
Destroying evidence and arresting people who complain Clive is symptomatic of corruption and it has to come from the top.

It's either a management team that has become a political tool
or.. it's a weak team that has allowed the officers to make their own rules up, but thta normally results in the pursuit of right wing agendas

It would of course be consistent with Cameron's jihadist agenda whereby he discredits the police then uses the big society as the enveloping policy to empower local communities to set up their own militias. The more successful ones would then be freed up to run neighbourhoods in special measures and need of improvement, ultimately they could become employers and take over the work programme
I actually can't believe some of what I've seen you post on this thread, Warbler.

What's next? It was the Torys rather than than Dan Ackroyd, that invoked the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man in 'Ghostbusters'?

The only 'temporal' issue here, is the apparent problem with your lobes.
Destroying evidence and arresting people who complain Clive is symptomatic of corruption and it has to come from the top.

It's either a management team that has become a political tool
or.. it's a weak team that has allowed the officers to make their own rules up, but thta normally results in the pursuit of right wing agendas

It would of course be consistent with Cameron's jihadist agenda whereby he discredits the police then uses the big society as the enveloping policy to empower local communities to set up their own militias. The more successful ones would then be freed up to run neighbourhoods in special measures and need of improvement, ultimately they could become employers and take over the work programme

Bloody hell
Sections Labour Party should be ashamed. Shunning this fine MP for years. For that they should remain unelectable

And this scumbag. Now we see the attitude of the far left in action.

When Keighley's problem was out in the open, she claimed to have talked about the issue with Ken Livingstone, then mayor of London, at City Hall. According to Cryer, "Ken was convinced I had got it all wrong. He was so politically correct, he was off this planet at that time, was Ken."
Livingstone said that he had no recollection of that meeting, but that "if she said there was a meeting she clearly wouldn't be lying … I'd say then what I would say now, which is that paedophilia is clearly fairly prevalent in every culture and faith, depressingly much more than we thought. The idea that Islam would be exempt from paedophilia is rubbish."
The last quote says a lot but from City Hall he could be so sure that of what was happening on the streets of west yorkshire?

No. Simply blind left wing bigotry. This clearly illustrates why 1400 rape cases were ignored

You can bet that if it had been the streets of Golders Green, Barnet or Hendon or white working class Dagenham the cnt would have been all over it
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When the law is broken, what has it got to do with who is in control of the council?

Prosecuting criminals is nothing to do with the politics..and everything to do with the police.

We have already worked out the council are wan* why are you harping on about it?

at what point are you going to balance this up and criticise the police who are more accountable than the council that they have condoned and assisted serious criminals ..and arresting criminals just happens to be why they are have failed 100% in carrying out their duties..council have failed 100% in theirs...we know why in every post are you criticising one 100% and other..who's actual job it was 0%

you aren't biased are you?

or do you think the police have done their job really well?
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I have criticised the police but they are under pressure from politicians

Dont you think its sinister that the far left automatically dismiss the claims and abuses simply because the accused come from a certain community?

It is outrageous to say the very very least.
i think its a complete disgrace...and hopefully everyone concerned..most of them in Rotherham will be pay for what they haven't done here. I hope Labour don't see power for 20 years because of it as well. I hate everything they have stood for since Blair came in and would never vote for them again after being a lifelong Labour supporter before that.

But what worries me is that corrupt policeman are still going to have their jobs and that is wrong.

You are preaching to converted..i doubt any right minded person will condone whats happened here..if they do then it will be ..what? 10 diehards who vote labour next local and general election..and any others daft enough to vote for them...because if Labour think they can get over this then they are seriously out of touch.

The ordinary working man is shagged now for who to vote for isn't he?..he has no representation..hasn't had for many you can see UKIP really picking up votes just because of this disgrace. I'd rather not vote than vote UKIP..and i'd rather have vote took off me than vote labour
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Apologies if it's been mentioned [I've been away] but I was apalled to hear an interview on the radio the other day with a girl who had kept evidence of her abuse, gave it to the police and then received a phone call a couple of days later to say 'they'd lost it'.
You have summed it up perfectly. A big swathe of labour does not represent white working class and in fact has absolute contempt for that section of community.

As i said before, the tories could really go to town on this in the election. Really play dirty and frankly why not?

Many will turn to UKIP who i could never ever vote for myself, but who could blame them?

Mind you once they vote UKIP, Joyce Thacker will have them identified as being racist and denied the right to foster children.
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Apologies if it's been mentioned [I've been away] but I was apalled to hear an interview on the radio the other day with a girl who had kept evidence of her abuse, gave it to the police and then received a phone call a couple of days later to say 'they'd lost it'.

No it hasnt been mentioned

And these people are STILL in their jobs
You have summed it up perfectly. A big swathe of labour does not represent white working class and in fact has absolute contempt for that section of community.

As i said before, the tories could really go to town on this in the election. Really play dirty and frankly why not?

Many will turn to UKIP who i could never ever vote for myself, but who could blame them?

Mind you once they vote UKIP, Joyce Thacker will have them identified as being racist and denied the right to foster children.

