the selection box spacing nor size in the detailed ‘jockey/trainer’ section. When a user selects GB jumps, the boxes overlap and there is simply no room for ‘last five years.’

It’s not much effort to make the correctional changes but, as an ex-software project manager, it appears to me that updates are being made without adequate review mechanisms in place, running ever faster but towards a precipice.

This does not bode well for the future – MR2
As I recall, on the old site the jumps stats did cross on seasons (i.e. 2006/07) but the label was left as 2007, which was pretty confusing itself.
Anyone here au-fait with consumer law.

When and if the RP subscription arises, would I have any legal claim for damages if any of the data is obviously incorrect?

Given that the RP has deemed it ok to make life harder for me, I'll persist in highlighting shortcomings in their datasets, at the risk of becoming cynical.

Previous winners, Saturday 4th July 20:00 Bellowstown

The last four records (2002 - 1999) show only the winner of one division of divided races - numpties!

Has the 'Stories' link always been there on a horse's form? I may have missed it, but I like it. Useful for trainer quotes/background/extra analysis.
Absolutely, for as long as I can remember, it was just the stories link which presumably cross-references their news database.
It certainly has since the relaunch.

Still miss the old cuttings library.

If you don't know when a story is from these days you are in trouble as the archive says there'll be too many stories if you look over a period of more than a year.