Scoop 6 - 22nd November

Anyone any idea due to this "Know You Customer" business why I can place bets, withdraw money etc. but can't post on the forum?
Will Peter be colluding with the other scoop 6 winners or going it alone for you boys (and girls)?


Mind you, the Scoop6 co-ordinator did ring Mounty and, on answering, said, 'hello, Peter?' (I'm sure he won't mind me letting on about that since he posted it himself on TRF yesterday)
That's more like what it would be now were I to be joining up, yes. Possibly Stolichnaya instead, or maybe Wyborowa....
They now on RUK have a interview with Naughton (no sound at work thank god).

Caption under name says:-

'New Scoop six millionaire tomorrow??'

Apparently (so I'm told by a friend who watched it), Naughton finally admitted that he was simply lucky to have a mutual friend with Andrew Mount. About time too.
He apparently came clean, thanked Mounty, said it was all down to him. About time really too - mind you Channel 4 and the Nanny Goat were fully aware of the real situation already so he had to really!
Taken from RP article online now :

Racing UK presenter and Raceform Update contributor Peter Naughton and Update colleague Andrew Mount are part of another syndicate who will pool their efforts to secure the prize by trying to pickthe winner of the Hennessy Gold Cup.

Sorry Martin, but that's not really enough. I can't imagine Mounty will be at all happy with that - firstly they mention Naughton first and secondly they make it seem that either they are in it together or someone else runs it. It's also making out that both Mounty and Naughton will be trying to pick the winner - Naughton will have eff all involvement in it, not even his opinions will be asked! :confused:
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Don't disagree with you but prior to this nobody had mentioned Mounty (probably because he seems far too modest etc.). You know how the RP are with stats on these things too mind - they see a link and jump to a conclusion. I'm sure they'd be happy to adjust the story if requested.
Yes, at least he is getting some credit. To see this numpty Naughton receiving any credit/plaudits/publicity over it at all is making my blood boil though. It's not even as though he's a syndicate regular.