Racing Post Charge

I think you're right, Suny. We've got used to getting all that information for free, so the thought of being charged for it now is annoying.

I would be prepared to pay a fair price for online access to racecards and the database, purely for speed and convenience, although if the price were too high I would revert to the old-fashioned methods.
Nad Al Sheba Thursday declarations still not up. Come on lads, hardly got loads to do today have you?!
I cedrtainly wouldn't pay for racecards, you can get those on lots of other sites, some more clearly laid out too. If they do put in a charge for things like looking up a horse's past career then I shall have to pay it as I need it for work as well as for punting, so I hope they don't. I wouldn't pay it just for their 'betting info' though - ie things like spotlights and tipsters. I think they are sure to put in a charge for the 'Members' Club' sections soon, otherwise why bother making the differentiation?
The place is a goldmine Pricewise (bar last week) and I like to spot the early value. My Indy interests me though

If I am to pay for it, I want a vast improvement on the service such as personal ratings been visible in the cards, times for races being up in the results tab for cards on the day they are run, not the following day and foreign cards/results to be handled better.
The place is a goldmine Pricewise (bar last week) and I like to spot the early value. My Indy interests me though

If I am to pay for it, I want a vast improvement on the service such as personal ratings been visible in the cards, times for races being up in the results tab for cards on the day they are run, not the following day and foreign cards/results to be handled better.

My Indy it is so Gamla..Will be on the case for Thursday if/when the decs finally appear:cool:
Turns out the race was on dirt, not sure where I read it was on turf! Luckily I noticed in time, ain't going to get rich backing those kind of animals though!
The worst thing is that they don't have some kind of low-bandwidth fallback they can switch to when it all goes tits up in the busiest week of the year.
Yep down.... but how predictable, if there was one serious odds on shot his week, it owuld have to be that the RP website wouldn't be able to cope
Has anyone worked out how to search results by race name or keyword yet? I used to do this a lot.
Why isn't there someone editing the ridiculous comments made by members under each story

This comment was below the Denman being ready for Aintree story

I wouldn't take a price on Denman till the draw's been announced if I were you.

11:01pm - 25 Mar 09
More cutting analysis

Would love to see Exotic Dancer win it. I dont think Paul Nichols likes him very much. Always puts Kauto or Nuptunes up against him. And when Exotic Dancer finds a Kauto free race.... Nichols goes and drops Denman in there. C'MON THE DANCER! haha

02:22pm - 27 Mar 09