Our political system is becoming similar to America's in that since Blair there is very little to choose between the main parties.

It's wholly corrupt and self serving, the real power in the country is with the corporate interests that fund both parties.
And ...... ?

Union funding is transparent and disclosed, it's actually voted on too

Who funds the Tories ?

They've had some highly dubious donors in the past (and present) who have funded anti democratic campaigns and fascist groups haven't they John Major? But he still took the money.

You aren't seriosuly suggetsing for one second are you that corporations who fund the conservatives (for much more than labour gets from the unions incidentally) don't expect to get influence and access in the policy making machinary in return are you? The whole thing is very, very, murky as Euro says, and I think we willd rift to the US model where corporations have to hedge and fund both parties to buy their influence
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Since when do they "get more than labour" . I'm not up to date on the rules but given that the unions used to have a big vote in the leadership that is complete nonsense. Tescos don't vote in the Tory leader
Conseravtive donations are about double what the Trade Unions provides

And you're quite right, the unions (members) do VOTE for the leadership, whereas the Tories just allow high profile media magnates to install their own personal choice as shadow home secretary when the incumbent falls out with the same host at a dinner party because they won't follow Rebekah's view on immigration.

So she whistles up the Whitney poodle rides around the Oxfordshire countryside with him, explains who should be the home secretary and he agrees. Very democratic is that Clive
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Since when have cabinet appointments been voted on anyway?

Don't understand the point at all. So what if it's more (and is it?) it's the proportion that counts and the direct influence. Unions have a RIGHT to dictate in the Labour Party. Corporations don't in the Tory party. Some fairly irrelevant tittle tattle proves nothing
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Trade Union input in the Labour is much more transparent then corporations influence in the Conservatives
Looks like it's all going to kick off again. The report is due and rumoured to absolutely hammer the councillors and police in their endorsement of sexual abuse.
Management culture needs putting in the dock. Questions of how unwritten 'rules' that were never adopted in the first place somehow are allowed to find their way into accepted orthodoxy (even if they don't exist) and why people on good salaries and packages seek to defend that position by hiding in self regarding multi disciplinary partnerships that very often do little else than talk and stall and move along on slow incremnetal nudges at the slowest speed they can get away with. Basically the people in position to 'do something' also possess the greatest incentive not to do so
Well that's a load of local authority management speak but I sorts get what you are saying. Frankly it would be put in blunter terms.

The report is out and it's a killer. The council will now be stripper of powers in the same manner as bent tower hamlets council.

but there must now be thoughts of civil actions against Joyce Thacker and others to claim compensation. They need to be ruined.

The Tories should exploit his now reminding white working class voters that the guardian reading class (Denis mcshanes words) despise you (which they do) but in truth it's ukip that will immediately benefit. Especially given the council spent thousands of piunds and huge resources to prevent a ukip couple adopting a kid whilst simultaneously ignoring child rape. talk about a gift. As the report also says the local Pakistani population have also by default been badly let down too.
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I'd be more concerned with why our police force have let us down..i expect poiliticals to be useless but the not the police..10 officers facing charges isn't there?

When an 11 year old is told that if she consented to sex then what did she expect the police to do about it a bit scarey imo..especially when the same police force..given very little to go on have themselves filmed raiding a "star's" home...makes you think that getting high profile people that makes headlines is the priority rather than locking up real scumbags..operation yewtree has made police forces jealous imo..they want the limelight too...well they have the limelight now
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Well that's a load of local authority management speak but I sorts get what you are saying. Frankly it would be put in blunter terms.

The report is out and it's a killer. The council will now be stripper of powers in the same manner as bent tower hamlets council.

but there must now be thoughts of civil actions against Joyce Thacker and others to claim compensation. They need to be ruined.

The Tories should exploit his now reminding white working class voters that the guardian reading class (Denis mcshanes words) despise you (which they do) but in truth it's ukip that will immediately benefit. Especially given the council spent thousands of piunds and huge resources to prevent a ukip couple adopting a kid whilst simultaneously ignoring child rape. talk about a gift. As the report also says the local Pakistani population have also by default been badly let down too.

It's not LA speak as such, (in fairness you realise that) it's shite management. Pure and simply.

I'm prepared to throw it open to those of you who work in local authorities (forget Clive dancing on it) I'll promise you, deep down he takes no pleasure in this. How many of you have seen examples of self serving partnerships that you can't question? and I'll also add Clive, the folk who've spoken (in some instances - not always admittedly) have been trade unionists.

For me there was a very telling statment made by Pickles today (I stand to be corrected verbatin) but he said something to the effect of "the conscious of the goverrment can't swee this under carpet" - just dwell on that
I notice Ofsted has not been mentioned on any news item..they should bear some resposibility in all this too..they gave Rotherham a clean bill of health whilst all this was going off

no point having someone check up if they can't spot this sort of me full of people with fluffy overpaid jobs that serve no purpose in its current form
This isn't ofsted ec. I'm sure of that.

this isn't just bad management. It is "misplaced political correctness" . That is the reports words.

Councillors and the police covered up because the rapists were Muslims. They would almost certainly not have done so if they were white British. That is the basis of this. No question.
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