Racing Post Charge

Things got so bad this morning - having to log out and log back in again after every race opened, so I have told them to stuff it and asked for my money back.
Done all that Gareth. It got so bad that I was having to log in and out every time I opened a race result. That was when I decided not to go ahead with it.
You gave it a try, Red!

Probably comes down to inadequate user testing. Tradition says that software should be released for users to test to failure, the proprietors learning and making changes.. This is usually about a six month process but of immense value to all stakeholders.

Sometimes its difficult to identify potential user groups, because of agenda conflicts, but in the case of this package, the RP had no excuse at all – it could reach knowledgeable users through a plethora of racing forums (ok, For you Latin-scholars fori).

I imagine that RP did not go down that path because of the weakness of the commercial package they were offering. They did not seem to want to add value to make it attractive, simply repackage what they already had and demand payment. Their big risk would be a lack of take-up following a limited free period for the commercial package.

The RP has been clever in one respect, in putting the racing video option as extras. It appears that those who are getting these video packages cheaper are being subsidised by those who are being forced to pay for the data.

It appears that those who are getting these video packages cheaper are being subsidised by those who are being forced to pay for the data.


Good point, Monty.

I got a reply from their Help Department who are going to get their IT division on to it - just as I sent off the e-mail saying that I wasn't paying for something I can't use and would appreciate my money back as a gesture of their goodwill. If I don't get my money (yes, I know it's only £7.50) I know a magnificent gesture in return!
Dear Team

I am very miffed to say the least about your launching of the Members Club today.

Checking out the offer this morning, I noted the costs involved etc. Deciding to join only about 2 hours later I had to read totally different prices from them up this morning, when normal membership was offered for 4.95 and the Replay option for 2.95. Now you want to charge 7.50 for the normal membership and 5.50 for the replay option. I cannot see any serious business-behaviour here !

As an online-member from the word GO I can remember the times when using the whole site was charged for (any paid for by me) but surely this takes treating your clients to a new level. Very disappointing!


Dear Ms Nack,

Thank you for your email.

For a few hours (from 6am to 10am on Wednesday) during the Members’ Club launch we experimented with a number of price offers in order to honestly and fairly assess the value our customers place on this new product.

We established the price for membership as soon as we were able and all those people who subscribed at a different price have been contacted by Racing Post Customer Services and any overpayment was immediately refunded.

If you had taken up a price offer for your membership which was more than the decided upon fee we automatically reduced it and if you benefited from a price offer which was less than the final fee users were entitled to remain at that promotional rate for a year.

The offers were made at random so obviously some fortunate people will have benefited from an early promotional offer but all users will ultimately pay the same price.

Kind regards,

Ben Walton

Racing Post Customer Services

Shoot yourself in foot

Dear Team

I am very miffed to say the least about your launching of the Members Club today.

Checking out the offer this morning, I noted the costs involved etc. Deciding to join only about 2 hours later I had to read totally different prices from them up this morning, when normal membership was offered for 4.95 and the Replay option for 2.95. Now you want to charge 7.50 for the normal membership and 5.50 for the replay option. I cannot see any serious business-behaviour here !

As an online-member from the word GO I can remember the times when using the whole site was charged for (any paid for by me) but surely this takes treating your clients to a new level. Very disappointing!


Dear Ms Nack,

Thank you for your email.

For a few hours (from 6am to 10am on Wednesday) during the Members’ Club launch we experimented with a number of price offers in order to honestly and fairly assess the value our customers place on this new product.

We established the price for membership as soon as we were able and all those people who subscribed at a different price have been contacted by Racing Post Customer Services and any overpayment was immediately refunded.

If you had taken up a price offer for your membership which was more than the decided upon fee we automatically reduced it and if you benefited from a price offer which was less than the final fee users were entitled to remain at that promotional rate for a year.

The offers were made at random so obviously some fortunate people will have benefited from an early promotional offer but all users will ultimately pay the same price.

Kind regards,

Ben Walton

Racing Post Customer Services

A classic case of the Racing Post shooting themselves in the foot again,
how on earth do they think that sort of thing can do anting but put people off them. TRUST goes out the window.
Dear Warbler and Andy

The Red Arrows to draw attention, what's extreme about that? Just trying to make a point.

The next step would be a couple of FA/22 Raptors with fully armed warheads - nothing is too extreme for a redhead on the warpath!
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That's a new market strategy for you, spinning off random prices and see which one catches the most fish.

Don't know about the phrase 'ultimately pay the same price' should have read 'the same ultimate price'.

Here comes Redhead,
The modern Boadicea -
I'd advise taking cover
If across the road you see 'er!

:lol: Love it!

Truthfully though, I'm generally very reserved and quite placid for my colouring. The one to look out for is Redhead II - bright red hair (lots of it) and a fearsome right cross! On a windy day she would be easily mistaken for Boadicea (Boudicca, if Desert Orchid's reading this).
Dear Warbler and Andy

The Red Arrows to draw attention, what's extreme about that? Just trying to make a point.

The next step would be a couple of FA/22 Raptors with fully armed warheads - nothing is too extreme for a redhead on the warpath!

I know it just amused me. :D It conjured up the most lovely and silly image in my mind.
Most outsiders looking to get into racing will probally try the cheap websites to learn the basics then surely be lured by the indepth vast supperior service of the RP?

It is a good move and adding brand value imo, probally one of the best business moves they have made and I am sure the profits will show this.
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IS, if I read his posts correctly, EC1's main worry seems to be that, as quite a lot of people already view racing as elitist and only for the rich, charging for basic information is putting racing further beyond the reach of someone with a passing interest that might have grown had the information been more accessible.
I don't think I have ever read a post where I've disagreed with every word before..thats a first IS :p

I am surprised you see it in such glowing terms tbh

there are so many things chipping away at horse racing thesedays imo..this is definately one of them